
Off-Topic => Creative arts => Topic started by: GaryCXJk on June 12, 2007, 11:12:01 PM

Title: Project Captain N: Revisited
Post by: GaryCXJk on June 12, 2007, 11:12:01 PM
You can also find the fanfic on my DeviantArt page (

Chapter 1
Youthful Dreams
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Hi. My name is Kevin Keene. Ever since I was born, I loved videogames. I was obsessed with them. And it started all with the old NES. People called me Captain N, after my fictional namesake in that old 1989 television series.

That was my biggest dream. I always wanted to be like him. I wanted to walk around with Mario, Pit, and of course my all-time hero Link. I wanted to run around in the Mushroom Kingdom, dance with the Dreamlanders on Popstar, fight alongside Samus Aran, and of course, dream away in Hyrule. Back then we didn't know a lot about the Nintendo characters. It wasn't known that Samus was a female, or that Mario never came from Brooklyn at all - what a misconception, Mario was never born in Brooklyn, as seen in Yoshi's Island.
And then there was this girl of my dreams. Princess Lana. I knew that one day I would meet her. I would meet a girl called Lana, and we would be happy together. Well, as a matter of fact, there was this girl, Lana, I knew from elementary school, but she looked kind of diferent than the Lana in the series. First of all, she wore glasses. She also walked and talked diferently, not as graceful as a princess.
Eventually me and Lana Louche, that's her full name, pronounced as Lana Lush, we became best friends. She too loved videogames. Of course, she prefered some games above others, but overall we equalled each other.
Lana was also supportive with my dream. I always wanted to be a Game Master. She really was my best friend. But as we both grew older we grew further apart from each other. We still stayed at the same school, in the same class, and eventually when we reached high school we still got together in one class, but our friendship wasn't as strong. The only thing we really had in common was our love for videogames.

But our friendship never went away. We sometimes got together for yet another gaming match, to see who was better. That is, until that day.

Chapter 2
Dreams revived
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By the age of twenty, I had already forgotten about my dream. Of course, the Kevin Keene from the series was about fifteen years old. And what are the chances of actually seeing something like that happen? And when is it time to grow up? So, I forgotten about this dream, this wish. It would never happen to me anyway.

But anyway, one day Lana came by to play some videogames.
"Hey, don't get too close to the screen!" I yelled. "You need better glasses or something? I can't see it with you blocking my view."
"Well, excuse me." Lana replied. "I can't help it you just stink at gaming."
"Take that back." I then said, in a sort of teasing way.
"Or else?" Lana said.
"Or else I might have to..." I paused a bit, and a grin on my face appeared.
"Might what?" Lana asked, even though she knew what was coming.
"I might have to tickle you!"
I would always go after her. This time was no diferent. I grabbed her, and she screamed out of laughter.
"Kevin! Stop that!"
"Not before you take back your words!"
"Okay! I take it back!"
We then looked at each other, and I noticed she dropped her glasses.
"I... I've never seen you without..." I stuttered.
"Without what?" Lana said.
"Without glasses."
Lana then quickly put her glasses on.

After this, she was all quiet and distracted. I asked her: "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." she replied.
"Don't tell me there's nothing." I said.
"No, just forget it." she said, slightly irritated.
"I want to know." I said.
"You want to know, Kevin? You really want to know?" Lana said, in a slightly angered tone. "Kevin, haven't you noticed anything?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.
"Forget it, Kevin. Just forget it."

After the game was over, Lana went home. She walked out the door, but before she closed the door, she turned around, and said: "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." I said.
"Kevin," she said. "Remember that dream you once had?"
"What dream?" I asked.
"You know, about walking around in Videoland." Lana said. "What if... What if you really could?"
"Lana, don't be rediculous." I said. "There's no such thing as Videoland."
"Yeah. Right."
"Well, see you again some time."
I then closed the door.

Later that night, I got a call from a friend of hers.
"Have you seen Lana anywhere?" she said. "She hasn't been seen coming home."
"Wait, what do you mean? She always goes streight home."
"How late did she leave?"
"At around 5 PM."
"Did she tell you where she was going?"
"Well, she said she would go home, to do some things."
"Kevin, would you go check up on her? To see if she got home safely?"
"Sure. I will."
I left immediately.

Chapter 3
Not like in the cartoons
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Her home wasn't very far. I knew she lived on her own by now. I never knew how she managed to get the money for such a house of her own, but aparently she did. When I arrived, the lights were out. I then rang a few times, I even tried calling her on her mobile. Nothing.
I then decided to climb a tree, to get inside her house, maybe even to take a peek, but when I was up in the tree, I saw nothing. Everything was locked.

So I went streight to the police office, or at least that was the plan. Somehow I took a wrong turn, ending up in an alley. What happened then was a bit strange.
First of all, unlike in the Captain N series, I didn't have a dog called Duke. Somehow a dog similar to Duke started following me. He even had this sort of scarf around his neck. I don't know if he was homeless, but he followed me anyway.
I then went further down the alley, when I saw some sort of disturbance in our world, it seemed like a hologram on the wall, as if the wall was fake. For a moment I thought about going towards it, to see what exactly it was. I didn't feel the need to do that, there had to be a logical explaination for it.

It didn't. I didn't even need to approach it. All of a sudden, out of this rift as I call it, came a giant hand. I later saw something similar in 2006, in the game the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, but this one was different. It didn't feel evil. It wasn't as scary as that old television series.
Yes, I did get to go to Videoland, but it was a long way before I actually got there.

Chapter 4
A portal to worlds
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As with most teleportations in modern television series and movies, I passed out. When I woke up, I saw the dog lying next to me, awake and well. I then decided to take a look around me. Yes, I wasn't in the alley anymore. But where was I? This didn't even look the least like Videoland. Although I did feel like this was a nice place. I felt like I wanted to stay there.

I stood up, and started to walk, when this woman was standing next to me.
"Hello Kevin," the woman said.
"Whoa, you scared me!"
"I'm sorry. I will be more careful next time."
"Could you tell me where I am?"
"You're at, what people call, the Ultimate Warp. At least, it's the Ultimate Warp of your world."
"My world?"
"Yes, and that of others. You see, your world is not the only one linked to this warpzone."
"You mean, the warpzone to Videoland?"
"Yes, and many others. Kevin, aren't you surprised?"
"That I know your name."
That kind of did surprise me. But what even surprised me more was the fact that I knew her name. I knew her name was Delia. But how did I know it?
"You're name is Delia." I said.
"Yes," she replied, "and you are wondering how you knew my name."
"I am one of the entities you and many others created. You are one of the Envisioners. In your case, you're a Game Master."
"A Game Master?"
"Yes. Just like your namesake."

Delia then explained me what I was. It appeared that I was one of the few people on my world who were able to create the worlds like Videoland. Basically, for every individual's mind there's a seperate universe, a seperate world of their own. Only some could actually manifest in something physical. It is even possible to enter anothers world, or universe. People who managed to actually do this, who actually understood the world itself, the people who could place themselves in the creator's chair, these people were called Envisioners. They could do nearly everything they believed in.
However, there were certain rules to this. Every creation has a set of rules, set by the creator. These rules cannot be bend, not even by Envisioners. Envisioners could still die, and they could still lose their loved ones, their heroes.

"I want to see it." I said. "I want to see Videoland."
"I would bring you to it," Delia said. "But there is something that needs to be done. The door to that world, the warp, it has become unstable. So far everybody who went trough the warp survived, but I don't know if it stays this way."
"What has caused this instability?"
"We don't know. The other worlds are fine, no instability. Videoland has become instable."
"Is there anything I could do?"
"Yes." She paused. "There are some objects which could stabilise the warp."
"And... what's the catch?"
"These objects are located in... experimental worlds. Worlds which are unstable, which could change any second."
"What kind of worlds are they?"
"They're worlds of conceptual arts. These worlds are connected. They involve any sorts of conceptual art, from movies, comic books, even video games. But you know that some concept arts get eliminated, even dismissed."
"But what do I need then?"
"There are some objects which involved stabilising wormholes or warps. These too are conceptual. But there are some which get preserved as plain art, or they got put on DVD."
"But, how do I know what they look like?"
"That's why I'm sending you back home."

