
Off-Topic => Archive => Old Game Discussion => Topic started by: Fisherson on January 05, 2009, 07:07:05 PM

Title: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Fisherson on January 05, 2009, 07:07:05 PM
I'll do Fish's Chain Game with you whenever you want to start one.


:P Do it!

After hearing  quite a few coments like this i've decided to make a chain game. I'll take questions now. Yes, you, the Pumpkin head.

Jack: Does dis mean you've stopped working on Warped?

Fish: No. I'm still working on Warped, even harder actauly.

Jack: What about Legondo Rising, that one looks fun!

Fish: Well I'm having to remake alot of things (Battlers, Weapons and etc), so I wont quit it, but it will be slowed down. Any more questions?

R2-R4: Bop bebop?

Fish: 'How will your chain game differ from the Charas one?' A good question. Well for one, it will be based around our memebers for two it will use battlers made by me and weapon sprites made by me.

Jack: Hey! That means it'll be like Warped!

Fish: That's Corect, Jack. Except ther'll be no Star Wars elements in it besides my YT-1300 *Huggles*

Jet: Who all will be in it?

Fish: Whoever  and does at least two chapters and give me a chara set ( Rm2k3 style please) and  fills out a bio like this:

Type: (NPC, Main or Villian)
Weapon: (Only if your a villian or Main)

Other than that there are four rules

1: You have to supply your own songs.

2: You may use any chipsets or Char sets you like, but you need to keep track of who to credit and tell me on this thread. All Tile sets and Chara sets must be for Rpg maker 2003.

3: You may add to the current plot, but you can't change it entierly.Have fun! Don't too much worry whether you ideas sound good or bad, just don't be complety random.

4: You must do at least two chapters, but you're allowed to make as many as you like.

Mebers so far:


1 Fish
2 Jet
3 Hawk
4 Red
5 Boozer
6 Marisa
7  ?
8  ?
9  ?
10 ?
11 ?
12 ?
13 ?
14 ?
15 ?
16 ?
17 ?
18 ?
19 ?
20 Fish

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: boozer on January 05, 2009, 07:58:50 PM
Hmmmm ill help with it Fish :)

Job:Any Chapter except first and last, charaset maybe?
Type: Whatever
Weapon: Ill just use blue lightsaber from Warped and Pistol
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Red Fox on January 05, 2009, 08:02:54 PM
Dang-Dang. I wanna join but I'm not sure if I got the time :/
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 05, 2009, 08:36:25 PM
You've already got my info and stuff, but ill post it again. I'll take whatever chapters are open after you and Jet have had your pick. I'll probably do three chapters, so bear that in mind.

Name: Hawk

Gender: Male


Class: Aeromancer, if you're using classes.

Starting Weapon: Eagle's Talon(Claws)

Skills outside of Battles: Stealth<----(this could make a fun Minigame), Claw Weapon Mastery, A strange and unique ability to sense danger, but he is unable to stop the dangerous event from occuring, owner of Pergerine, an Airship.

Skills in Battle: Jump Attacks( if possible), Aeromancy(Wind based Magic).

Backstory: Hawk is a nomad with a strange ability to forsee danger that has saved his life many times. His Aeromancy, or Wind Magic, allows him to manipulate the winds to strike foes, fly the Airship, etc. (As a side-note, in my chapters, it will be impossible to fly the Airship without an Aeromancer in the team, and since Hawk is probably the only Aeromancer....), He is hunted by an even stranger group of Hydromancers, Geomancers, Pyromancers, and Aeromancers who want to use Hawk as a "Danger Compass", or a person used as bait to sense any uprising against them, the group is known as Anima. Hawk has been fighting Anima since he was 13 years old.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on January 05, 2009, 09:25:06 PM
Hmmmm ill help with it Fish :)

Job:Any Chapter except first and last, charaset maybe?
Type: Whatever
Weapon: Ill just use blue lightsaber from Warped and Pistol

I forogt to tell you to make a breif backstory. Oh and if you like I can use your chara set from Warped or you can make another yourself.

Dang-Dang. I wanna join but I'm not sure if I got the time :/

Time is no problem, since I can do your chapter for you if you need me to, Red. After all you made quite a few ships for Wapred and i'd be happy to help.

Oh I'll be doing all the battlers in my on style so all you have to do is submit a chara set make your chapters and sit back and play.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 05, 2009, 09:30:16 PM
Alright, so all we know for sure is:

Prologue: Fish
Chapter One: Fish

Lets start picking chapters.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Red Fox on January 05, 2009, 09:36:38 PM
Kay, I'll join.

Name: Jack Brunner aka "Appleman"
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Job: Wrestler
Type: NPC

Works as a wrestler for channel 5. A year ago the channel decided to stop doing "real wrestling" and instead started with show wrestling. This got Jack depressed since he was all about the fighting and has now started drinking heavily and is on the verge of losing his job.


Well don't expect to much from me.

I would prefer a chapter as early as possible.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on January 06, 2009, 01:30:28 AM
Alright, so all we know for sure is:

Prologue: Fish
Chapter One: Fish

Lets start picking chapters.

The Chapters are layed out like so.

Chapter 1: Fish
Chapter 2: Jet
Chapter 3: Red
Chapter 4: Hawk
Chapter 5: Fish
Chapter 6: Jet
Chapter 7: Red
Chapter 8: Hawk
Chapter 9: Hawk
Chapter 10: Fish

A note: This is only if more pepole don't join. The way it curently is

Fish: Three
Jet: two
Hawk: three
Red: two

Oh Red when I said "I'll do your chapter for you, if you need it", I ment I'll do it if you can't finish or start it. You still need to PM me a plot guideline. Speaking of that, i'll be PMing you all with my story and you can build from there, but first I have to talk to Jet about what he's doing.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 06, 2009, 02:09:18 AM
Interestingly enough, my sister wants to help with this. She even made an account here just for that purpose. :P She's gonna post right behind me, shes getting her info ready. Think you can fit her in somehow?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: XMarisaX on January 06, 2009, 02:26:08 AM
Hi, i'm new here, as well as having Flamehawk as a twin brother. :x But i wanted to get involved in this project, so if you could fit me in, that would be great. Here's the info:

Name: Marisa

Gender: Female

Job: Tactition

Weapons: She can wield bows and daggers. She starts off with Stilettos(twin daggers) equipped.

Skills: As a Tactition, Marisa can alter the flow of a battle with her Tactics. She can use a skill entitled "Thicken Armor" which halves all allies ATK, but doubles their DEF. Most Tactics doubles one stat, while halving another, with the exception of the strongest few Tactics, which simply raise certain stats.

Type: Main:(If you want, but she's certainly not a villain)

Backstory: A travelling Tactition in service to Anima.*(* Read Flamehawk's bio.) She deserts them, and wanders the world on a grand sigtseeing tour. Eventually, when she is saved from drowning by Corsairs(Pirates), she joins forces as their Tactition.

If I get a chapter, or I'm forced to work with my brother on his chapters, Marisa and Hawk's stories will be closely alligned. I want the party to encounter her when she leaves her group of corsairs on a raid against a port city, and the party winds up fighting off the corsairs or something.

Oh, and comparing me and my brother. My maps are better, and my charachter developement is better, but his sense of action and appealingness in a game is better than mine. His games are also usually funnier than mine. >:(

Let me know anything I can do.

Charset is here:(

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: boozer on January 06, 2009, 03:22:18 AM
Okie you can use the Warped characterset for the game :)

"Boozer"(as he dubs himself) is the middle child 3 Children, He was born into a rich family and was brought up in the right kind of background but was often felt excluded from the family and felt unwanted. At the age of 14 Boozer run away from home to end up in a ditch of theives and rouges. He was taught how to steal and scam and fight and made his living throw the use of his new found skills. After a 2 years Boozer met a young women by the name of Tanya Dewar in the ditch and he soon became very in love with her. Boozer and Tanya eventually started seeing each other more often untill one day the X.M.A (Xenturious Metropolis Army). From that day on Boozer vowed he would find Tanya once again.

Boozer on the outside is shown as an angry emotional character but on the inside is a kind sweet caring guy trying to find the women he loves
(same old backing slovey dovy backing story)
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on January 07, 2009, 02:46:08 AM
Hi, i'm new here, as well as having Flamehawk as a twin brother. :x But i wanted to get involved in this project, so if you could fit me in, that would be great. Here's the info:

Name: Marisa

Gender: Female

Job: Tactition

Weapons: She can wield bows and daggers. She starts off with Stilettos(twin daggers) equipped.

Skills: As a Tactition, Marisa can alter the flow of a battle with her Tactics. She can use a skill entitled "Thicken Armor" which halves all allies ATK, but doubles their DEF. Most Tactics doubles one stat, while halving another, with the exception of the strongest few Tactics, which simply raise certain stats.

Type: Main:(If you want, but she's certainly not a villain)

Backstory: A travelling Tactition in service to Anima.*(* Read Flamehawk's bio.) She deserts them, and wanders the world on a grand sigtseeing tour. Eventually, when she is saved from drowning by Corsairs(Pirates), she joins forces as their Tactition.

If I get a chapter, or I'm forced to work with my brother on his chapters, Marisa and Hawk's stories will be closely alligned. I want the party to encounter her when she leaves her group of corsairs on a raid against a port city, and the party winds up fighting off the corsairs or something.

Oh, and comparing me and my brother. My maps are better, and my charachter developement is better, but his sense of action and appealingness in a game is better than mine. His games are also usually funnier than mine. >:(

Let me know anything I can do.

Charset is here:(

Well well. You certainly seem willing to do this and I was just worring we wouldn't have enough female members in the party and debating on having to make some up, but that will not as necesary now. I like your bio, very good work on it, short and simple.  You're in. Your a Hero. By the way read a little about you TCS (Tactics Stytem), it sounds similuar to a touch encounter system, so you may use it in your chapters, how ever the DBS is going to be used in my own, since we now have six members.

Okay i'm preparing my resources and setting up my chapter. The order now proceeds like so:

1 Fish
2 Jet
3 Hawk
4 Red
5 Boozer
6 Marisa
7 Fish
8 Jet
9 Hawk
10 Boozer
11 Red
12 Marisa
13 Hawk
14 Boozer
15 Fish

Anyone have problems with that? Also I'd like if you tryed not to use Mack and Blue Chipsets, as they have been seriously over used as of late. Also you may use any custom system you want, but you must script it yourself. Oh and no red or blue flashes as I get seizures from them and i'd like to be able to paly the game too. Also don't make your colors in your battle animation change from red to blue, please, as that might trigger an attack as well.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Muraiko on January 07, 2009, 12:38:35 PM
Hey, this looks fun! I wasn't a part of the other charas chain game because I pretty much thought that I wouldn't have enough time for anything, but heck, I'd like to enter!

As for the character I'll submit, I really want to make a new one. I'll start on that today, and maybe post a charset tommorrow (If I get done that is, I have a two-three page report due tommorrow in a class at school, so I'll try to finish that up quickly...)

I know for sure that I want to make a female, but I'll make up a background story after I finish teh charset.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 07, 2009, 09:54:53 PM
Well, someone needs to be the villain.

Name: Case 17 (Stan Heidburg), he is commonly referred to as 17.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Job: None
Type: Villain
Weapon: Fatal Mark, a pistol designed by 17 to fire bullets that can be detonated and explode at will at a force equal to that of a standard bomb.

Background: As the threats of school bombings rose, 17 was accused of possessing dangerous materials and believed to be plotting an attack. He wasn't. Upon examination, he and a collection of other students his age were found to possess strange brainwave patterns. Ones that neither enhanced or depleted his intelligence, but seemed to store massive amounts of memory. Despise his average IQ, case 17, amongst nineteen others were able to problem-solve in the blink of an eye, giving them the ability to surpass most problems placed in front of them. By the age of 15, Case 17 excelled even his fellow cases, being able to dodge anything throw at him within mere nanoseconds of impact. He often watched television, seeming to absorb it, every detail of every news report became sustenance for him.

As he watched, with the government constantly keeping watch of him, Case 17 developed extreme paranoia. As the news filled him more and more, he finally came to a standstill. He stopped thinking. He no longer bothered to speak, move, or even dodge something thrown at him. By now, the other cases have died off due to a defect partnered with the strange defect, so he was alone, monitored by the government. He began to fiddle with things he would find on the ground of his room. He was building something. When asked about it, he refused to answer. He finished it and stared at it for days on end. He was wasting away, so eventually several officials tried to pull him out of the room to eat. The camera filled with static the moment he touched the device he had built. The base that held him no longer exists.

....just something I came up with...  :-\
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 07, 2009, 11:46:54 PM
That's weird Fish. Me and Marisa have the same problem with seizures from blue to red. So no blue to red animations either!

And cool bio X_Marks_the_ed, but what did you mean by " The base that held him no longer exists?"
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: boozer on January 08, 2009, 02:00:51 AM
Anyone have problems with that? Also I'd like if you tryed not to use Mack and Blue Chipsets, as they have been seriously over used as of late. Also you may use any custom system you want, but you must script it yourself. Oh and no red or blue flashes as I get seizures from them and i'd like to be able to paly the game too. Also don't make your colors in your battle animation change from red to blue, please, as that might trigger an attack as well.

