Game Creation > Completed Games and Demos

Microgame Contest Creations

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In the microgame contest 4 members challenged themselves with creating an entire game using only a single map in 3(4) weeks time.

Momeka - Crypt of the fungal lord
Prpl_Mage - Pretentious latin name.  (updated version)
Moosetropper11 - One map Game
Donut - Starr Mirror

Short reviews will be written in this thread, once all have been posted I will drown you in screenshots and download links!
PMs with your randomized game will be sent!

Questions to answer in your review:

Based on the name of the game and the title screen - how well did the game live up to your expectations?

What smart tricks was used by the author to cope with the limitations?

What were you most impressed by in the game?

Do you think the game would be better with access to more maps?



By Donut

This was a simple arcade style game with a nice graphical and musical identity.

BASED ON THE NAME/TITLE SCREEN: Similar to my expectations but maybe I thought there'd be slightly more complexity to it.
SMART TRICKS: Donut uses a point scoring system here to give the game an arcade feel which eliminates the need for multiple maps.
IMPRESSED BY: The choice of music, once again showing Donut's appreciation for piano and going well with the background.

Verdict: This is a compact little game, and works by itself, but being created in an hour it really shows that the finishing touches have not been made. In particular, since this is a score based game, I'd like to see my final score when the time runs out - at the moment you just get sent right to the title screen. Also the glitchy nature of it makes gameplay unpredictable, and the randomised lifespan of the stars means you often get frustrated by stars disappearing before you physically could have got to them.

I like the background music and feel, but feel like a second hour might have ironed out some of these issues ; )

Overall, solid effort!


Based on the name of the game and the title screen - how well did the game live up to your expectations?
Pretty much what I expected: a small dungeons filled with mushrooms, and some smart puzzles.

What smart tricks was used by the author to cope with the limitations?
I liked the idea of hiding part of the map and uncovering little by little the other parts: by doing so it does not seem like we are in just one room, which breaks the monotony of a single map.

What were you most impressed by in the game?
I'm always impressed by what Momeka manages to do with RM2003! The quality of the graphics and the little lively environment (like the mushrooms moving when you go through them); the complexity of the puzzles for a 2003 game. A work of art.

Do you think the game would be better with access to more maps?

I loved the ambiance: graphics are top notch, the music is of equal quality and adequation. The puzzles were rather simple except for one which is frustrating because there is no clue about what the actual code is and I was resumed to try every possible combination. Overall, I loved it, as always with Momeka's games.

Now to respond to Moose (if I'm allowed).
Final scoring: yes I thought about it afterwise, and was too lazy to return to the game and do it xD
Glitchy: The star is not glitchy. It spawns to a new location if 3 seconds have passed or you touched the previous spawn. I've tried different time limits and it seemed 3s was challenging enough without being too hard (2 was too short, 4 was too easy).
There's a bad glitch where the reflection is misplaced and I tried to fix the glitch with several ideas (the debugging didn't count either for the Jam actually). Even though I spend several hours to try to fix this problem, the glitch always appeared at some point, and seemingly at random. Probably the key input detection is not at the right place or there's a conflict with something else, but I could not find it :/ I'm sorry for this!

Notice that overall, I spent about 10h making the game (from opening RM2003 to the debugging) and an extra week thinking on paper about various ideas/algorithms/planning. The jam counts 1h from opening RM2003 to something playable and therefore does not count for debugging/testing/planning :) It's a very permissive jam xD 

Luceat Lux Vestra
By: Prpl_Mage

Based on the name of the game and the title screen - how well did the game live up to your expectations?
The title screen sets the expectations for the game right away, it features elements from the game as well
as hints to the world and the plot.
The game also has a Latin name that (after you google it) hints to the game theme. 

What smart tricks was used by the author to cope with the limitations?
The map is node based and you move between the nodes. Each node have two events that can occurs, the events are
text based and often features multiple choices to take. Making the one map crammed with content to explore.

What were you most impressed by in the game?
The interplay between all the system and the random events that can occur. Feels like you're playing a boardgame!

Do you think the game would be better with access to more maps?
The gameplay doesn't really need maps.

I really liked the game, Prpl! Also nice nod with putting all the Charas member in it.

Side note:
There is a bug when picking up new party members. If you decline them you get stuck in an infinite loop where it
continues to ask you to pick them up until you accept.


@Donut: Awesome, glad you like it. I've continued to work on it, probably have a final version out soon. Also the combination thing is on the floor of the first room. Should probably try to make that a bit more obvious.

I played Moose's game

Based on the name of the game and the title screen - how well did the game live up to your expectations?
The project folder was called "OneMapGame" and  it was indeed a one map game. It truly lived up to the expectations.

What smart tricks was used by the author to cope with the limitations?
The game is like Hometown Story and similar games where you run a shop and sell items to customers, therefore you only need the shop to be honest. The costumers come to you and the game features time/day/week system

What were you most impressed by in the game?
At face value it seemed like a simple thing, open shop, wait for customers and try to sell some overpriced items to them. But as you progress through your days you realize that there was way more effort put into it. As the weeks passes you unlock additional traders and items to fence, some dialogues hints towards how much people are willing to pay, what days they will show up and what items they are interested in. By the end of the third week I had a flowchart drawn out to help me remember everything.

Do you think the game would be better with access to more maps?
I guess more could be done to this concept, but at the same time it's solid as a shopkeeper game.

Sure, the graphics aren't flashy and such. But with limited time at hand it feels like Moose focused on the right thing - a game that works and delivers something unique. Sure he downplays it but I feel like the effort he put into it was well worth it. (Also thanks for the time skipping watch)

Ps, did you make it in the old version? Had to add the RTP resources manually before playing since they had the wrong names.
@Momeka: Yeah I never did that so should probably fix it before posting a link.


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