Chapter 5
The search
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At first I was a little confused. Why would I need to go back. But then I realised that I would never be able to master such an item if I didn't know what it was, what it did, or even how it worked.
"Good," Delia said, "Now it's time for you to return."

I woke up again in the same alley. Could I have dreamt it? I didn't know back then, but as I stood up, my mobile rang. It was her friend.
"Did you find her yet?" I didn't feel like answering. In fact, I almost forgot about Lana.
"No, not yet."
"Well, keep trying. The police won't be searching for her until she's missing for over a few hours."

I walked back home, when I noticed the dog still chasing me, all the way to my front porch. I then turned around.
"Duke, sit."
It was as if he actually knew me. As if he was Duke. He looked at me as if he was my friend all along. My parents didn't allow any pet at home, especially not a dog like Duke. Maybe it was because of my dad's allergies.
I looked at the dog, and said to him: "Now stay put. I'll be right back."

I went inside. My parents asked me where I've been, and I've told them I was looking for Lana, to see if she was okay. My parents didn't ask me further. The only thing my mother said was: "Your room's still a mess. I thought I told you to clean up your room."
I went upstairs with a smile. I then turned on the computer. I then went on to search on Google, to maybe find concept art for a stabiliser. I finally found something. It was on a certain page of some site, Multiverse Works or something. I then went on to the site itself, but I couldn't find any actual link to that page. So I bookmarked the page. I then began to read the page, how it looked like, how it worked. The author then said he still had some trouble stabilising the dimensions. I guess he put it there to enforce his story. I printed it out, and went back downstairs.
"I'm going to see if Lana's alright." I said. With that I left the house.

Duke, as I called the dog, still followed me, back to the alley. The rift was still there, I could still see some ripples on the wall. I approached it again, and again this giant hand grabbed me inside the portal.
I dropped the prints I made. But would I really need them?

Chapter 6
My very own Duke
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"You have returned," Delia said. "That was quick."
"I've dropped it."
"Whatever you dropped, you won't need it."
"What do you mean?"
"I assume you know what it looks like, how it works."
"It said it was unstable. I don't think it will work."
"Then try and think of one that does work."
I didn't know what to think.
"So," I said. "What now?"
"Your job is to go to the world of the concept arts." She looked at me with a little concern. "Be careful. Like I said, that world isn't stable. Anything potetionally dangerous could attack you."
That really didn't comfort me. But I really wanted to see Videoland. I almost forgot about Lana, but I figured she would be safe.
"Oh," Delia said. "Don't forget Duke."

I turned around, and there he was. Duke. That dog who followed me probably was Duke. But how did he find me? Then I figured he could have been created from my imagination. I always wanted a dog. When I was a kid I had an imaginary friend, a dog, just like Duke. We played almost every day, until I met Lana. It was later when I also found out about the Captain N series.
I did remember when I saw Duke the last time. For some reason I've lost something. It was a little toy, a figurine of Mario. The last day I've seen my imaginary pet, I saw him carying the doll in his mouth. I wanted to go to him, but then I met Lana.
And now, right when I was about to enter this unknown world, this dog, Duke, came to me with a Mario figurine in his mouth.

Chapter 7
Galliford Khutal
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Up to this point I haven't realised I was experiencing something that was just surreal. Something that could only happen in your wildest dreams. I guess it felt familiar. It didn't feel strange at all. It felt like destiny. But the moment I stepped into the portal I realised that this could not be happening. This is just a dream. There's no way I would actually be stepping trough that portal.

But I kept on going, and the feeling disappeared. Around me I saw things appear, and disappear again. Creatures, machines, buildings, landscapes. I didn't know where to search.
But Duke led the way, and I followed him. I had to follow him, I didn't want to lose him again. I felt sad when he ran off, disappeared.
Eventually we arrived at this big room. It had an old vibe, as if all the things inside this room was permanent. And apparently it was. There were a lot of old concepts for Nintendo consoles, like some early versions of what would later be the Nintendo GameCube. I even saw a couple of spaceships from the discontinued Starfox 2.

