
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Charas Project Support => Topic started by: GaryCXJk on December 24, 2003, 01:52:23 PM

Title: Comments on the new B-Char generator
Post by: GaryCXJk on December 24, 2003, 01:52:23 PM
Post your comments here.
Post by: juanosarg on December 24, 2003, 03:31:54 PM
I will probably work on some guidelines for custom content creation. I have noticed that creating sprites (or ripping sprites) for the battlecharaset generator is a bit more difficult than for the other two CHARAS' generators, but the finished results are also (imho) much cooler :)

If you need a resource, don't be afraid to ask!
Post by: RPG LORD on December 24, 2003, 03:36:41 PM
The background colour affects the BC. I can prove it with THIS!
Post by: kAiRoU on December 24, 2003, 03:51:06 PM
SWEET!!! I love it so much. It's a great chrismas presant. Maby if you can just get a team of guys ,like the one who made/ripped the gfx, the guy who mad those extra condition effecs, this new thing may call 10x the aount of hits in hte past year.
Post by: oooog on December 24, 2003, 04:01:40 PM
not enough stuff.
Post by: Alex on December 24, 2003, 04:05:39 PM
Originally posted by RPG LORD
The background colour affects the BC. I can prove it with THIS!

Uhm, strange...
May you post the gnerated png, please?
Post by: Alex on December 24, 2003, 04:13:19 PM
Originally posted by oooog
not enough stuff.

It's new, and so it need users (YOU TOO) to create and share! ;)

kAiRoU, one question about your shared samurai dress: there is a reason for the head drawn in the B set? Just to understand, i don; t have 2k3 ;)
Post by: RPG LORD on December 24, 2003, 04:26:22 PM
I don't think it's normal
Post by: juanosarg on December 24, 2003, 04:47:06 PM
The heavy red armor seems to be working fine for me. This battlecharaset was made with the generator:
Post by: Darkfox on December 24, 2003, 08:45:15 PM
I came to Charas just after wakeing up, and first thing I saw was Battle Resources and I'm like: What!? I don't reme... *looks up* We have a battlechar generator now!?

Ahem... well, yeah, this is a great addition to charas! It will sure gain attention!
Post by: Dorgan on December 24, 2003, 09:23:39 PM
Yeah, i have the same problem with the background. I thought it had something to do with me converting it from .png to .bmp (i think) through Paint, as it said some color would be lost.
Post by: Darkfox on December 24, 2003, 09:38:15 PM
You guys seriously need to get UFX...
Post by: juanosarg on December 24, 2003, 10:10:06 PM
Oh, yup, I can see the problem now. It is kinda strange, because it only happens when you click on "save image". I have tried copying the image directly from the web explorer and pasting it in Photoshop, and the battlechara works perfectly (as seen in the image above). Weird...

It is probably some kind of bug with the code involving saving the .PNGs. So, it is Alex's problem, not mine :)

Yeah! Stop looking at me! It wasn't me! I followed all the guidelines, ok?  :yell:  hehehe

I am sending a message to Alex right now
Post by: juanosarg on December 24, 2003, 10:17:22 PM
For the moment, and until Alex fixes any problems with the white color, you can do the following to get working battlecharasets:

1- Make the battlecharaset with the generator

2- Click on "save image"

3- Right click the image and select "copy"

4- Go to a graphic manipulation program (I have tested Paint and Photoshop) and paste the image.

5- Save as .PNG and have fun
Post by: Darkfox on December 24, 2003, 11:07:06 PM
I see, well, in the meantime I'm going to see what I can do to add to this new generator, I hope many of the things I'm going to do aren't already taken though...
Post by: Wiseman on December 26, 2003, 12:56:13 AM
There isnt many resources, its because of this i'm doing some.
Post by: Wiseman on December 26, 2003, 01:02:14 AM
 [STRIKE]There isnt many resources, its because of this i'm doing some.[/STRIKE]
Post by: SaiKar on December 26, 2003, 01:43:34 AM
AWESOME! I am sure that having a functioning battlecharacter generatior will make the lives of many people around here so much easier.  :)

I said that I would help out if this thing ever got going, and I plan on making good on that promise. I will get to work ripping my sprites apart so that I can submit them to the generator. Hopefully I will have 4 or 5 bodys, faces, and hairs done by New Year's.

