
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Mini Teams => Topic started by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 24, 2005, 09:42:22 PM

Title: Delete this topic
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 24, 2005, 09:42:22 PM
Title: rpgmaker2003
Post by: neb87 on November 25, 2005, 04:21:13 AM
i got  event where you ride your ship and you can go on the ship through a cms menu i made.

I got that to work but going back to the ship mode you will apear on top of ship and cant go in. I need something so where ever you acessed the cms menu to go in the ship, you will ride the ship where you atr at when you are ready to go.
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 27, 2005, 03:30:33 AM
well, neb87... I couldnt understand exactly what you tried to tell, but I think if you can show me de code of the event I can solve your problem. If you can't, try to explain EXATLY what is your problem.

I'm sorry and good luck with your game...

Great_Emperor_Khan :frag:
Post by: Shady Ultima on November 27, 2005, 06:15:05 PM
Alright, lemme see how good you are.

I'm trying to make an event where you talk to a warrior, and he gives you the choice to teach skills to one of the members in your party. I only want it to show the members in the party though, and I don't want to make a thousand branch conditions.

Give er a shot
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 27, 2005, 10:54:22 PM
neb87, I think now I understand your problem...

well, to enter the ship you have to be in front of it, not in the top of it.
So, try to make this:

1- Tint the screen o full black(it works better than hide screen...)

2- Teleport the ship to your memorized position

3- Change de variable of the "X" coordinate to +1 or -1

4- teleport your character to the new coordinates

5- make him face to the ship and then place an event "Enter Vehicle"

6- Tint screen again to its original.

I hope i helped^^

Great_Emperor_Khan :frag:
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 29, 2005, 08:19:36 PM
First of all, sorry for the late

Shady ultima, depending of the number of your characters, this can work well:

You'll need some of the folowing:

1- a switch for every character, and it has to be ON when you place the character in the party and OFF when you take him out.

2- Patience.

Lets start:

You know that one event have its precondictions. What I'm trying to do is to place the conditions here. Your main character will not be switched, so you will only have only three charas to worry about.

You only have to make a lot of pages, instead of a lot of branchs (it will be near the same number, but at least is quicker...) lets do an example:
Page 1: Switch - "Hero 2" is ON / Switch "Hero 3" is ON / Hero "Hero 4" is in the party
only if "Hero 2", "Hero 3" and "Hero 4" are in the party this page will
using this method, a group of 8 characters will need 34 pages. (I know it's a lot, but this is the better way :x

It has a really better way to do it. Only what you have to do is to Put all of your characters in the choices of this warrior^^
Post by: Shady Ultima on November 30, 2005, 12:12:19 AM
Great, I have 10 characters...

Alright, anyways, that works somewhat, but now i've got a million more branches, cause each char has 4 skills to learn, lvl 5 10 25 and 50 skill, how do i do that? If you can help it will be much appreciated
Title: Lol
Post by: TMlunder on November 30, 2005, 03:56:19 AM
Hey man, let me try this now. You want a hero to learn a skill at a certain level? If so try this:

1. Make a common event, trigger: parrell process.

2. Branch if hero is at least level 10 (no else handler)

3. If hero is at least level 10
 add skill venom (or whatever)

Look at my example
Post by: Shady Ultima on November 30, 2005, 04:10:06 AM
Thats exactly like just adding it so they learn it from battle, which isnt what I want. What I'm trying (and now succeeding at) is that you talk to a person, and if you are at the proper level you can basically buy the skill
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on November 30, 2005, 08:07:00 PM
Hey, TMlunder, wanna join my mini-team?

Looks like you are good with events, i think...

shady ultima, you can make a branch if hero is at least level 10 (like TMlunder said) and then open shop window (venom scroll, or something like that). You have 10 characters, so it's better for you to make a custom menu for your skill teacher.

Great_Emperor_Khan  :frag:
Post by: Shady Ultima on November 30, 2005, 08:10:48 PM
I got it to work, you select the character and you can buy his lvl 5 technique at any level above 5, same with any above 10, 25, or 50, it works now, thanks for your help!
Title: oh
Post by: TMlunder on November 30, 2005, 08:32:42 PM
well sorry my idea didnt work, but if i had  a better understanding of the event you want then i probley would have done a better job. and as for the request for me to join great emperor well i would or i mean can but i want to be known for NightmareFlames Productions, its kinda my mini teams but im also making a game under NightmareFlames too.

Back to the help i failed at giving, you want to be able to BUY your skill if at the right level? If so try making this field event.

I just took a picture of it so if its still wrong tell me and explain it again.
Post by: Shady Ultima on December 01, 2005, 12:16:35 AM
That's essentially it, but don't worry, I've got it workin now, it took a few tries, but it works fine, thanks for the help anyways!
Post by: TMlunder on December 01, 2005, 03:42:03 AM
Oh, well is there any other way I can help ya? Any other things you want help with? Mabye you need some cool things like light and darkness or an ammo system for guns or bows?
Post by: Shady Ultima on December 01, 2005, 11:02:59 PM
Maybe later if I run into some errors, but at the moment everything is going smoothly
Post by: TMlunder on December 02, 2005, 12:29:43 AM
Just let me know if you need help.
Title: Closing
Post by: Great_Emperor_Khan on December 09, 2005, 11:34:10 PM
Hi, people, I am closing this topic, if anyone want help, send me a message... TMlunder can help in his topic, too...

Bye, see ya later :frag: