
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: WarxePB on August 01, 2006, 02:12:52 AM

Title: Ghosts and such
Post by: WarxePB on August 01, 2006, 02:12:52 AM
This is a pretty overused topic, but I don't think we've had one in a while, so I'll pose the question to you: Do you believe in ghosts? Why/not? What do you think is behind them? Let's hear your theories.

As usual, regular debate rules apply.
Post by: DragonBlaze on August 01, 2006, 02:22:31 AM
Well I kinda believe in ghosts. I don't think they're sprits or anything, but I do think they're there.

Ok, heres my theory, time travels in a helix pattern. Sometimes differant parts of the time span get close to eachother at certain spots, when this happens, virtual images of the past become visable. I don't believe these 'visions' can interact with any present day objects or anything like that. And it kinda makes sence, most ghost stories involve people from the past doing things that they usually did, so maybe thats what we're seeing.

Meh, I'm not going to try and argue if I'm right or not cuz I don't have anything to back my ideas up :p
Title: I believe in ghosts...
Post by: aboutasoandthis on August 01, 2006, 02:47:56 AM
...because I actually saw one. I have a ghost story to back what I say up.

One day, I was playing with my little brother when I saw a man in my house. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt, a dark red tie, khakis, and dress shoes.

I sent my little brother out of the house, I searched the house, then I called the police. I'm chicken so I ended up going to my next door neighbors house.

After all the ruckus settled down and I was out of trouble with the police, I was talking to my friend Ashley. Her mom was our landlord and we would always go outside and talk.

I told her about the man I saw. She turned white. She told me the man was her father. He died in the house I was living in.

At first I thought it was a joke. She told her mom. Then her mom told me and my mother together that Ashley's father really DID die in that house. He was on his way to a job interview (Hence the dressy clothes) when his blood pressure shot up and he died. I managed to describe his clothing before I heard the story.

Nomatter what anyone says here, I will always believe in ghosts.
Post by: Apex on August 01, 2006, 03:31:39 AM
Originally posted by aboutasoandthis
...because I actually saw one. I have a ghost story to back what I say up.

One day, I was playing with my little brother when I saw a man in my house. He was wearing a light blue button up shirt, a dark red tie, khakis, and dress shoes.

I sent my little brother out of the house, I searched the house, then I called the police. I'm chicken so I ended up going to my next door neighbors house.

After all the ruckus settled down and I was out of trouble with the police, I was talking to my friend Ashley. Her mom was our landlord and we would always go outside and talk.

I told her about the man I saw. She turned white. She told me the man was her father. He died in the house I was living in.

At first I thought it was a joke. She told her mom. Then her mom told me and my mother together that Ashley's father really DID die in that house. He was on his way to a job interview (Hence the dressy clothes) when his blood pressure shot up and he died. I managed to describe his clothing before I heard the story.

Nomatter what anyone says here, I will always believe in ghosts.


Nah, I don't believe in ghosts... It helps me sleep at night...
Post by: Revolution911 on August 01, 2006, 03:37:41 AM
Yes. I believe in ghosts because I dont feel like all the emotions built up in a person simply dissapear when they die. Especially if its kind of a horrible death.  So....yep.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 01, 2006, 04:07:23 AM
Rev, the only reason you believe in ghosts is because you looked in the mirror and saw how white you are.
Post by: charaman on August 01, 2006, 04:28:51 AM
Yep. I live with one. I don't want to get into specifics, its personal, but... yep.

My girlfriend is more knowledgeable than I about this stuff, but she says it has to do with "planes" and stuff I don't really claim to be an expert in, but I'm gonna go along the lines with what rev said. The energy in one's emotion needs to go somewhere when they die, and it is personified in their will.
Post by: MrMister on August 01, 2006, 04:41:38 AM
I've told this story before..
My friend Darryl, on his 8th birthday, kept asking his dad to come inside and stop working on his car and enjoy the birthday party. His dad didn't come in all day. When he blew out the candles, he wished his dad would die. The next day, he walked in on his dad laying dead on the living room floor. It was diabetes or something. Ever since really spooky stuff happened in that house. Random white flashes, faces appearing on walls..
Post by: Razor on August 01, 2006, 04:55:27 AM
I remember that story.
Wishing sucks.

Also, I am a believer.
But I have not ever had one freaking experience EVER!!11one.
This sucks. I want to see one. ;_;
Post by: Drace on August 01, 2006, 08:55:06 AM
I sometimes sit behind the computer like now and see something move in the corner of my eye and when I turn around my head, it looks like something just moved away really quick and it isn't there anymore.

I like to hope there are ghosts, but that's because I'd like there to be something after life. Either reincarnation or being a ghost. Or 74 virgens, that's great too. ALLAH!!! *BOOM*
Post by: Gary on August 01, 2006, 11:34:53 AM
Originally posted by Drace
I sometimes sit behind the computer like now and see something move in the corner of my eye and when I turn around my head, it looks like something just moved away really quick and it isn't there anymore.

I like to hope there are ghosts, but that's because I'd like there to be something after life. Either reincarnation or being a ghost. Or 74 virgens, that's great too. ALLAH!!! *BOOM*

ALLAH!!!!!!!!!!! YAKI YAKI!!!!!!!!! *blows head off* OMG! 74 VIRGINS?! NO!!!!! 74 VIRGINIANS!!!!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay I'm bored now. And  I believe in ghost myself. Simply because the blasted thing won't stop pokin my shoulder. -_- *punches ghost*
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 01, 2006, 12:43:47 PM
I don't know. I believe it's possible.
Post by: Cosmos on August 01, 2006, 01:18:41 PM
I believe in them. I don't know why, I just do.. but then again I believe in that life after death crap..which has me wondering.. If there is a life after death, do you have a choice? Between returning to earth filled with material items..or staying on a field where no material exists..?

I don't believe in that white noise crap tho, I's just retarded to me. The only interesting thing that happened to me was walking into my mother's room *completely pitch black* and seeing a white candle flicking in the center. One blink and it was gone, I was like O.o for a good hour.
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 01, 2006, 01:27:10 PM
I do. About 4 years ago in my old mans house there was one. The first time I saw her, I was staying in my dads bed, and I saw a shadow moving across the kitchen floor because a door to the kitchen is in that bedroom. Well, I was hearing footsteps and seeing shadows and called my dad thinking it was him, but I heard him coming down through the other hallway from my bros room. Freaked out, I glanced down the hall, then into the kitchen and it was gone. My old man said hed had her shae the bed and knock stuff over. Had to get an exorsist.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 01, 2006, 02:27:06 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
Rev, the only reason you believe in ghosts is because you looked in the mirror and saw how white you are.

You know...I'm Rican.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 01, 2006, 02:40:42 PM
The pictures you post in the Photo thread are so low quality, I can't really tell, but I'll believe you.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 01, 2006, 02:44:23 PM
Webcams fault, not mine. >>

EDIT: Sorry, offtopic, continue.
Post by: Glitch on August 01, 2006, 03:56:15 PM
I kinda believe in ghosts, but not in the same way that most people do. I figure there are spirits in the world, good and bad (angels and devils, whatever you want to call them) And I figure they do hang around, and for whatever reason, they do occasionally show themselves.

Now the way I see it, the ghost you're seeing is not a ghost of whoever they look like. It is a spirit that appears like that person, for whatever reason, perhaps to instill fear, or to give closure.