Then I noticed something, no, someone, moving. I walked towards that person. I barely kept up. Eventually I stood in a dark room, with only a small device on a pedestral, and a man standing next to me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm... Galliford. Galliford Khutal. But my name is not important."
"Then what is?" I asked. I was getting curious.
"I could just give that device to you, but I warn you." Galliford paused. "Videoland isn't how you think it would be."
"I don't care." I replied.
"But I think you will. You see, something is trying to..." Again, Galliford paused. But this time, he wouldn't continue.
"Trying to what?" I asked.
"That's not relevant right now. The point is, you shouldn't go in there."
"Why not?"
"It isn't likely that you would come out of there alive."
"I still want that device though."
"Like I said, I could just give the device to you..."
I didn't expect what was going to happen, until Galliford drew a weapon.
"You would have to prove yourself."

I didn't really know what to do. I looked around, trying to find things to defind myself. His weapon was some sort of axe, I don't know what it was. It looked dangerous. He leaped at me, but I could dodge him. I guess the axe slowed him down. Then he swung at me, and he almost got me. Luckily I roled backwards. I could see the device, just a few feet away.
He then stormed at me, swinging the axe at me again. I ran, jumped over him with a frontflip, just barely missing the axe, and found myself further from the device. How could I ever stop him?
Then I asked myself, how could I ever have made that flip? Actually, that was after this whole ordeal, but what I did think was how I would ever get out of this situation alive. The only way to get to the device was trough him, and I didn't know any more moves to dodge any hits. I was exhausted. But I had to go on. I couldn't just run away, mainly because he kept following me everywhere.
But that also got me thinking. What if I led him somewhere away from the device. I then ran outside the dark room, and jumped on one of the new Arwings. Of course, that's where he couldn't reach me, unless he would take a swing with his axe. And I expected him to swing his axe at me, and so he did. I then jumped over the axe, so that the axe got stuck on the Arwing. I ran past Galliford, to the device, and I took it.

I turned around, and there he was again, with his axe. I froze out of fear. He then looked at me, and said: "Well done. You have passed."
"Wha..." I almost couldn't say a thing. "I passed? For what?"
"You have proven yourself to me that you can survive."
"Well... thanks."
I was about to leave, when Gallifred called me.
"Take this portal. It will lead you back to the Ultimate Warp."
"What about you?" I asked him.
"I do not exist. I am a mere creation, created to protect this device."

Chapter 8
Just a little bit of patience
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The device looked exactly like how it was described. It was a small object, with only a few small buttons. There was a sort of LED-shaped emitter on one side. All you had to do was synchronise the device with the instable portal.
I knew it had to work. The writer said it was unstable, but I just had to believe the device worked perfectly.
I was back at the Ultimate Warp. I looked at Delia, and gave her the device.
"You'll just point the emitter towards the portal and..."
"I know how it works. Now Kevin, I'll need to send you home again. The process can take a while. It's no use waiting here. Besides, don't you have someone to look for?"
She was right. This whole thing has made me forget about Lana. I hoped she would be alright.
"So, Kevin. See you tomorrow?"

A bright light. But not so bright that it hurt my eyes. I then opened my eyes, and found myself in my own room, in my own bed. I then rushed downstairs, where I saw my parents.
"Hey, Kevin, what's the rush?" Mom said. "Why won't you have breakfast?"
"Breakfast?" Was I away that long? Didn't my parents even notice I was gone?
"Oh, and Lana passed by earlier," my dad said, "She wanted to see if you were still alright."
"So Lana is alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course honey." My mom looked at me in a caring way. But I was relieved that Lana was okay after all.
"Hey mom, dad, did you see a dog come in?"
"Of course not, Kev," my dad said, "Or else I would have noticed."

Chapter 9
Grand opening
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It was all a strange experience. Was all of this real or did I just dream it? I looked outside, and there was nothing unusual. Duke wasn't there, anyway. So I decided to pass by Lana's house, to ask her what was happening, why she stayed away late.
It might or might not have been a dream, but it did seem real to me. So I took a few turns, to go to that alley again, to see if the portal was still there.


I turned around, and walked back to Lana's house. Once I got there, I saw Lana talking with her friend Rachel.
"So, you were home all along?" Rachel said.
"Yeah, I felt like going to bed early."
I was glad Lana was okay. So I went back home. It was a Saturday morning, and I had to prepare for the big opening of the local Nintendo World store. It was just a small store, but I just didn't want to miss the opening. I had some money I saved up just for this day, and I really wanted that Triforce shirt, a limited edition. Rumours also went that they were going to show a demo of the new Zelda game for the GameCube. I really had to be there.

I didn't expect it to be crowded, but it was a big happening, and a lot of kids in town really did want to see it, if only for the many Pokémon merchandise. Lana was there too. I'd already expect her to be there.
Maybe it was the excitement, but I really felt like going to her, just to talk with her. She was all dressed for the occasion. Her clothings were that of Princess Lana: a purple jacket with white sleeves, and white jeans. It could have been some coincidence. I just wore my Letterman jacket, which was also something Kevin Keene wore. It even had an N, for my swimming acchievements.
I decided I just let her have fun with her friends. Besides, I was only here for the games, not to mention the demo for the Legend of Zelda.

The opening ceremony was great, the speech at the beginning wasn't even boring, it really set the mood. Once inside, everybody started to go to different places. Most kids went to the Pokémon department. There were also a lot of people going to the demo pods. But no demo of the Legend of Zelda.
But then I saw a pedestral, with in it a sword. It had something like the King Arthur stories, but I knew what this was. This was the Master Sword.
There were some kids who got in line to try and pull out the Master Sword. I too waited in line, because the prize was something special: an exclusive look at the Legend of Zelda game. I then knew that it must have been the demo.
Not one person has managed to pull out the sword. I was wondering if the sword hasn't been tampered with. But the staff assured me that everytime someone wanted to pull the sword a random "ticket" was drawn, and that would determine whether or not the sword could get pulled out or not.

Finally it was my turn. I held the sword in my hands, and waited for the signal.
"Okay, you can pull now." Then a tune got played, the one which became the standard tune when you would open a chest since Ocarina of time.
I pulled, and the sword came out, fairly easily. I was excited, but the staff then looked at me.
"Could you hold on for a minute?" a woman said to me. A lot of people in line became impatience. A few other staff members came to me, and started searching me.
"He's clean," one guy said.
"Do this again, son." one of the operators said. So I put the sword back in place.
"You can pull it out again." they said. "If you can pull it out, then you might get in."
I was a little bit shocked. Why can't I get in? I pulled it out already. Do they really think I cheated? And how could I know such event would take place?
But I took the sword again, and pulled it out. But before I could pull it out all the way, one staff members stopped me, and said: "I'll take it from here."
So I stopped pulling, but I couldn't take my hands off the sword, because the staff member wouldn't let me.
He tried to pull it out, but how hard he tried, he couldn't. He then asked a few other members to help him out, but it was futile. Nobody could pull it out. Finally, I pulled the sword out.
"You're allowed." the operator said.

As I walked in, I could hear them say: "This is the second time this happened."

Chapter 10
Opposing forces
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So I finally got in. The room I was looked kind of neat. It was all styled like the Lost Woods. It actually was kind of quiet here. Only a select few people were inside. I looked for a free demo pod, when I stumbled upon Lana.
"Hey, Lana!" I said. "I didn't expect you here."
"Hey Kev," Lana said. "Yeah, I guess I'm one of those lucky ones."
She was at the showdown-scene, the scene where Link's on Epona's back on a bridge with on the other side King Bulblin. She charged towards King Bulblin on the left side of the bridge. Soon, King Bulblin walked on the same side. Lana then quickly moved to the right, slashing in on King Bulblin. She had remembered it well, Link was left-handed.
King Bulblin was defeated with ease. She then looked at me with a smile.
"It's your turn now." she said.
I grabbed the controller.
"You should do the horse fight demo." she said. I did. I knew it had to be cool. I loved horseback riding on Ocarina of Time, but I wanted more. I was thrilled to finally play this game, the demo for what was later to be called Twilight Princess.
Then someone pushed me aside.
"Move aside!" he said.
"Hey! That's not nice!" Lana said. She rushed to one of the employees.
"You got a problem, bub?" the guy looked at me, like he was going to punch me in the face.
"Hey, is there a problem here?" the employee said. "Did you cut in line? There are enough demo pods here."
"Forget it." the guy said. "I don't want to hang out with these losers anyway."

I didn't like the way he looked at me, but what I really didn't like was the way he looked at Lana. As if Lana was his. But Lana was nobody's.

Chapter 11
More than words
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We stayed a while in the Lost Woods. Eventually we wanted to go home, when this employee walked to us. He then said to me: "You, follow me."
I did. I didn't know what was going on. Did I do something wrong? I turned around and looked at Lana. "I'll be waiting," she said.

I got in this room, and there I saw a television, with yet another console, one which looked like a GameCube. But this was different. It only had one demo on it, called Lone Wolf. In the corner I could see a man.
"Sit down," he said. I sat down in the chair that was behind this console.
"What's going on here?" I asked.
"You see this console?" he said. "It looks like a GameCube, right? To tell you the truth, it is a GameCube. But it's modified."
"How is it modified?" I asked.
"Take this controller." he said. His face was hidden in the shadows, but his voice sounded familiar. "Now point the controller towards the screen, like it's a remote."
I did, and suddenly a sort of fairy, kind of like Navi, appeared.
"Now point to the Lone Wolf demo, and press the A button." I did, and the Lone Wolf demo started up. I was a wolf, with a creature on my back. My goal was to fight off the enemy with this wolf. I didn't know how to play this, but somehow I knew what to do. I got near an enemy, I shook the controller sideways, and the wolf attacked. I thrusted, and the wolf would leap towards its enemy.
After I was done, the man told me: "How was this?"
"It was... different." I said. "Why are you showing this to me?"
"All in good time, my friend." he said. "Everything has its reasons."
I got a little bit scared. "Who are you?"
"I'd rather not have it you knew my identity, but if you must, call me Fils. Now if you excuse me."
"It's time for you to leave kid." one employee said to me. I walked back outside.

Lana and I then went out. Of course we first bought some stuff from the store, and we got our goodie bag. We decided to go by Lana's place.
As we walked out, we started to talk about my experiences.
"What happened there?" Lana asked.
"I don't know myself. I was playing this demo with some sort of point-and-click thing. I don't know what it is myself. But somehow..." I paused. "It all seems familliar."

We walked trough an alley, where we both took a short stop. I don't know why, but suddenly we both felt the urge to stop. Then Lana turned at me, asking me something. "Kev, what do you think of me?"
"Well," I said. "I think you're a nice girl."
"And...?" Lana asked. It was like she was expecting something, but also, like I was expecting something.
"And... I think you're..." I started to blush a bit. "I think you're attractive."
"So you think I'm attractive, eh?" Lana started to giggle a bit.
"What?" I said. "Can't a someone say his best friend is attractive?"
"Yeah," Lana said. "You're right."
We then looked into each other's eyes. I then noticed she wasn't wearing her glasses. She said: "Kevin, I just... I want to tell you something, but promise me that it won't affect our friendship. I..."
"Lana," I said. "Please, don't say a thing."
Our faces came together, closer and closer, until our lips connected. We kissed. We knew what the concequences were. We weren't just best friends anymore. We were boyfriend and girlfriend.
We were both still a little confused. How could we not feel this earlier? How could I not feel this? It didn't make sense. But it happened. And, somehow, deep inside, I felt like this was the right thing.

Lana and I decided to just go home. We would see each other later that day, or at least, that was the plan.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on June 13, 2007, 08:09:01 PM
The idea's kinda cool but the writing's pretty bad in places (particularly the mixing up of tenses). Plus, when I started reading it, I thought it was a rough plan of something you were going to write. It does seem to skim over everything very fast without providing much of a feel for the thing.

To be honest I'm not sure what exactly it is, so I can't tell if it's good or bad. If it IS just a plan, then I apologise :P
Post by: GaryCXJk on June 14, 2007, 03:15:46 PM
Well, the thing is, people over the internet don't often like to read large wall of texts. Also, most often, life is that simple. Everytime I posted a chapter, I thought, isn't it a little too short, but then I realised something. Adding something more to it just breaks the speed.

Kevin isn't that kind of a dreamy type. He's fast-paced, and that's what I wanted to show here. Kevin likes action, just like the "real" Kevin Keene. If you have seen the original series, you know that Kevin always goes streight into action, often causing the gang to get into more trouble.

For example, in chapter four, I did plan on making it longer, but then I thought, wouldn't that be kind of boring, reading trough a long piece of text? And would it really add that much? You have to realise that sometimes short passages are better than long ones. Long ones are only good if you really have one continuous thing going on. Okay, maybe the Galliford Khutall chapter could have been longer, but I'm not that good with action-paced battles. But some passages don't need to be that long. In my opinion, chapter nine was too long. It dragged on about the whole sword incident.

There is also another reason why some chapters could have been longer, but weren't. For most chapters, I wanted to have a certain focal point, one which seemed insignificant, and was actually a short occurance. For example, the More than words chapter, chapter eleven, that chapter was about how Kevin and Lana got closer together. The reason why it was so short is because it was a short kiss, and after that kiss they got confused and went home. It's something that actually more often happens in movies. In movies, after two friends kiss, one of the two runs off. I didn't want this, because they were best friends, and this is also in line with what's done in literature, where two lovers who found each other don't run away, but stay together. This is a crucial part in the story, since this is what will drive Kevin to do some things you normally wouldn't expect. If I dragged on about that occurance with Fils, it would take away from that kiss. And it was in that room where their love bloomed. It began in chapter nine, where Kevin checked Lana out. It got further in chapter ten, where Lana gets worried about Kevin, being protective, and ends with the kiss. You could see it as one chapter, but you'll find out why these three chapters were three chapters.

And lastly, it's called Project Captain N. You expect him to go to Videoland. I really wanted the first few chapters to be a global view of his life, and how he landed in Videoland. Videoland will and must be the biggest part of the story. Dragging along with the first twelve chapters is just too much. And yes, chapter twelve goes on about it...

Chapter 12
[Deviant link] (

"Kevin, Lana's on the phone!" My mom was standing by the stairs. I quickly ran to the phone.
"Hey, Lana." I said.
"Hey, Kev, about tonight..."
"What about it?"
"I don't think I can make it tonight. There's some stuff I need to do."
"Hey, don't be sad. Tomorrow's another day."

I decided to go to bed early. What happened today, it really did affect me. I always cared for Lana, but I never knew I had feelings for her.
I just stared at the ceiling, waiting to fall asleep. I wanted to see her so bad. I think I know what people mean when they say you’ve got it bad. You just can’t think of anything else besides her.
I eventually fell asleep, but around two o’clock I woke up to a sound, a voice.
“Kevin, wake up.” someone said. It was Delia. “Didn’t you forget? We were supposed to meet yesterday.”
I totally forgot about it. I was supposed to see Delia. But was this real, or was it just a dream? I didn’t know for sure.
“There… have been some things going on.” Delia said. “I don’t think you’re ready, but Videoland really needs you now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Lana’s in trouble.”
“Kevin, you need to go, now, before it’s too late.”

I was stunned. She said Lana was in trouble. I quickly put on some clothes, and climbed out of the window. Just before I climbed down, I looked into my room. Delia wasn’t there.
I rushed to Lana’s place, right past the alley. When I finally got there, I heard a scream from her own house.
“Lana! Hang on!”
Then, I heard a window break. I went to her bedroom window, and there, in the back yard, there stood a creature. I couldn’t move. But then I saw the creature held Lana in his hand.
“Kevin! Run!”
I couldn’t. I wanted to save Lana. The creature then turned around, and looked at me. It rushed to me, and I thought he would ram me. Instead he jumped over me, straight into the alley. I ran after him. They were gone.
But I knew where they went. I saw it again. It was that ripple in the wall. Just when I was about to enter, I heard a dog barking.
“Hey, Duke. Time for an adventure?”
It seemed like Duke was smiling, as if he said: “Yes, of course!”

As I stepped trough the portal, I thought about what just happened. How could I save Videoland? How is Videoland connected to Lana? And what was this creature? How did it get to our world? I then thought of Duke. Maybe things imaginary could come to life trough this portal.
I met Delia at the other side.
“What’s going on?” I said.
“Let me explain. You are wondering how you could save Videoland.”
“You are an Envisioner. You know the Captain N series like no other, and you have lots of experience with gaming. That’s why you could enter Videoland. But right now someone is breaking this principal. Someone who doesn’t know a thing about this world has entered it anyway, without the consequences. You are the only one who can enter Videoland without danger.”
“And how is Lana connected.”
“That... let’s just say that Lana is very special to you. Yes, I know about what happened today, and I understand, but it made this even more complicated, it might cloud your judgments. Right now you need to find this person, the intruder, and save Lana.”
It did make sense. Right now I’m only focused on saving Lana. I would not only completely forget about the other quest, it might also be dangerous for me. I would be taking too much risk just to find Lana.

Delia continued. “For now Lana will be fine. He can’t kill her.”
I was glad she would be safe for a while.
“So, where to?” I wanted to know where I should go to first.
“You can’t do this on your own,” Delia said, “but I can’t go with you. I need to be here as a Keeper of the Worlds.”
“So, what should I do then?”
“Assemble a team. You’ll know who to find when you get to your first location.”
Finally I could go to Videoland. Lana was in danger, but still I was excited about this trip. I could finally get to meet my hero Link. But I really didn’t know where I would land first.
“Step up to the portal to Videoland.” Delia said.
I walked towards the portal Delia pointed to.
“Good luck.” she said, before I disappeared in the portal.

Chapter 13
Dream a little dream
[Deviant link] (

I didn’t know what to expect at the other side. But I knew I would be fine. I opened my eyes, and I didn’t believe where I was. It was a peaceful place, but I knew what this place was. Green Greens, Dream Land, Popstar.
It wasn’t really a special place, other than the fact that it resides on a big star-shaped planet. I looked around, and saw some Waddle Dees walking around. I decided to look for the one hero which could probably help me out, Kirby. Problem was, Kirby didn’t really say that much, if at all, and I didn’t know how busy Kirby was.
I didn’t really have to worry about finding him, though. After a short walk I spotted him under a tree, sleeping. I didn’t want to wake him up, so I decided to sit down next to him. I looked up in to the sky, and wondered if this was all real or not. And if this was real, what would my parents think of it?
I turned to Kirby, only to realize he had left already. I jumped up and looked around. Luckily I could spot him before he was out of sight. I followed him. Maybe he would lead me to somewhere. I then noticed he fastened his pace, so I walked a little faster. He began to walk faster, eventually running, and then I realized he might be thinking I was following him, which was true, but I didn’t want to harm him.
“Hey! Kirby! Wait up! I just want to ask you something!”

We then walked trough the grass. First it was short grass, then the grass became longer, and eventually I had to follow him based on the movement of the grass. Then we reached the end of the grassy field. I ran faster, only to walk off a cliff.
Okay, so I was falling a long way down. I reached for my belt bucket, as if there would be a NES controller. Silly me, of course, I didn’t have a NES controller in ages. But then I actually felt a NES controller. I quickly pushed what I felt was the start button, and I suddenly stopped mid-air. Everything paused. Below me was a branch I could hang to if I were to fall down, but I wouldn’t even have seen it if I didn’t push the start button.
It was actually quite nice here, floating around, doing absolutely nothing. Everything around me froze. Then I started falling again. Guess the start button only works temporarily. Luckily I saw the branch when mid-air, so I grabbed it, just before I passed it.
“Help…? Somebody?”
Okay, so I managed to get a hold of a branch, but that didn’t really put me out of trouble. Then, up in the sky, I saw something approaching me. It was Kirby, riding on a warp star. He probably realized I wasn’t a bad guy after all.

When we got back on land, I turned to him.
“Thanks for saving me.” I said. Kirby looked at me with the look like he wanted to say: “No problem.”
I then realized I forgot about Duke. Where was he? I then saw Duke behind Kirby, smiling at me. “I’m okay Kevin, don’t you worry.”
Then Kirby waved at me, as if he wanted me to follow him. He showed me a warp star, and I think he was implying I should hang on to it. So I did. I stood on the warp star, together with Duke. Kirby grabbed his own. Then, without a warning, the warp star began blasting away to the sky, to somewhere new.


Oh, and by the way, read this as a movie, not just a story. It's fast paced, but it's needed in order to bring some speed.