Good job getting it running!  :)
Post by: Darkfox on December 26, 2003, 03:45:45 AM
Hmmm... I've decided to try Non/Half Human resources... because everybody is probly going to make human/elf/dwarf resources. Although I may be mistaken. Personally I'd like to see allot more than just common human/dwarf/elf resources, then there will be a large variety of things to make, like how the charset gen is.
Post by: Alex on December 26, 2003, 12:27:06 PM
Originally posted by juanosarg
Oh, yup, I can see the problem now. It is kinda strange, because it only happens when you click on "save image". I have tried copying the image directly from the web explorer and pasting it in Photoshop, and the battlechara works perfectly (as seen in the image above). Weird...

It is probably some kind of bug with the code involving saving the .PNGs. So, it is Alex's problem, not mine :)

Yeah! Stop looking at me! It wasn't me! I followed all the guidelines, ok?  :yell:  hehehe

I am sending a message to Alex right now

This is REALLY strange...
Anyhow i cannot do anythis to fix, it's Internet Explorer which is buggy with PNG. I use Firebird and never had this problem.
The fact is this: the "save image" command is just the same link of the image opened in a new window.
So, the image you see in the  generator and the one obtained using "save image" is EXACTLY THE SAME!
If one works and the other no, then the problem is in the browser.
I diffusedly talked about this in a msg, linked also from the FAQ page.
So, once again, if you're using Internet Explorer, use the right-click "save as" or use the "save in charas" function and the save your images form "All my saved charasets".
Post by: juanosarg on December 26, 2003, 12:53:42 PM
I think we should make a "We hate Microsoft" club...

Well, knowing that it works, it is time to make more resources :)
Post by: GaryCXJk on December 26, 2003, 01:59:33 PM
Well, a sollution could be to save it in Charas and then save it from the save folder.

If ya know what I mean.
Post by: Jimmie on December 26, 2003, 04:19:22 PM
Originally posted by Dorgan
Yeah, i have the same problem with the background. I thought it had something to do with me converting it from .png to .bmp (i think) through Paint, as it said some color would be lost.

I loved the bchar generator :bend:  , well, bout that problem, thats easy to solve, put your newly created bchar in a program like Idraw or Charamaker ( or photoshop or even paint ) and change te background color ( the uper left one ), i prefer to put as backgound color the Red0Green255Blue0.
Title: hmmm...
Post by: madskaven1 on December 26, 2003, 08:33:36 PM
its nice, but i still prefer to edit my own in paint shop pro...i tear apart some of mine to add to what you have...
Post by: SaiKar on December 26, 2003, 08:54:35 PM
I uploaded a few things... man, doing these resources is a lot of work! It is a lot more complicated then doing face and character sets.

It is going to be hard to get people to upload a lot of them since it is so much more complicated.
Post by: Darkfox on December 26, 2003, 09:50:36 PM
So... what has been done so far?
Post by: SaiKar on December 28, 2003, 09:45:17 PM
Okay, two comments.

1) While trying to upload my resource-to-be, I ran into massive server problems. Whenever I tried to upload a new version to my resources, it simply would not update. The only thing that would make it update involved me a) deleting said resource b) refreshing the entire page c) choosing the body and face that I needed so I could see how things lined up d) uploading my resource and e) choosing it so I could see it on the body.

Needless to say, that is a lot of work and on my pretty-bad internet connection, it was a big pain. I am also annoyed since I did not have this problem yesterday when I was working on Purple Hair.

Any idea what was going on? I still have not gotten the resource done because of this... it just takes too long.

2) Okay, this is more of a discussion topic. It is about the bodies. What is the point of the body part of the generator? It is completely covered up by the face, hair, and clothes anyway, and the few pixels that are not covered could be easily fixed.

