
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Charas Wiki Discussion => Topic started by: WarxePB on March 05, 2007, 10:41:40 PM

Title: The CharasVerse
Post by: WarxePB on March 05, 2007, 10:41:40 PM
All of us at Charas use (or used) RPG Maker. The allure of a game maker is total freedom - instead of enjoying a story from a commercial game, you can make your own story up. Of course, RPG Maker isn't the most friendly tool to make games with - it can take months or even years to create your vision of a perfect RPG (Though, considering it takes the same amount of time for a professional team of programmers and artists to do the same, it's quite impressive).

Even if we don't use RPG Maker anymore, we still have our ideas - what I call "mythos". A mythos (it's both singular and plural) is your collection of ideas - unique characters, locations, items and histories. Of course, "your" is the key word there - no two mythos are the same, as everyone has their own idea of the perfect fantasy world. A mythos may be as developed as our own world, or simply barebones-enough to host a single game, book or movie plot, but one is no better than the other - again, because opinions differ, and opinions can never be quantitatively measured.

Generally, in the RPG Maker community, a mythos is generally developed by one person. In some cases, there may be a group working on it, and in rare cases, the entire community might contribute a part (as was the point of the Community Contest). What do you think has the greatest potential for originality and unique ideas?

For example, let's say that two people work for about three months, and create a mythos that is fairly detailed (for comparison, we'll say about the same scope as the LotR series and its backstory). What do you think ten people of the same skill could accomplish in three months?

This is the concept behind the CharasVerse. We all have great ideas, but together, we can create even better ideas. The setup for this universe is similar to the concepts of a Multiverse - there are an infinite number of parallel universes that each contain the mythos of  one person (for example, the Iseo System, my mythos, exists in a different universe than, say, SaiKar's Control of Destiny mythos, but they are still in the same cosmic framework). Look up multiverses on Wikipedia ( for more info.
"Now, what difference does this make? If my mythos and Saikar's are in totally different universes, then they can't affect each other, right?"
That depends on what you want. In comics, for example, interuniversal travel is not only possible, it happens on a regular basis. So, if you want your mythos to crossover with someone else's, you can. And that forms the basis of the CharasVerse - you can use ideas from other people, but they can use your ideas too. The way I see it, keeping ideas to yourself will eventually result in stagnation - there's only so much information that a single human can think of. But by borrowing ideas from another person, you can completely reimagine parts of your mythos. And besides, only the most lazy, uncreative person will just take one person's mythos, copy it word for word, then change the characters or plot names - and even if they did, they wouldn't get much respect anyways.

So, that's my idea. I'm posting it in the Wiki forum because it's the only medium I can conceive of that would work for this kind of thing, but I won't go ahead with it unless people agree with me. I've already addressed the use of other people's ideas - it's sharing, not stealing - but if you have any other concerns, go ahead and post them. If we manage to get this thing working, think of the massive potential that could come of it.
Post by: Osmose on March 05, 2007, 10:53:02 PM
I wanted Moose to be good for cameos and thus based his entire backstory on inter-reality travel (Turns out black mages make great power reactors for these kinds of ships :D).

Yay multiverse!
Post by: Rayonius on March 05, 2007, 11:08:02 PM
It resonates with ultimate anti-iconoclastisism. Hatching innovative epic sagas will indubitably emerge as uncomplicated as embezzling confectionery sweets from newborns
Post by: ZeroKirbyX on March 06, 2007, 02:46:00 AM
So... we'll put our own mythos in the wiki or what?
Post by: WarxePB on March 06, 2007, 03:13:57 AM
That's the idea. Make your own category for "Mythos of ZKX" or something, and add all of the ideas you want to add in. Alternatively, make your own wiki (EditThis is free) and just link to it through your profile.
Post by: Ben on March 06, 2007, 04:42:13 AM
So, Its a "Make yo Game-iverse" into a Wiki Page?

Im down.
Post by: GaryCXJk on March 06, 2007, 06:01:55 PM
I could add the Charas Movie Mythos, with all the concept ideas for the movie, and what was actually added in Charas Breakout (DX), and maybe even what might be if I actually manage to create the Charas movie.
Post by: WarxePB on March 07, 2007, 02:12:12 AM
That was the original scope of the project, Gary. Your fictional bios in CBDX inspired me to make a fictional Charas universe, but I realized that each member of Charas uses an avatar from their own mythos, so it would make sense to put those in as well. It's a large project, and it can never be conceivably finished, but I think it'll be worth it.
Post by: SaiKar on March 07, 2007, 04:16:17 AM
I stole Osmose's format and wrote up    an article ( for Sai'Kar. Is this sort of what you were thinking of?
Post by: WarxePB on March 07, 2007, 04:26:59 AM
Yeah, but on a far larger scope - a history of Micras, more information on the CoD team, important artifacts, etc. I'm completely aware that it would take a lot of time to do that, but you can always link your Solarial wiki through your profile.
Post by: Fortet on March 08, 2007, 12:30:48 PM
I like the idea.
I'll post my main mythos later today., which nobody but me really knows about. :/