Ill do my best to try and not use the chips and trigger your seizures.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on January 08, 2009, 02:19:29 AM
Hey, this looks fun! I wasn't a part of the other charas chain game because I pretty much thought that I wouldn't have enough time for anything, but heck, I'd like to enter!

As for the character I'll submit, I really want to make a new one. I'll start on that today, and maybe post a charset tommorrow (If I get done that is, I have a two-three page report due tommorrow in a class at school, so I'll try to finish that up quickly...)

I know for sure that I want to make a female, but I'll make up a background story after I finish teh charset.

Hey, Muraiko, good to see you! :) You want in? Sure, I love those custom systems of yours. ;)

Well, someone needs to be the villain.

Name: Case 17 (Stan Heidburg), he is commonly referred to as 17.
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Job: None
Type: Villain
Weapon: Fatal Mark, a pistol designed by 17 to fire bullets that can be detonated and explode at will at a force equal to that of a standard bomb.

Background: As the threats of school bombings rose, 17 was accused of possessing dangerous materials and believed to be plotting an attack. He wasn't. Upon examination, he and a collection of other students his age were found to possess strange brainwave patterns. Ones that neither enhanced or depleted his intelligence, but seemed to store massive amounts of memory. Despise his average IQ, case 17, amongst nineteen others were able to problem-solve in the blink of an eye, giving them the ability to surpass most problems placed in front of them. By the age of 15, Case 17 excelled even his fellow cases, being able to dodge anything throw at him within mere nanoseconds of impact. He often watched television, seeming to absorb it, every detail of every news report became sustenance for him.

As he watched, with the government constantly keeping watch of him, Case 17 developed extreme paranoia. As the news filled him more and more, he finally came to a standstill. He stopped thinking. He no longer bothered to speak, move, or even dodge something thrown at him. By now, the other cases have died off due to a defect partnered with the strange defect, so he was alone, monitored by the government. He began to fiddle with things he would find on the ground of his room. He was building something. When asked about it, he refused to answer. He finished it and stared at it for days on end. He was wasting away, so eventually several officials tried to pull him out of the room to eat. The camera filled with static the moment he touched the device he had built. The base that held him no longer exists.

....just something I came up with...  :-\

Wow :O Ed, that is a very nice bio there. I think I found the main protagonist.

That's weird Fish. Me and Marisa have the same problem with seizures from blue to red. So no blue to red animations either!

And cool bio X_Marks_the_ed, but what did you mean by " The base that held him no longer exists?"

Realy? :O That's a pretty big coneincidence. Oh and I think he means it was eteir oblitherated or it teleported to a new demension.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: lonewolf on January 08, 2009, 03:28:17 AM

Name Eraze
Age: 28
Job: DJ in to skateboard
Type: mixed  he like's to kill when he needs to
Weapon: Cd's use like ninja stars
Starting weapon: head phones or skateboard
he can use them as a weapon
attack.sound wave
Skills: use of sound's can mix any sound wave that can burst the eardrum

Bio: His parents kick him out of there home when he had one of his dad's full bottle of Teachers Whiskey was drunk and got in to punch up with his dad , so he lived in a bus stop that night, as a lover of music he got his fist job in a record shop in one of the back room's of the shop he got used to the turn tables mixing record's by using his laptop to record sound waves to
make music Cd's one day he was in the shop a men asked if he knows of any DJ's 
he give the man one of his Cd's
with this he got his fist real payed job as a night club DJ
the set of him
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 08, 2009, 07:32:02 AM
I'm interested.
Fill me in on what this will (somewhat) be about and I'll get ya' a bio and charset. And of course; I'll take any remaining chapters available(maybe not all though).
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 08, 2009, 08:48:50 PM
Prpl, are you going to add yourself to the story? That would be cool. ;D
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: _JeT_ on January 08, 2009, 09:35:09 PM
Hey guys, cool too see all of you getting into this. ^ ^

I'll post up a little bit about my character, and I'll post a charset up sometime this weekend.

Name: Jethro, aka Jet
Gender: Male
Ager: 19
Job: Is trying to become a homicide detective, but is having difficulty, as he once hit on the chief of police's wife, thinking she was single.
Weapon: Hand gun. Every gun you get for him in the game will always increase one stat, and decrease another.
Starting weapon: A Nagant revolver. Only gun, that he can equip, that doesn't lower a stat, but only gives a +3 attack.
Skills: Dark/Draining magic.