I can't really prove my theory, but I do think it makes sense. For instance, a good spirit or angel might appear to someone as their loved one, helping that person gain closure. Or a not so good spirit or demon would appear to give that person fear. When you're terrified you begin to question things, and when you see a ghost, you begin to believe a number of new things about the afterlife.

Well, that's my 2 cents. I have no idea if it's correct.
Post by: Cosmos on August 01, 2006, 04:12:35 PM
I want a demon.. :dry:

Off-topic: Rev..your sig is horrid. That cat should be kicked.
Post by: SaiKar on August 01, 2006, 04:14:21 PM
I don't believe in ghosts at all.

Many of these so-called ghost stories are either a) slightly strange things happening that people can't explain (lights flickering? Yeah, that has nothing to do with bad wiring. Must be the ghosts) or people that are very tired / confused / stressed / drunk / otherwise not at their best seeing something totally normal but being weired out by it.

Lots of people WANT to believe in ghosts because it's something in real life that no one has an answer for yet. People enjoy thinking there are vast strange unexplored parts of our world out there that they have seen a small glimpse of. Most people aren't beyond slightly exaggering what they really saw to make a better story, or just making up the vast majority of it out of nothing.
Post by: WarxePB on August 01, 2006, 04:22:35 PM
Wow, everyone here seems to believe. That's boring. Let's hear some naysayers! :p (that was before I saw Sai's post)

Anyways, I'm not really sure what to think, but I have several theories. The one that is most prevalent in my mind is that the remains of dead people (spirit, soul, whatever you want to call it) stay here on Earth, but are normally unable to interact with the physical world. But the remains are made of some sort of energy, so when parts of these come into contact with sources of other types of energy (electricity, for example), they absorb it and become able to manipulate matter, talk to humans, and generally interact with our world. This is a bit more scientific, as it supposedly gets colder when a ghost enters the room (they're absorbing the energy in the air atoms), and that ghots are drawn to electrical devices. Of course, like all ghost theories, it's pseudoscience at best, since we can't really test it.
Post by: MrMister on August 01, 2006, 04:23:28 PM
Just because I'm always drunk doesn't take away the credibility of my ghostitude.
Post by: Cosmos on August 01, 2006, 04:23:58 PM
No way Harv, you're so whack.  :jest:
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 01, 2006, 04:28:08 PM
True Sai, and the same applies to most ufo sightings. However, there are many like me that never want to call something a ghost for fear of confusion. But when odd things occur, I do beliebe in them. Have you ever heard the reports of ectoplasm? Strange gelatinous, unidentifiable substances which come from seemingly nowhere? Or areas in the middle of a street where the temperature is DRASTICALLY lower than around it? Or of injuries obtained in sleep with makings unidentifiable by anything near or on the victim, including fingernalis and teeth? Have you head the story of the woman who kept seeing a house in a dream in England, then she came to America, saw that house, and when a butler answered the door he **** himself because she was the ghost he had seen for months. Its things like those that I believe in ghosts.
Post by: Cosmos on August 01, 2006, 04:35:16 PM
Being as people are known to lie, or exaggerate as Harvey said it can make it a bit hard to believe in ghosts. I guess it's from self experience that would make a person believe. _ghost_
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 01, 2006, 04:41:41 PM
You two may as well go and say "People lie, hence, nothing is true about anything" if thats your answer.
Post by: Razor on August 01, 2006, 07:48:22 PM
Originally posted by Midnight
I don't believe in that white noise crap tho

What is this?
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 01, 2006, 07:53:17 PM
I don't believe in ghosts.

I believe in demons posing as persons, for I have, e, been through it freakishly.

I have seen the interior of a house shake incontrollibly while I was outside (saw i thru an open door) . And no it wasnt an eartquake.

I don't think the human spirit stays after one passes away. We would be overrun by ghosts by now since countless of people have died since this earth begun to spin.
Post by: Shady Ultima on August 01, 2006, 08:58:44 PM
^ that's why I believe in reincarnation.

I believe in ghosts. I believe that they are all the emotions of the dead, as has been said previously. They have conciousness though, and are basically a 2nd life. When a woman is impregnated, a random ghost enters her body and joins with the embryo, becoming the child. That's just how I see it.

I had a 'sorta' ghost story. One time I woke up, and was laying in my bed, and SOMETHING touched me on the back of the head. I looked around. There was no one in my room, and nothing fell. I think it may have been my best friend, who had passed away a few weeks ago, he was playing tricks, which he kinda always did in life.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 02, 2006, 01:20:56 AM
Originally posted by Midnight
I want a demon.. :dry:

Off-topic: Rev..your sig is horrid. That cat should be kicked.

Offtopicplzforgive: Go ahead, try it, punk.

I hope I see a ghost one day. sometimes **** moves in the corner of my eye but thats nothing.
Post by: Cosmos on August 02, 2006, 01:32:42 AM
Originally posted by Razor
Originally posted by Midnight
I don't believe in that white noise crap tho

What is this?

White noise... basically people have claimed to hear their loved ones through radios or other electronic devices. It comes out all staticie and such. I dunno, I think it's bull.. Electronics are too easy to mess around with. A tape recorder and a candy wrapper can do magic.  :dry:
Post by: charaman on August 02, 2006, 01:46:30 AM
yeah evp is bullshit, I agree.
Post by: Darkfox on August 02, 2006, 01:51:40 AM
I have my own theory. You've heard it Warxe O_o
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 02, 2006, 03:48:39 AM
Agree with Shady. Ghosts probably only exist for a while, before they go to an afterlife or get reincarnated. Strange thing is, why do some ghosts stay on Earth longer than others? Maybe they have...unfinished buisiness. Ah ha hnya! AH! HAAAAA.....haaaa! [-insert lightning and thunder here-] Oh, and Shady, it could have just been a fly that poked you. Or a negative artery brake, like when you touch something scalding, it's freezing for the fist 8th of a second or so.
Post by: Tomi on August 02, 2006, 07:42:30 PM
Originally posted by Darkfox
I have my own theory. You've heard it Warxe O_o

Well not everyone else has.  Do tell.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 02, 2006, 08:53:58 PM
I don't believe in Ghosts. Any ghost-like happenings are just imagination and coinendence.

Believing in Ghosts is like believing Clairaudients on TV are real.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 02, 2006, 10:49:51 PM
Well, Meiscool...Why don'cha just go out at midnight and smash a tombstone in a graveyard? That'll teach you.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 02, 2006, 10:53:53 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Well, Meiscool...Why don'cha just go out at midnight and smash a tombstone in a graveyard? That'll teach you.

I've done that, we (some other vandals and I) got kicked out for destroying private property. Though we werent really destroying things, but you know just jumping on them.

Why at midnight though? as if the dead had an alarm clock that went off at the Zero hour. I mean if there were really to be ghosts, dun you think they would show up to people according to the time they showed to people when they were alive?

"OMG i died, and I ma ghost. Gonna spook ppl at 12 am now lolz"

If ghosts were real and I were to be one i would spook ppl at day time, when they least expect it.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 02, 2006, 11:05:31 PM
Well, I say midnight, because that's when it gets really dark. I mean, where I live, 7:30 PM is sunny. And seeing a ghost when it's broad daylight, well, that's not that scary.(In the context that my statement had been applied, it was simply to mock Meiscool, trying to argue with his statement.Like I 'actually' wanted him to do that.)
Post by: Shady Ultima on August 02, 2006, 11:06:32 PM
I think that the midnight is a staple to ghost myths because at midnight the day changes, and so there is an opening in the time seam. Or something like that
Post by: Archem on August 02, 2006, 11:07:26 PM
I believe in ghosts. I've seen more than my fair share of them. My story is the one I remember most clearly, the rest are a bit blurry.
A long time ago, when I was still little (I'd say mebe 6), I was sleeping in the master bedroom of my gran's house (which is now the house I live in) with my mom. My grandpa died about a year before, so his stuff was still all over the place. We were sleeping in what was his bed (my gran had moved herself into her own room since then), and at about 2 in the morning, I got up to use the bathroom. Right after I got up out of bed, I saw a light moving along the wall. It was about the size of a flashlight's beam, leading me to believe that someone had broken into our house. After a while, I shook my mom awake and told her that I thought someone was in the house. We checked it, but nobody was there. She told me that I had prob'ly just dreamed it, then woke up, but I know better! For the next several years, I was afraid of that room, and I would keep clear unless it was daytime, the door was open, and/or someone else was in there with me.
I once heard an interesting theory about how ghosts must exist due to something... can't remember it too well...
Post by: Weregnome on August 02, 2006, 11:28:10 PM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Well, Meiscool...Why don'cha just go out at midnight and smash a tombstone in a graveyard? That'll teach you.

I've done that, we (some other vandals and I) got kicked out for destroying private property. Though we werent really destroying things, but you know just jumping on them.B]

If you have seriously destroyed gravestones, then you, my good sir, are a total fuckhead. You DON'T destroy gravestones.

1) It disrespects the dead.
2) Think of the faimly. They pay rent to keep a gravestone of their family, so that generations could know who they were, and those you still remembered them could tell stories of em to the younger generations.

How would you feel if someone did that to your family?

Anywho. I've only ever had one siting of ghosts... and maybe even been 'possessed'. My mate has a house that is haunted by a ghost. Its a good one, by what he can tell at least. I didn't believe it, but it made a whole lot of sense to some of his house mysteries. One time, is mum and step dad went out to a party, and wouldn't be back to round 2am. All the doors for the front and back door were locked, and all the lights and doors in the house were off. My m8 and me were playing the sony in his room, with the light on. We both decided we were hungry and went to go to the kitchen. All the doors were open and lights were on. The front and back door were still locked.

The possessed part (occured different night) I don't believe is my body being taken over, just a part of myself was awoken. I've stayed up 50 hours and beyond before, but that night something horrifying nearly occured: I'm almost killed my friend. I spent a while talking to a voice in my head, which in most part, wasn't my miond responding back. Eventually the voice and myself got into a herated argument in the kitchen. I blank out. Next thing I know I'm above my m8s bed with a long sharp kitchen knife, just about to plung it into his throat. I put it donwn and almost go mental in horror. I went to bed, just trying not to think about it.
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 01:04:13 AM
Originally posted by Weregnome
If you have seriously destroyed gravestones, then you, my good sir, are a total fuckhead. You DON'T destroy gravestones.

Weregnome, cut it out. That was a long time ago, he grew up (somewhat) and learned from that. Whether you disagree or not is no reason to disrespect him. Please don't do it again. Also, they didn't destroy anything. He said they jumped them, as in over them.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 01:13:50 AM
woah lol

i was like 11 or so lol didnt know any better and yeah i jumped them once in a while but nothin like chip pieces off or something. perhaps leave dirt spots behind but thats all. sides, i agree with you fully, since what you say it true..

for the time thingy at 12, it cant be cuz the world doesnt hold 1 time but me no no
Post by: Tomi on August 03, 2006, 01:16:55 AM
Regardless, it's a matter of respect.  If it was a long time ago, and he learned from it, then that is great.  By Weregnome saying this, it might help discourage other people from doing it just to be "rebelious."
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 01:18:04 AM
Don't they say Midnight is like the time between night and day? It would make sense if they use it as the ghosts walk the plains if you think of it that way. Because ghost are in the middle, since they have no where to go. They're dead and yet alive.. *muses at the thought* I love the idea of that.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 01:26:57 AM
midnight is j00! =P

ok, but midnight in what timezone tho? :P what avout daylight savings? xD do ghosts revert their clocks too? thats what i mean here to thing about midnight. if ghosts were to exist i dun think their only be waiting *specially* for the zero hour.

also if ghosts were to exists, i doubt they gain IQ once dying, cause a lot ghost stories and rreports show how clever ghosts are but then they tell about their lives and find out they are mental cases
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 01:33:38 AM
Lol, true. But I think people made it up so it would be scarier. It was good for horror movies back in the day, but not so much anymore. More then likely ghosts prolly travel whenever, and the light prolly makes them invisible or something. Hmm..*muses*
Post by: Big_Duke on August 03, 2006, 01:34:23 AM
Originally posted by Shady Ultima
^ that's why I believe in reincarnation.

I believe in ghosts. I believe that they are all the emotions of the dead, as has been said previously. They have conciousness though, and are basically a 2nd life. When a woman is impregnated, a random ghost enters her body and joins with the embryo, becoming the child. That's just how I see it.

I had a 'sorta' ghost story. One time I woke up, and was laying in my bed, and SOMETHING touched me on the back of the head. I looked around. There was no one in my room, and nothing fell. I think it may have been my best friend, who had passed away a few weeks ago, he was playing tricks, which he kinda always did in life.

Your pillow?

I'm a believer, no odd experience though, but sometimes I have unimportant vision in my sleep, just like little things, like somebody saying a sentence, during my dreams I enter my unconsious realm, maybe like a waffle flies in the air, or like a ninja sits down to drink some tea, usually small things are my dreams.

Nothing much, I've seen T. A. P. S. on Ghost Hunters, though
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 01:51:07 AM
Originally posted by Midnight
Lol, true. But I think people made it up so it would be scarier. It was good for horror movies back in the day, but not so much anymore. More then likely ghosts prolly travel whenever, and the light prolly makes them invisible or something. Hmm..*muses*

Well think about light for a second, light makes everything visible. The invisible suits they are coming up in the uk are made with some kind of stuff that makes light go around the object(meaning making it invisible)

This would mean that if ghosts are made invisible with lights they would have to be made of some gaseous liquidish material.

We can all agree that if ghosts were to exist, they would be spirutial beings right? THough I dont believe spirits can be seen by the naked eye, i am willing to "muse" over this.

what can it be that makes ghost do the reverse when exposed to light? Darkness. What else dissapears (if not completely) when exposed to light? So if indeed ghosts were to exist they would either be have to be composed of material unknown to everybody, or not be seen in the first place by the naked eye.

lol naked eye
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 02:31:55 AM
Lol, yeah but I was thinking...if they're transparent..wouldn't they become invisible?  :jest:
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 02:34:39 AM
It could work like instead of darkness be light.

Some lights cannot be seen in... well light.

You might be right, but trnasparacy(obvious typo that i am too lazy to change yet not lazy enough to type this) can pretty much be invisible.. or is it the other way around? o.o

Post by: EXO Muffin on August 03, 2006, 03:31:37 AM
Weregnome, would you please tell us what it said?(If you can remember.) Also, on the subject on horror movies: Blood=OVERUSED! The human body only has 4 pints of blood in it. Horror movies make them have around 2-5 gallons! Oh, also...I don't think this counts as possession, but one time I was napping, and then my dream blacked out and I saw weird demons fighting over who had greater power. Only, they were numbers. When I woke up I had a headache and was congested.
Post by: Drace on August 03, 2006, 04:10:00 AM
Think about the possibilities of being a ghost. Going to Mid's house and hmmhmm, watching her (un)dress. Or showers, oh yeah. MID! I WANNA DIE AND SEE YOU NAKUD!!!


j/k with ya before someone else did.
Post by: Razor on August 03, 2006, 04:51:41 AM
Just a thought: Noon is when the sun is directly above you, so it's when the sun is closest to your location.