The bodies in the character generator were all right because all the sprites were about the same size. But battle characters are all competely different. Some are different heights, some are thinner or fatter, some bend slightly differently. Making all these resources fit onto one body is tough work.

And then there is the victory pose. The body we have allows two types of victory poses: "thumbs up" poses and "stretch the arm" poses. We cannot have characters that raise their fists in joy, put their fingers over their mouths, or make any number of other arm movements.

Victory poses are what makes characters unique and different, and I think this is a big flaw in the generator that needs to be fixed. So I see four possible solutions to this problem.

1) We have multiple bodies in different poses for different victory poses.
2) We remove the body part of the resource completely.
3) We chop the arms off the body on the victory poses so that they can be different.
4) We remove the body from the victory pose entirely.

Any thoughts?
Post by: Alex on December 29, 2003, 10:40:49 AM
1) it's probably your browser's cache. If you upload a resource with the same name it replaces the old one, but until you reload the page you may see the old one.
Unfortunatly IE doesn't recognize a "just an image" change.
But you're also saying you did'nt have this problem yesterday... but no changes were made in the last days...

2) Well, the main reason to have the body is for "naked" parts.
Simple examples are a bikini, a t-shirt or short pants.

About the bodies, in the future we can add new sets as for the character generator, so different heights and measures will be ok.

And finally, the victory pose...
I know it would be nice to have different ways to create it, but probably a whole generator just for this pose wouldn't be enough.
Consider that the generators are to help in creation of "mass" or "general" characters, or to help ppls who are not able to draw one by themselves. But they give a good base to work on: if you have the generated BC and you'd like a different vicotry pose, the best way is to edit the BC itself (or to find a spriter who helps you out).
I'm telling this because, to be functional, the generator needs some fixed base rules, and one of this is surely the positioning.
Considering you solutions, one by one:

1) We have multiple bodies in different poses for different victory poses.
Yes, but in this case, EVERY resources (faces, hairs, dresses, item) should have a version for each pose. And needs to be redrawn every time a new pose is added...

2) We remove the body part of the resource completely.
Impossible, you'll obtain a ghost within a bikini. :D

3) We chop the arms off the body on the victory poses so that they can be different.
4) We remove the body from the victory pose entirely.
But in these cases you are forced to draw arms or body entirely, in the victory pose... but what if you're not able to?

Anyhow these are just my comments.
If you think something is wrong, answer with no mercy! ;)
Post by: Nightfox on December 29, 2003, 10:49:30 AM
The Online Battle Char Generator is very good! Very good job, boys!  (J)
Post by: dark barrier2 on December 29, 2003, 11:39:46 AM
I cant submit the stuff i have uploaded. where is that button
Post by: Alex on December 29, 2003, 01:08:19 PM
"Share your resources" on the right
Post by: GaryCXJk on December 29, 2003, 03:53:16 PM
Crazy idea about poses, but what about an extra "poses" option? Like you can add faces and bodies, you can add poses as well. But then you have problems with the clothes. Well, sollution with that, make the pose in a menu like you would do that to change the body type. Now for each pose you need a new clothes type. How to do?

You can upload a resource with Type A and Type B. Well, there can be a third option called Pose. So basically you upload three types. The pose type can be just 48 x 144.

Another sollution, you can upgrade resources with each new pose. If a certain pose does not contain the clothes type, then the clothes type won't show up, until it's upgraded. The name will show up however in the todo list, so people can just click the name and upgrade it.

But that's just a stupid sollution.
Post by: juanosarg on December 29, 2003, 09:50:39 PM
The new resources you guys are making are just wonderful. Good job everyone!

(I especially liked the elf ears. Kudos!)
Post by: BabyCatjuh on January 13, 2004, 03:15:00 PM
Heh. Nice work on the Battlechar Set generator.
Post by: Nightfox on January 13, 2004, 04:10:01 PM
I dunno is this a topic kick, but nevermind...

I reaally like the BattleChar generator, but...
I don't have Rm2k3... ._.;;
But I make some BChars and then make to be as monsters.

So, thank you!! :hi: