TESTING & WELCOME BOARD > Test & welcome board

Helpful Tips **New users read please**


This is a list of tips for when you are on charas or any RPG maker website, as well as in RPG Maker itself.

1: Do not make a long preview for your game. It typically gives too much, and people dislike having a lot of the game ruined for them.

2: Sure, cursing in a game is like Final Fantasy and other RPGs, try to censor what you can. It's not too hard to replace the f-word with f***, or $^@!.

3: Get well known around here. Don't make tons of requests when you have only 1 post. Get your post count up, get to know some of the charas members, and then make an easy request.

4: Keep your requests simple. Nobody is going to work on multiple battlecharacter sets in succession.

5: Be kind to other users. 'Nuff said.

6: Learn how to use features in the game before asking dumb questions like "How can you rename your game?"

7: Use paragraphs. It's a strain on peoples' eyes to read 5000 words construed together in mindless dribble.

8: Try to avoid RTP resources, but if you can't, don't worry.

9: To those who bitch about RTP, shut up. If they have RTP, big deal! Just mention it, don't make a whole paragraph stating that RTP sucks. Explain why RTP isn't always good, but don't drag on.

There may be more tips, but these are some general ones that tick me off when people don't listen to them.


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