Midnight is 12 hours later, when the sun is the furthest away. Though not quite the middle of the night (well maybe, depending on your locale) it still has the darkness. I doubt it has anything to do with timeslips or what have you.

And Weregnome, I agree wholeheartedly.
Luckily though, I think KJ said he didn't do it.
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 11:48:17 AM
*strangles Drace* Damned prev.

Well when something's transparent..can't you almost see it? For example, when you're in the rm2k3 and you click transparent on one of your sprites. It's still there, just alittle faded.
Post by: Weregnome on August 03, 2006, 12:07:08 PM
Originally posted by Midnight
Originally posted by Weregnome
If you have seriously destroyed gravestones, then you, my good sir, are a total fuckhead. You DON'T destroy gravestones.

Weregnome, cut it out. That was a long time ago, he grew up (somewhat) and learned from that. Whether you disagree or not is no reason to disrespect him. Please don't do it again. Also, they didn't destroy anything. He said they jumped them, as in over them.

Yes I apologise for my response. I also apologise to KJ for the accusation. That subject is just a touchy one with me.
Post by: Weregnome on August 03, 2006, 12:29:17 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Weregnome, would you please tell us what it said?(If you can remember.) Also, on the subject on horror movies: Blood=OVERUSED! The human body only has 4 pints of blood in it. Horror movies make them have around 2-5 gallons! Oh, also...I don't think this counts as possession, but one time I was napping, and then my dream blacked out and I saw weird demons fighting over who had greater power. Only, they were numbers. When I woke up I had a headache and was congested.

*Sorry for double posting just I couldn't edit my post for a strange reason*

Well, by what I remember,  it was a nromal conversation. He made a very awful remark about my friend and also wanted me to hit him, and I argued back. Then everything shut down.

Btw, do you think it is possible for a ghost/spirit to enter dreams? All my nightmares consist of the same man killing me.
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 02:26:52 PM
That is a scary thought..o.o I've only had two night terrors.. One I dreamt a mouse was crawling on me and trying to tear at my neck, the other one (on the same night I saw the candle) I saw some kind of black spider web.. but it looked weird, it was made out of yarn or something. I actually got up screaming and running around thinking it really happened for a good while, xD.

You know they say dreams can tell you a piece of the future..or past. Think that's possible?
Post by: Shady Ultima on August 03, 2006, 06:11:33 PM
My scariest nightmare?

I was really depressed and jokingly said that I'd sell my soul to the devil for happiness.

That night, I dreamt that I was in a large stone cavern, with a lot of fire, and a man in a black cloak stood in front of me

I woke up, and the whole room felt... wrong. I put on a cross and slept the rest of the night.

Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 06:51:09 PM
Originally posted by Midnight

You know they say dreams can tell you a piece of the future..or past. Think that's possible?

I do.

Absolutly. Deja vuu? it happens.  What scientist speculate to such phenomenon (sp)  is that you brain recalls something and twistes it, and when your are awake and days (week, months, years w/e) later you think "I've seen this before (or soemthing like it)" your brain supposedly adjusts that memory of that dream to what you are saying.

I however do not agree to it 100%.

Is there psychics? I am touchy with this. If someone was to ask me straight ahead i would say, yes. But, if there was, what dont you see them winning the lottery? Because the psychics you are thinking about are the ones that are phoney.

I have read, or been told that the FBI at times go to some "spiritual guided individuals" who have been given clues by spiritual beings Ghosts? no, not specially.

If by ghosts you mean spiritual beings then yeah i agree with you, but if you say ghosts are dead people, then no.

Going back to the dream topic, you can dream and/or have nightmares about your past, but that more explicable. Your brain already holds that information. But the future? how is it possible to dream of something you havent yet experienced?

I believe dreaming is at times beyond our minds. Deja vuu is enough proof. Dun care what scientists think or have tested on. I still now adays ind myself smacking myself when I realize that I lived a moment before it had happened thru my dreams.

Premonitions =X I have them. yes.

Ghosts, no =D

Dreams being able to predict future, Yes :D

Ghost possesion, no.
Demon possesion.. i've seen them. not pretty, so yes.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 03, 2006, 07:00:28 PM
I wanna die so I can be Midnight's Guardian Angel.

Drace -  :bee_wtf:
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 07:05:00 PM
lol you an angel? you have better chances becoming a president in the year 2035 (eep wrong year) xD
Post by: Cosmos on August 03, 2006, 07:14:48 PM
Meis..I don't like females.. :dry:

I have read, or been told that the FBI at times go to some "spiritual guided individuals" who have been given clues by spiritual beings Ghosts? no, not specially.

Yes they have a show on this, it's called Medium. It's based of someone's life. She speaks to the dead and helps cops solve their murders and so on. I really need to start watching it again :S

Wouldn't ghosts and demons be considered the same at some point?
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 07:22:04 PM
Well thats exactly what I consider ghosts to be. Demons. I do not by any means mean that I believe when people die they are turned into demons, no.

To what I know and believe demons can take forms to either: hide, fool, or posses. So following that string of thought demons would take forms of a "ghost" of a person that has died to fool people. At the same time, and I am not knowledgeable of this, but merely making a theory, is that demons do know stuff about people, and they use that knowledge to fool with people.

For fun? Hmm.. do not know if I would call it fun, more like, to keep them engaged away from the truth.

Of course that last part is all speculation from things i've known thru my life, so nobody get on me case about  :p
Post by: Razor on August 03, 2006, 07:39:37 PM
Slightly offtopic:
Medium is a good show. In the second to last episode of the second season, they had Kelsey Grammer play the part of the Angel of Death.
It was lol.
Post by: oooog on August 03, 2006, 08:01:16 PM
I don't believe in ghosts.  I believe ghosts are nothing more than a  set of common coincidences mixed with paranoia.  Most images that show ghosts are either false, or a mere coincidence that the surrounding atmosphere happened to create an image of a ghost.  Ghosts are typically found in the dark, because thats when people are most paranoid, so they let themselves, and sometimes MAKE themselves believe they've seen a ghost.  Daytime or other occurances are also just a set of coincidences, usually near a really paranoid person.

This is what I believe.


Clearly fake.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 08:20:11 PM
That's like, photoshop fake dude lol
Post by: oooog on August 03, 2006, 08:29:54 PM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
That's like, photoshop fake dude lol

Exactly, point made.  I can get another ghost picture if you all want and prove why it's wrong.

1.)  I find it very odd that the ghost is dead center in the photo.
2.)  It looks rather inconsistant to me.
3.)  I could probably easily photoshop something to make it very similar to that one.
4.)  You would think there would be a mild blur on the picture since it's a motorcycle.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 03, 2006, 08:34:45 PM
LOL that like a transparency job xD

Dude pull out some other photos, some that arent as easy to say they are fake :P
Post by: Razor on August 03, 2006, 08:35:59 PM
Ghosts aren't meant to look that obvious, these shots are terrible.
Post by: oooog on August 03, 2006, 09:33:08 PM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
LOL that like a transparency job xD

Dude pull out some other photos, some that arent as easy to say they are fake :P

I would if I could find any.  These obviously fake photos are proving my point.  You try to find a convincing one, I can't find any.
Post by: Weregnome on August 03, 2006, 11:51:04 PM
Originally posted by oooog
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
LOL that like a transparency job xD

Dude pull out some other photos, some that arent as easy to say they are fake :P

I would if I could find any.  These obviously fake photos are proving my point.  You try to find a convincing one, I can't find any.

 Ghost Photo (

that image there is proof of a real ghost shot. I've seen the photo in real life. it isn't her fingers, there is no camera strap on the camera. It clearly looks like the head of a horse, you may disagree, but thats what i can see.

As KJ said, if dreams are visions of our possible future, then that must mean that i am either strangled, choked to death, thrown from a cliff or drowned by this one guy.The scary thing is I can describe him to you. He is a very tall brutish man. bald, has thick eyebrows and palish skin with a strong jaw for someone with a small face. He wears alot of denim (jacket and pants), a black top and massive mofo boots.

How does deja vuu work for an instance which seems very present? Isn't deja vuu referring to stuff you have seen in the past?
Post by: Grandy on August 04, 2006, 12:06:52 AM
 No I don't.

 For no reason, really, but I can't bring myself into believing.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 04, 2006, 01:04:30 AM
Originally posted by Weregnome
Originally posted by oooog
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
LOL that like a transparency job xD

Dude pull out some other photos, some that arent as easy to say they are fake :P

I would if I could find any.  These obviously fake photos are proving my point.  You try to find a convincing one, I can't find any.

 Ghost Photo

that image there is proof of a real ghost shot. I've seen the photo in real life. it isn't her fingers, there is no camera strap on the camera. It clearly looks like the head of a horse, you may disagree, but thats what i can see.

As KJ said, if dreams are visions of our possible future, then that must mean that i am either strangled, choked to death, thrown from a cliff or drowned by this one guy.The scary thing is I can describe him to you. He is a very tall brutish man. bald, has thick eyebrows and palish skin with a strong jaw for someone with a small face. He wears alot of denim (jacket and pants), a black top and massive mofo boots.

How does deja vuu work for an instance which seems very present? Isn't deja vuu referring to stuff you have seen in the past?

Or seen before. Dreams can recreate AND create images, that you may think you have experinced later on.

As for the ghost pic.

Sorry dude, but all I see it either a lot of fog and sand or a really gone-bad sepia shot =

Side's animal ghosts for me are even less credible. I am not disregarding your photo, hey if thats proof for you, then its proof
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 04, 2006, 01:08:01 AM
Originally posted by Weregnome

It's on DevArt! What more can it do to scream: "I was drawn with some computer program" !?!?!?!?
Post by: oooog on August 04, 2006, 12:48:44 PM
Sand in the air.  Mere coincidence mixed with paranoia.
Post by: Weregnome on August 04, 2006, 01:11:51 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
Originally posted by Weregnome

It's on DevArt! What more can it do to scream: "I was drawn with some computer program" !?!?!?!?[/B]

I did say I've seen the actual photo, like held it.
Post by: oooog on August 04, 2006, 05:58:33 PM
Even so, it's a mixture of sand and gullibility.  I've held a photo of someones backyard where there was fog and it looked like a grave with a tombstone, and a man on a horse above it.  It's just a mere coincidence.  It's like looking at clouds and saying "There's a horse, and there's a tree."  Only difference between that and the ghosts is that you're looking at things such as fog, shadows, and in this case, sand.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 04, 2006, 06:52:27 PM
Hey guys, there's a ghost in this picture. You all see it, right?

Post by: Drace on August 04, 2006, 07:01:35 PM
That tree on the front right, something's in the middle... A HELLBEAST!!!
Post by: Robotam Plus on August 04, 2006, 07:59:42 PM
I've got something interesting.
Ghost footage on film: &pl=true
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 04, 2006, 08:13:30 PM
And of course, Night Vision was on, even though they clearly had enough light _sweat_
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 04, 2006, 11:33:32 PM
Of course ghosts can alter dreams! And also, good ghost sighting. My question is: why is that ghost spherical light, when others are transparent humanoid goo? Maybe it's a baby ghost.(One that's recently died.) I've seen some baby ghosts on Ghost Hunters, only they were smaller.

On the subject of dreams, sometimes, I feel real pain in my dreams. Like in one last night, I was attempting to get to a treasure with my friends, but we had to go near a snake-shaped giant garden maze. We did, and it ate me. I then woke up in an Egyptian temple, and I need to feed the dog. So I give it dog food, and it growls. Then it turns  into two evil dogs and they tear my right ear off. It actually hurt.
Post by: oooog on August 05, 2006, 12:35:21 AM
Fake.  That was staged.  Etc.

There was another member of the group in on it, and he waited for the people to look away, than he appeared.  And, of course, the night vision mixed with the flashlight produced that image of a ghost.

And EXO, you only believed it hurt.  I did that all the time in my perpetual tumbling down stairs dream.
Title: What about Will-O-Wisps?
Post by: aboutasoandthis on August 05, 2006, 12:53:14 AM
Don't swamps and marshes naturally make lights from gases? Do people still consider them as ghosts?
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 05, 2006, 03:13:30 AM

If you thought the ghost was in one of those red circles, you are greatly mistaken.
Post by: Drace on August 05, 2006, 06:35:06 AM
 This one entertained me for a whole 2 minutes. (

Seriously, I larfed at the stupidity.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 05, 2006, 08:28:36 AM
Er, was a fake ghost supposed to be there, or was there nothing at all? All I saw was some guy with a camera spinning around in front of a refridgerator. Now, I see stupidity in it, but in an insane way. Maybe the guy just has some mental dissorder. Now THAT's creepy.

To Oooog, huh...Maybe it hurt because the TV was on, and some guy was hurt. Yeah, that's probably it.

To Meiscool, hmm...eek! I just noticed the twig behind the right-most front tree looks like a skeletonial leg. Also, where IS the ghost in the picture?
Post by: Razor on August 05, 2006, 11:13:05 AM
I think it might just be a picture sans ghost, lol.
Post by: Robotam Plus on August 05, 2006, 11:15:20 AM
A video of a ghost catched on a security cam in london. Watch the cam on the left, that's where I spoted it.
Post by: Drace on August 05, 2006, 01:39:44 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Er, was a fake ghost supposed to be there, or was there nothing at all? All I saw was some guy with a camera spinning around in front of a refridgerator. Now, I see stupidity in it, but in an insane way. Maybe the guy just has some mental dissorder. Now THAT's creepy.

To Oooog, huh...Maybe it hurt because the TV was on, and some guy was hurt. Yeah, that's probably it.

To Meiscool, hmm...eek! I just noticed the twig behind the right-most front tree looks like a skeletonial leg. Also, where IS the ghost in the picture?

If you look real hard, you can see an actual little girl standing there, hard to see though. But I just know it's fake.
Post by: coasterkrazy on August 05, 2006, 01:58:28 PM
Originally posted by Robotam Plus
A video of a ghost catched on a security cam in london. Watch the cam on the left, that's where I spoted it.


Well, anyone I believe in ghosts. I don't really have any extreme stories, but family members and people I'm close to do, and they're very detailed.

I've had experiences, but they're more of just "presence" experiences. Not like a light or something moving around.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 05, 2006, 02:24:56 PM
Originally posted by Drace
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Er, was a fake ghost supposed to be there, or was there nothing at all? All I saw was some guy with a camera spinning around in front of a refridgerator. Now, I see stupidity in it, but in an insane way. Maybe the guy just has some mental dissorder. Now THAT's creepy.

To Oooog, huh...Maybe it hurt because the TV was on, and some guy was hurt. Yeah, that's probably it.

To Meiscool, hmm...eek! I just noticed the twig behind the right-most front tree looks like a skeletonial leg. Also, where IS the ghost in the picture?

If you look real hard, you can see an actual little girl standing there, hard to see though. But I just know it's fake.

Drace is correct.

In the general blue area, you'll notice the outline of a person. It's hard to see in that one, so look at the same place in the one below.

As you can see, this is clearly proof that ghosts exsist, or all people interested in ghosts suck with photoshop.
Post by: coasterkrazy on August 05, 2006, 02:31:48 PM
I still don't see it. :|

EDIT: Ok, unless it's supposed to be that skull image, which isn't a little girl to me. Reminds me of the Murder She Wrote books... what? My mom reads them.

EDIT 2: Wait I think I see it... wearing a veil or has long hair and a robe or something... or one of those nun caps...
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 05, 2006, 03:01:50 PM
Originally posted by coasterkrazy
EDIT 2: Wait I think I see it... wearing a veil or has long hair and a robe or something... or one of those nun caps...

Post by: Drace on August 05, 2006, 05:46:54 PM
To MIC: You do know I was talking about that movie I linked, do you?
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 05, 2006, 07:11:33 PM
Originally posted by Drace
To MIC: You do know I was talking about that movie I linked, do you?

Actually, no....
Post by: elementalhero76 on August 06, 2006, 01:01:09 AM
Originally posted by Midnight
That is a scary thought..o.o I've only had two night terrors.. One I dreamt a mouse was crawling on me and trying to tear at my neck, the other one (on the same night I saw the candle) I saw some kind of black spider web.. but it looked weird, it was made out of yarn or something. I actually got up screaming and running around thinking it really happened for a good while, xD.

You know they say dreams can tell you a piece of the future..or past. Think that's possible?

I once had adream about  a run down place and some time later me and my parents passed by it going dowmn the street in our family car.
Post by: Weregnome on August 06, 2006, 03:23:16 AM
Originally posted by Robotam Plus
A video of a ghost catched on a security cam in london. Watch the cam on the left, that's where I spoted it.

rofl. thats hell funny

ooog: If its fake, then why did i wake up from a strangling dream to not being able to breathe? Its felt like i actually had hands around my throat.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 06, 2006, 07:05:16 AM
Hey, Meiscool, I see the ghost now. It looks awfully blobby to me. It looks like someone could have just used soft light or something in Photoshop to make it. I don't see any facial features(or anything humanoid, at that), though.

Something funny: How are Japanese people supposed to use an Oujia(sp?) board? They don't use Latin symbols.

Also, vampires aren't unholy; they're just misunderstood. Vampires are people with diseases, that make them pale(out of sickness), not like light, and lose blood(they need to drink it) gradually. They're real people! :vampire:
Post by: Cosmos on August 06, 2006, 09:53:40 PM
I don't see anything.  :dry:
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 06, 2006, 09:56:30 PM
Me neither, maybe  is one of those things you ahve to be on acid to see o.O
Post by: Cosmos on August 06, 2006, 10:12:20 PM
XD! Prolly.
Post by: Cornhusker1225 on August 07, 2006, 01:56:36 AM

rofl. thats hell funny

ooog: If its fake, then why did i wake up from a strangling dream to not being able to breathe? Its felt like i actually had hands around my throat.[/B]

It's a sleeping condition called Sleep Paralysis.  I've got the same problem only it's not strangling dreams for me.  I'd look it up if I were you.

(Also the older you get the less frequent it happens, so you might wanna age a bit)

Nontheless I do believe in Ghosts.  Had a couple of mishaps at the Stanley (better known as The Shining) Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado.  They didnt terrify me, but they were awesome.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 07, 2006, 02:39:59 AM
Originally posted by Cornhusker1225

rofl. thats hell funny

ooog: If its fake, then why did i wake up from a strangling dream to not being able to breathe? Its felt like i actually had hands around my throat.

It's a sleeping condition called Sleep Paralysis.  I've got the same problem only it's not strangling dreams for me.  I'd look it up if I were you.

(Also the older you get the less frequent it happens, so you might wanna age a bit)

Nontheless I do believe in Ghosts.  Had a couple of mishaps at the Stanley (better known as The Shining) Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado.  They didnt terrify me, but they were awesome.[/B]

I call them dream locks.

You cant force yourself to wakeup (well you can but its a battle)

You are awake in your sleep, that happens to me all too often and I dont like, AT ALL.

Why? your mind it still on sleep mode, but you are awake, you start seeing and hearing things, you cant move or say a word.. Just feel comprosed.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 07, 2006, 03:37:51 AM
To all of you that believe in ghosts: Boo
Post by: Drace on August 07, 2006, 05:41:58 AM
Corn, KM, you're both wrong.
It was... FREDDY KRUEGER!!!!
Never sleep again! He'll kill you the next time!!! BOO!!!!
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 07, 2006, 07:31:34 AM
Okay, Mid, look where Meiscool is circling. Look at the ground there. It's slightly lighter, and forms to stubs that could be feet. then work your way up and you'll see the blob of a ghost.
Post by: Cosmos on August 07, 2006, 04:20:29 PM
Speaking of dreams..My mom woke me up and said brittney spears was in a car accident and died.. I woke up later and thought it was a dream... Boy was I mad when I found out half of that was true.

As for the pic, erm..nah I dun feel like looking for something that's not there.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 07, 2006, 05:32:24 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Okay, Mid, look where Meiscool is circling. Look at the ground there. It's slightly lighter, and forms to stubs that could be feet. then work your way up and you'll see the blob of a ghost.

I see no abnormality on the picture.

Knowing meiscool, he wass prolly making u  believe this stuff.

Cause I see nothing other than a bunch of forky tress and leaves that need raking.

"Boo I am a ghost and i like trees and random shots of me! 8D"

Not gonna happen
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 07, 2006, 07:03:29 PM
Yay! Although there is something photoshoped into that picture at less then %5 opt, you all just proved my point:

Ghost proof via photos is homosexual.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 07, 2006, 07:07:17 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
Yay! Although there is something photoshoped into that picture at less then %5 opt, you all just proved my point:

Ghost proof via photos is homosexual.

So you photoshoped a homosexual person onto the photograph?

Homosexual ghosts. Good one, Meiscool.
Post by: Razor on August 07, 2006, 08:13:20 PM
Well I'm sure when Liberache died he didn't suddenly revert to heterosexuality.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 07, 2006, 08:21:19 PM
I thought ghosts weren't supposed to have a specified sex, but only represent waht they looked like when they died.

They aren't living anymore, they dont have organs, they dont have genes, they dont have dna. As far as I am concern if ghosts were even to exist, all they could do is roam mindlessly.

edit: actually now that i remember i saw something on tv once about ghosts being orbs.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 07, 2006, 10:26:27 PM
I remember seeing something about people that are employed to catch ghosts. They had a really catchy theme too.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 07, 2006, 10:28:00 PM
Yes! I knew it. I thought the ghost was fake because it looked to blobby. And when I say, "blobby," I mean, like, soft light circular brush .36 Opacity=50% or something.

Yes, go on. Go and say that I didn't think of that until it was verified. I don't really mind it. And don't think I'm trying reverse-psychology.

Also, Meiscool, why'd you change your avatar and signature to Advent Children? People will think you're a n00b, because I've seen a lot of n00bs do that.

And Kijuki, I think you should have used, "sexual orientation," because they were talking about how the 'ghost' was gay; not if it was a male/female. I do agree with you, though. Ghosts don't technically have genders, because they don't have the organs for it.

And a bit OFF-TOPIC: Why do zombies in movies hunger for human flesh? Why can't they just eat vegetables, or a cat or something?
Title: To answere the zombie question...
Post by: aboutasoandthis on August 07, 2006, 11:12:14 PM
...I don't know. It changes with the move. Usually, any movie with  dead in the title will have human-only eating zombies. Anything else will have zombies that eat everything. I think it's just nutrition. They need hot, bloody meat and most animals are too fast catch. I don't watch that many zombie movies.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 07, 2006, 11:22:01 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Also, Meiscool, why'd you change your avatar and signature to Advent Children? People will think you're a n00b, because I've seen a lot of n00bs do that.

Go ahead, think I'm a n00b. I dare you :p

I made the ava and sig. I'm a photoshop novice, and I made these. I take pride in the sig, where as the ava took less then a few seconds.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 07, 2006, 11:58:25 PM
Eeew to you. I've seen enough ff7 ac avas/sigs in my life.
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 09:54:36 AM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Why do zombies in movies hunger for human flesh? Why can't they just eat vegetables, or a cat or something?

Cause they want to feel human again. Zombies lost whatever warmth they felt, and the only way to feel it again is through human flesh. Some chick answered this question in a movie once, I forgot the name of it tho. She was complaining about feeling empty, and the need for human flesh to feel again or some crap. *Shrugs*
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 04:40:45 PM
Originally posted by Midnight
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Why do zombies in movies hunger for human flesh? Why can't they just eat vegetables, or a cat or something?

Cause they want to feel human again. Zombies lost whatever warmth they felt, and the only way to feel it again is through human flesh. Some chick answered this question in a movie once, I forgot the name of it tho. She was complaining about feeling empty, and the need for human flesh to feel again or some crap. *Shrugs*

o,O srry but thats cheesy xD any flesh is warm <.< excepy the coldblodded things. zombies are supposed to be coldblodded
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 04:47:28 PM
Must you insist on the CHEESE thing. *shanks* and I said I got it from a movie,  :p  Would eating a dog make you feel.....erm nevermind. <.<
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 04:51:21 PM
Originally posted by Midnight
Must you insist on the CHEESE thing. *shanks* and I said I got it from a movie,  :p  Would eating a dog make you feel.....erm nevermind. <.<

I know i wasnt calling you cheesey i was directing to whereever you heard it from, but i said sorry cause i didnt want to get shanked but i was so anyway xD

>.> You can ask a lot of asian easterns that live over there  for that feeling 8D Cause the thought makes me woozy o.o

what about dog zombies? =x

*goes more offtopic*
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 04:53:39 PM
Hehehe. RE had them, and it's not going off topic. It's called ghost and such for a reason.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 04:59:52 PM
zombies fall in "such"?

but i dun believe in ghost, way less in zombies o.O

But as for a zombification virus, i think its quite possible; think about it something like a rabies that takes over completely the human mind and doesnt let one think correctly it would be more like a cannibal virus, cause i dont think any virus can bring you to life and make you start eating things.
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 05:07:18 PM
Could that be were the idea of zombies came from? xD
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 05:09:58 PM
Could be XD as far as I am concerned the Tvirus and the virus in the ".... of the dead" movies were both having to do with some kind of rabies virus that got insenly modified =P

OMG i think thats why dogs rule o.O rabies *gives ppl rabies*
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 05:17:43 PM
Settle down, you foul dog. Next topic, what about magic? Think it's real?
Post by: Drace on August 08, 2006, 05:23:01 PM
Zombies just want to have hug! That's why they go after humans and not animals! Animals can't hug!

*Hugs Mid*
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 05:23:11 PM
In some type of way, yes.
But none of the "whee peter pan, believe and you'll fly!!" magic.

However the kind of magic I do believe in is the kind of magic that it will only effect you if you are not strong minded. Such as voodooism. I do believe it exists (to its dark point), however I dont believe it can be used toward anyone, but only those who do not have strong mind and well hearts. I also would say not children, for innocence is both; a strong mind and a weak one.

Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 05:29:10 PM
*kicks drace in the nuts* STOP TOUCHING ME!

You've seen that movie skeleton key, righ? Well, the only reason why the vodo magic worked on girl was because she believed in it. I noticed alot of people, specially spanish ppl and black ppl from the south believe in stuff close enough to this. I wonder if any of it works..
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 08, 2006, 05:37:13 PM
Originally posted by Midnight
*kicks drace in the nuts* STOP TOUCHING ME!

You've seen that movie skeleton key, righ? Well, the only reason why the vodo magic worked on girl was because she believed in it. I noticed alot of people, specially spanish ppl and black ppl from the south believe in stuff close enough to this. I wonder if any of it works..

Yes because of the backgrounds.

Spanish people come from a lot of ancient tribes  that used to do a lot of rites to heal, or curse. Same with african decendants. Some of which still exist today.

As for the skeleton key theory. Its something like that, her disbelief (or "innocense") on magic kept her away from it. However I do believe you can still believe in that kind of magic without being affected/effected. The precense of truth sorta speak.

I never seen it work, and I really dont want to, but i do believe it does work toward those who are dumb and fool enough to be hurted by it.
Post by: Razor on August 08, 2006, 08:11:01 PM
Mid, the movie you are thinking about is Night of the Living Dead, that B-Grade horror movie from like the 70s where they nuke everyone in the end.

Anyway, I've got an PDF of a zombie guide which sets a lot of boundaries for zombies, tells you in great detail how to deal with an invasion etc etc, very interesting. Also illegal.

If anyone wants, message me on MSN, or failing that PM me.
Post by: Cosmos on August 08, 2006, 11:47:33 PM
The ending was aswome, and corny as hell at the same time. o.o
Post by: WarxePB on August 08, 2006, 11:57:09 PM
For the record, zombies do fall in the "and such" part of the thread. Same with any kind of non-natural phenomena. So yeah, discuss to your hearts' content.

As for magic? It's a pretty broad term. Heck, pretty much anything in this thread could be described as "magical".
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 09, 2006, 12:02:57 AM
Cheese is magical... <.<'

Ok, such defined as supernatural as well as phenomena.

Life on mars? tis true, they've discovered little bateria things =D
Post by: Drace on August 09, 2006, 06:16:03 AM
Mid is more magical than cheese! *hugs Mid again* Hah! This time I got groin protection!
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 10, 2006, 06:50:35 AM
Dad: Wait, son!

Kid:*runs back*What?

Dad:Use this cup.*hands him groin protector*

Kid:Hey, thanks, dad! *runs back*

[a few seconds later]

Kid:*runs back, again* Dad! Dad!

Dad: *looks back* What is it, son?

Kid: How do I drink from it?

[padum bum bum PSSSH!]

Oh, and how come there are demons in Resident Evil? I thought they were science zombies; not unholy zombies. Because they were just people who had, 'side effects,' from the T chemical. There's a word that's related to T-virus in French, that means,'death powder,' and an old fiction novel about a T-virus-like thing.
Post by: Drace on August 10, 2006, 11:54:58 AM
There are no demons in RE. The T-Virus mutates itself and thus greats stuff like Lickers.
Post by: Cosmos on August 10, 2006, 02:17:09 PM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
Oh, and how come there are demons in Resident Evil?

lmfao!! omg xD Zombies are zombies, doesn't matter how they became one. Omg.. and the only reason that was brought up was because it's actually the only movie that has animal zombies..well besides pet cemetery.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 10, 2006, 07:46:48 PM
pet cementary is gheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.

Horrid and most corny movie with very bad visual effects, even for its time. (THE MOVIE)
Post by: Big_Duke on August 13, 2006, 06:55:07 PM
If anybody is afraid of anything but ghosts:
Scared me.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 13, 2006, 07:34:48 PM
Originally posted by Big_Duke
If anybody is afraid of anything but ghosts:
Scared me.

Post by: Big_Duke on August 15, 2006, 07:51:52 PM
Did you even wait to 00:14?
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 15, 2006, 07:53:54 PM
I did. Not scary.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 15, 2006, 08:06:08 PM
It's the internet. It's impossible to be frightened from something off the internet.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 15, 2006, 08:41:09 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
It's the internet. It's impossible to be frightened from something off the internet.

lol you are so wrong. and I am not speaking for me, but the people i've counted :D
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 15, 2006, 09:11:52 PM
You just think you've scared people. They just pretended to be afraid to put an end to your mindless chatter.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 15, 2006, 11:49:53 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
You just think you've scared people. They just pretended to be afraid to put an end to your mindless chatter.

....ROFL. Almost as good as "Pussy." Anyway, 2 pwns in a row.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 16, 2006, 12:38:23 AM
Originally posted by Meiscool
You just think you've scared people. They just pretended to be afraid to put an end to your mindless chatter.

No no, believe me. I've scared them. people dont pee themselves just to pretend.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 16, 2006, 12:49:22 AM
What'd they do? Send you a picture? Or perhaps shorts that smell of feces? How do you know this oh Sir Isaac?

And, if the joke was good enough, I would piss my pants thousands of times just to make people laugh. Perhaps they might piss a little to from the funny?
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on August 16, 2006, 02:47:07 AM
Originally posted by Meiscool
What'd they do? Send you a picture? Or perhaps shorts that smell of feces? How do you know this oh Sir Isaac?

And, if the joke was good enough, I would **** my pants thousands of times just to make people laugh. Perhaps they might **** a little to from the funny?

Dude is called computer with internet access in the family room o.O stop being such a nerd and learn that the internet is not just used to send links to other ppl OVER the internet XD
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 16, 2006, 04:03:25 AM
But; in RE; how can the,"zombies," grow their arms and tongues and such? Law of material conservation;"liek j00 kant mak stuff from nutthin!!11!" So I'd find it logical for them to be demons or something; for demons aren't fully physical forms.
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 04:15:06 AM
Originally posted by EXO Muffin
But; in RE; how can the,"zombies," grow their arms and tongues and such? Law of material conservation;"liek j00 kant mak stuff from nutthin!!11!" So I'd find it logical for them to be demons or something; for demons aren't fully physical forms.

Who says the make something for nothing? Crabs regenerate limbs by using the energy of digested food. Is it possible that zombies store the flesh they devour within the zombie guts, using a virally quickened digestive system to quickly breakdown the flesh, covert it to energy, and convert that energy to growing new limbs? But then when you die, nails still grow. You're dead, where are they coming from? Break down of elemens. Many possible theorys abound.

The demons thing is as well a purly opinionated statement. If  a being was not fully physical, there wouldn't be anything of them. There is no such thing as 'partially physical'. Not fully physical= partially physical= non existant. Of course, if you stretched it partially physical could be used to describe a gas, but gasses can't react to a physical object they demons do in the old biblical stories. And there are no true demons except those in ancient stories, for video game demons and such were merely modified versions of the old ideas with skewerd facts, making them incorrect. Demons = full physical making your theory flawed.
Post by: EXO Muffin on August 16, 2006, 04:17:28 AM
I guess that makes; if they ate a raccoon, then they would have a raccoon-flesh arm or something. You deserve a muffin.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 16, 2006, 04:32:10 AM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
Originally posted by Meiscool
What'd they do? Send you a picture? Or perhaps shorts that smell of feces? How do you know this oh Sir Isaac?

And, if the joke was good enough, I would **** my pants thousands of times just to make people laugh. Perhaps they might **** a little to from the funny?

Dude is called computer with internet access in the family room o.O stop being such a nerd and learn that the internet is not just used to send links to other ppl OVER the internet XD

You know...we're all nerds.
We're on an RPG forum for christs sake.

...Nerds, UNITE!
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 04:41:15 AM
Thundernerd power! Go!
Post by: Shady Ultima on August 16, 2006, 05:23:45 AM
Man, Sandwich is Pwning Muffin a lot today

Damn, that makes me hungry
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 06:35:56 AM
Originally posted by Shady Ultima
Man, Sandwich is Pwning Muffin a lot today

O_o I have? Doesn't a pwn need to be during a long argument where one party just goes BAM! and the other guy loses? Its just been expressing of ideas. I'd love to have a serious argument again. But alas, those times have passed.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 16, 2006, 01:53:31 PM
Big-O sucks.
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 05:39:30 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
Big-O sucks.

You suck. Monkey balls. Yeah. Thats right.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 16, 2006, 05:40:56 PM
Let's seriously argue about the balls I suck.
Post by: Revolution911 on August 16, 2006, 07:10:21 PM
*Sniff sniff* You smell that? I smell something burning.
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 07:45:49 PM
****. My *** is on fire again. Is that the smell?
Post by: Revolution911 on August 16, 2006, 07:58:57 PM
Might want to get a..less black slice of bread.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 16, 2006, 09:14:39 PM
Originally posted by Revolution911
Might want to get a..less black slice of bread.

Is that a racist comment!?!?!?
Post by: Revolution911 on August 16, 2006, 10:00:53 PM
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 16, 2006, 10:11:07 PM
Then eat the peurto rican bread. But not the mexican bread. Eeeeewwwwwwwww. Maybe the norweigian bread. Possibly asian if you have wasabe.
Post by: Cosmos on August 16, 2006, 10:18:17 PM
It's Puerto rican.... E before the R always..
Post by: Revolution911 on August 16, 2006, 10:25:07 PM
I would know. But I never say the whole thing. I just say Rican. Cause saying "I'm Puerto Rican" doesent sounds the same.
Post by: Meiscool-2 on August 17, 2006, 01:47:15 AM
I know what you mean. Niggar is just a hell of a lot easier to say then African-American Person.
Post by: Big_Duke on August 17, 2006, 09:13:59 PM
Originally posted by Meiscool
I know what you mean. Niggar is just a hell of a lot easier to say then African-American Person.

Nigro, even though Niggar is Latin.

Big-O sucks except for act 14 Roger the wonderer, only episode I like.

Canada? Beer? YYAAYY!
Post by: I Have a Sandwich on August 17, 2006, 09:18:00 PM
Big O is one of those shows that most people don't like because, unlike most other animes, it's not filled with humor, and doesn't come out and give you the entire plot in 3 episodes.
Post by: Drace on August 18, 2006, 07:36:17 AM
Originally posted by I Have a Sandwich
Big O is one of those shows that most people don't like because, unlike most other animes, it's not filled with humor, and doesn't come out and give you the entire plot in 3 episodes.

So, basicly from what I understand is, it's a bit like Lost. Seeing as how many people say Lost sucks because it's too slow, it has too much character development, too many filler episodes (LIES), I recommend those people to watch 24 or any other fast movie, easy plot, show made for retarded idiots.