Bio: His parents died when he was only three, so he lived with a guardian, who was somehow associated with his parents. After moving out of his legal guardian's house, Jet has bought a sleazy, run down apartment in the inner city. Hardly spending any time there, he constantly argues with the landlord, demanding he should only have to pay rent for when he actually stays there. He is friends with David, whom he met in his school years, and he has a terrible habit of flirting with almost any girl that moves, which is sort of what starts the conflict in the game. He hates being called his full name, and will actually slug someone in the face for saying it. Also, he constantly argues with David's R4 unit, Rusty, which I am not sure if it will be in the game or not.


Ignore the fact that this was put up after the weekend...
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 08, 2009, 09:51:15 PM
Oh and I think he means it was eteir oblitherated or it teleported to a new demension.

Let's see, strange device... building gone.... put it together. :P
Point is, it's gone, and 17 isn't.

I may make some sprite stuff laterz to show how he looks.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on January 10, 2009, 01:14:07 AM
give me a day or two as have get some file out the way i post more up

Name: Eraze
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Job: DJ
Type: mixed  he like's to kill when he needs to
Weapon:cd's use like ninja stars

Background: works in a run down night club
playing hard core all ways drunk at the end of the night
sleep's in a bus stop

I like him, you're in, just get me a chara set and I'll start drawing up the details lol

I'm interested.
Fill me in on what this will (somewhat) be about and I'll get ya' a bio and charset. And of course; I'll take any remaining chapters available(maybe not all though).

Sure man, just as soon as I figure it out myself. Naw just kidding, but i'll Pm you with what I got when I get a chance.

Hey guys, cool too see all of you getting into this. ^ ^

I'll post up a little bit about my character, and I'll post a charset up sometime this weekend.

Name: Jethro, aka Jet
Gender: Male
Ager: 19
Job: Is trying to become a homicide detective, but is having difficulty, as he once hit on the chief of police's wife, thinking she was single.
Weapon: Hand gun. Every gun you get for him in the game will always increase one stat, and decrease another.
Starting weapon: A Nagant revolver. Only gun, that he can equip, that doesn't lower a stat, but only gives a +3 attack.
Skills: Dark/Draining magic.

Bio: His parents died when he was only three, so he lived with a guardian, who was somehow associated with his parents. After moving out of his legal guardian's house, Jet has bought a sleazy, run down apartment in the inner city. Hardly spending any time there, he constantly argues with the landlord, demanding he should only have to pay rent for when he actually stays there. He is friends with David, whom he met in his school years, and he has a terrible habit of flirting with almost any girl that moves, which is sort of what starts the conflict in the game. He hates being called his full name, and will actually slug someone in the face for saying it. Also, he constantly argues with David's R4 unit, Rusty, which I am not sure if it will be in the game or not.

Impresive. You've actualy evolved your character based on his skills and yet remained true to his nature, very nice job.

Let's see, strange device... building gone.... put it together. :P
Point is, it's gone, and 17 isn't.

I may make some sprite stuff laterz to show how he looks.

Oh and dematerializing wave feild generator, that makes sense, as lon as he was standing with in the safe zone when the DWG was on. Look forward to seeing it.

Update: I've finished five maps. After I get a scrolling city high way map, i'll be almost ready to hand it over to Jet. By the way, by count there are twenty chapters right now if no one else joins, so I think you better start deciding what you want to do and telling me so I wont be confused.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 10, 2009, 05:16:21 PM
Chaptah 7 plox. I needs teh nonBout works to keep meh from losing teh intressts.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on January 10, 2009, 08:45:43 PM
Here's my character finally. I did say that I'd get it done last thursday, but I had to spend some time studying. I have a CLEP test to take this monday...


Name: Kynita
Gender: Female
Weapon: Tomahawks
Class: Summoner

Kynita is from an indian tribe called the "Jhota". As a child, she has always had an affiliation with spirits animals. The typical seer usually has only one spirit animal, but Kynita can somehow hold multiple guardians. Her first two spirit animals that she starts out with are:

The Dove: Heals a medium amount of HP to all party members

The Coyote: Deals physical non-elemental damage to all foes

Recently, her little brother, Jenkiki, has left the tribe to do some "Spirit Searching", in hopes of becoming a powerful seer, just as his sister. Nine days and nights have past, and Jenkiki still hasn't returned to the tribe. Kynita begins fasting, and mediatating, hoping to recieve insight on her little brother. Finally, the day comes when she is told by a mysterious voice that Jenkiki will die alone, and cannot be saved. Fearing for her brother's life, she leaves the tribe against the High Chief's advice to prevent this prediction from being fulfilled...

That's about it for now. I'll take any chapter you like. My character can pretty much fit in anywhere.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 11, 2009, 12:18:17 AM
Hey man, ill sign up, and ive only got a few frames left on my charset.

Name: Trent Sampson
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Job: Mercenary
Type: Main or Villian, i dont really mind
Weapon: One Desert eagle, held in the right hand.
( Eagle
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 11, 2009, 03:13:04 AM
Age 63? Dang, must be one really fit old dude.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: boozer on January 11, 2009, 04:33:42 AM
He is the Old Snake of Fish Chain Game
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 11, 2009, 04:35:20 AM
He is the Old Snake of Fish Chain Game
Hell yeah.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Bluhman on January 11, 2009, 07:00:13 PM
Sign me up with chapters 8 and 19. The problem with me in the 2nd chain game was that the prologue given was just so.. Vague. With quite a bit of exposition to back me up, I'm sure there will most likely be a better chance I'll take up the job!

Name: SIMTEI-246-01
Gender: No biological gender, but considers itself a male.
Age: 2
Job: "Standard-Issue-Multi-Task" Robot
Type: Main
Weapon: Body installations. He can have weapons mounted on his head, torso, and arms.

Bio: I'm not really what kind of world this chain game takes place in, so large details about where he comes from or what his goals are aren't exactly worked out yet. However, I can tell you he's a robot and will have a wide variety of upgrades he can install.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 11, 2009, 08:36:59 PM
Chaptah 7 plox. I needs teh nonBout works to keep meh from losing teh intressts.

Very well, you may have seven. I'd hate to see Bout go down the drain. Im looking forward to playing it.

Here's my character finally. I did say that I'd get it done last thursday, but I had to spend some time studying. I have a CLEP test to take this monday...


Name: Kynita
Gender: Female
Weapon: Tomahawks
Class: Summoner

Kynita is from an indian tribe called the "Jhota". As a child, she has always had an affiliation with spirits animals. The typical seer usually has only one spirit animal, but Kynita can somehow hold multiple guardians. Her first two spirit animals that she starts out with are:

The Dove: Heals a medium amount of HP to all party members

The Coyote: Deals physical non-elemental damage to all foes

Recently, her little brother, Jenkiki, has left the tribe to do some "Spirit Searching", in hopes of becoming a powerful seer, just as his sister. Nine days and nights have past, and Jenkiki still hasn't returned to the tribe. Kynita begins fasting, and mediatating, hoping to recieve insight on her little brother. Finally, the day comes when she is told by a mysterious voice that Jenkiki will die alone, and cannot be saved. Fearing for her brother's life, she leaves the tribe against the High Chief's advice to prevent this prediction from being fulfilled...

That's about it for now. I'll take any chapter you like. My character can pretty much fi
Age 63? Dang, must be one really fit old dude.
t in anywhere.

That skill sounds like Lonwolf's "Spirit Magic" in Warped. Except he uses a bow and arrow and a Tamahawk throwing weapon. Still pretty good character sheet you're in. Since you want me to choose you're chapters, yopu get 10 and 14, okay?

Sign me up with chapters 8 and 19. The problem with me in the 2nd chain game was that the prologue given was just so.. Vague. With quite a bit of exposition to back me up, I'm sure there will most likely be a better chance I'll take up the job!

Name: SIMTEI-246-01
Gender: No biological gender, but considers itself a male.
Age: 2
Job: "Standard-Issue-Multi-Task" Robot
Type: Main
Weapon: Body installations. He can have weapons mounted on his head, torso, and arms.

Bio: I'm not really what kind of world this chain game takes place in, so large details about where he comes from or what his goals are aren't exactly worked out yet. However, I can tell you he's a robot and will have a wide variety of upgrades he can install.

I love it! You're in. I know you'll make good chapters, since I enjoyed your's the most in the CCG.

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 11, 2009, 09:48:36 PM
Name: Fredolfus Von Carlexi
Gender: Male
Age: 72
Job: Shady mastermind (Purple magician)
Type: Villian
Weapon: Crystal 'channelling blades'

Fredolfus was born into the world in a poor family . He was always the victim of bullies and never had the power to stand up to himself. He grew up and had the basic education, but his mind and thoughts was beyond the simple facts and truths told in school.
He wanted to know more and therefore left his country in search for knowledge and enlightenment. And he found it; after hard studying in the way of the world/magic(the force..?). He began to see the connections between matter and how to manipulate them, which granted him the power to do pretty much what he wanted (includes: teleporation but NOT "lol blow up world with nukes").
His life carried on until he was 40 and an accident happened(won't tell you. Play the game).
He plans to change the world as the people know it and make it the world he wanted. His revenge against all. And his attempt to fix what people messed up.
Btw, can we have purple flashes? I heard blue and red wasn't allowed.

And I'll need a bit more back story on what this will be about to actually create a valid bio and reasons for his villainy.

Oh yeah, Can I use the charset I did for Warped? Or should I make a new one?

And just giveth me some chapters, perhaps one a bit early for introduction and one a bit later for the end of me.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 12, 2009, 01:42:39 AM
Okay everone keeps asking what kind of world this is set in so i'll tell you (but I'm not sure all of you will understand). The world is called Neutra and it a Multi-Anngle world. It means it's kind of like the real world in a fantasy since. Diffrent corners of the world are set diffrently. For example the corner David's in, is a modernized place with cars, guns and modern cities. The place Hawk is from is a less deloved country thats still uses such primative things as Magic powered airships and is ruled by a king. I know this setup will work, as I use it in Legondo Rising and it will make for awesome gameplay, since you can use just about any theme you want with this setup.

Name: Fredolfus Von Carlexi
Gender: Male
Age: 72
Job: Shady mastermind (Purple magician)
Type: Villian
Weapon: Crystal 'channelling blades'

Fredolfus was born into the world in a poor family . He was always the victim of bullies and never had the power to stand up to himself. He grew up and had the basic education, but his mind and thoughts was beyond the simple facts and truths told in school.
He wanted to know more and therefore left his country in search for knowledge and enlightenment. And he found it; after hard studying in the way of the world/magic(the force..?). He began to see the connections between matter and how to manipulate them, which granted him the power to do pretty much what he wanted (includes: teleporation but NOT "lol blow up world with nukes").
His life carried on until he was 40 and an accident happened(won't tell you. Play the game).
He plans to change the world as the people know it and make it the world he wanted. His revenge against all. And his attempt to fix what people messed up.
Btw, can we have purple flashes? I heard blue and red wasn't allowed.

And I'll need a bit more back story on what this will be about to actually create a valid bio and reasons for his villainy.

Oh yeah, Can I use the charset I did for Warped? Or should I make a new one?

And just giveth me some chapters, perhaps one a bit early for introduction and one a bit later for the end of me.

Very nice. You can use your Anzati from Warped or you can make a new one, which ever works best for you.

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 12, 2009, 02:14:51 AM
I'll take my chapter 3 and 16, and Marisa wants 5 and 14.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Red Fox on January 12, 2009, 02:17:14 AM
Uhm can I only get one chapter please or do I ruin the whole thing then?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on January 12, 2009, 12:21:10 PM
That skill sounds like Lonwolf's "Spirit Magic" in Warped. Except he uses a bow and arrow and a Tamahawk throwing weapon. Still pretty good character sheet you're in. Since you want me to choose you're chapters, yopu get 10 and 14, okay?

The Spirit Animal thing is from native american belief. I've been doing some research on that sort of thing. And chapters 10 and 14 seem good to me. I shall be awaiting my turn.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: _JeT_ on January 13, 2009, 12:36:48 AM
Hey people. Just posting to say I may not be able to do a second chapter, as I have alot of school crap going on for a few months. (Mid terms soon(most likely not a problem), theater is starting, college crap, scholarship, crap, addiction to my new XBox 360...)

I still may be able to, but someone can become an alternate if they want, in case I cannot at the time. I can still do my first one, chapter 2 was it?

Also, I edited my original post here. Added walking, and 2 poses, for my charset.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 15, 2009, 08:21:18 PM
Alright, I'll take chapter 7 and ... some other late one.

I can take Red's chapter if he doesn't want it. Wouldn't mind having 3, he cna tell em what he want and I could mix it up with something of my own.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 16, 2009, 02:27:03 AM
Okay folks, new rule you can do as many chapters as you want, but you need to do at least one chapter. Now as for progrss, it has slowed. Since I have to keep my room closed off from the rest of the house while it's cold and can't get on the computer. Good news is I 'm still working on my chapter and should be done once I find some resources I need and script my CBS on my chapter. Okay we still have chapters open so let's fill up that list.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 16, 2009, 09:22:29 PM

Awesome. A move I wanted Case 17 to have may be possible after all. :D
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: boozer on January 17, 2009, 05:36:27 PM
Ill do whatever chapter are left fish but depending on if i get this audition or not will detarmine how long it will take me to do a chapter
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on January 17, 2009, 09:18:30 PM
Oh, so then the game is going to have a CBS instead of a DBS?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on January 17, 2009, 10:59:15 PM
Are all the chapters taken?
If not I'll do one, If so,
Ill do one if someone dies and can't finish it.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: fruckert on January 18, 2009, 02:48:43 AM
Stupid me
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 18, 2009, 07:08:46 PM
Oh, so then the game is going to have a CBS instead of a DBS?

At least some point of his chapter it seems.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 19, 2009, 01:35:59 AM
Are all the chapters taken?
If not I'll do one, If so,
Ill do one if someone dies and can't finish it.

There's still some space I think, go check the first post, it'll have whos got what chapter. Any that are ? are availible. Oh and please don't kill anyone, I have pet Rancor i'm trainig for that sort of thing lol
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on January 19, 2009, 02:40:37 PM
Then fishperson, Id like the closest chapter to 1 that isn't taken. I'll refrain from killing off people for now... 
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 20, 2009, 12:49:54 AM
Then fishperson, Id like the closest chapter to 1 that isn't taken. I'll refrain from killing off people for now... 

'Fishperson?!' *Electrocutes with Force Lightning* I DON'T like being called Fishy or Fishperson! :veryangy:

Lol seriously, just call me Fish. Alright, i'll give one as close as posible to chapter one, but you still need to  submit a character sheet and a chara set of your character, okay?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on January 20, 2009, 11:02:05 PM
Name: Geodessia
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Job: Engineer
Type: Villain
Weapon: Pathmaker (Giant Axe) and Homemade Bombs

     The Corporation Vexon ruled Geodessia's Realm named Calithia, after the government collapsed from war and corruption troubles.  The Corporation used the prosperity and resources of the realm for the corporation and its workers, leaving nothing for the other residents of Calithia or anyone else outside the exclusive corporation. Geodessia, growing up in this realm learned mechanics from her destitute father, and used those techniques towards attacks against the Corporation. After causing the corporation massive amounts of currency in repairs, her father died. Having no ties left to her town, she constructed a dilapidated flying machine to take her as far away from the corporation as possible. Even though she knew there was no other towns or cities, because the distant war destroyed them all, Or at least that's what the Corporation told everyone. Using the bicycle shaped flying mechanism, she took to the skies.
     Clearing the mountain range that encompassed the Corporation town, she'd seen something she had not in a long time. Clear sky, clean water, and lot's of towns, much different from her own. After a brief flight she crashed outside of a town. Recovering, She realized the lies of the Corporation and felt an overwhelming desire to liberate her Calithians. However the people of this new realm told her, that they don't interfere with the workings of other realms, She learned from them each realm works on its own accord. Angrily looking at all the things the townsmen were given compared to her own, She stormed off in a fit of rage, out to find someone else who would help her.

That was quite some time ago, Since then her search has been long and frustrating, not only that but she had lost her way to Calithia. Angry at herself, she relinquished her search for help, and carried a grudge against all people of all realms, who took everything they received for granted as she drifted from one realm to another.

((This gives an opportunity for her to be a villain who attacks the group a few times, and/or an extra Main character who joins your party later.))


Geo Battler: (For if we're using the DBS)
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 20, 2009, 11:47:38 PM

Geo Battler: (For if we're using the DBS)
That giant sword thing looks AWESOME.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: fruckert on January 21, 2009, 01:19:41 AM
According to the BIO it's an ax
But its still kickarse
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on January 21, 2009, 04:51:37 PM
lol Thanks dudez
Im hoping she gets run into more than once, I'll make my chapter(s) more Geo heavy
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Meiscool on January 21, 2009, 08:28:03 PM
Looks badax, if you will.


Yeah. Nice sprite.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 21, 2009, 10:13:41 PM
Rats. I really have to finish Case 17s charaset. >.<
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 22, 2009, 03:22:28 AM
Name: Geodessia
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Job: Engineer
Type: Villain
Weapon: Pathmaker (Giant Axe) and Homemade Bombs

     The Corporation Vexon ruled Geodessia's Realm named Calithia, after the government collapsed from war and corruption troubles.  The Corporation used the prosperity and resources of the realm for the corporation and its workers, leaving nothing for the other residents of Calithia or anyone else outside the exclusive corporation. Geodessia, growing up in this realm learned mechanics from her destitute father, and used those techniques towards attacks against the Corporation. After causing the corporation massive amounts of currency in repairs, her father died. Having no ties left to her town, she constructed a dilapidated flying machine to take her as far away from the corporation as possible. Even though she knew there was no other towns or cities, because the distant war destroyed them all, Or at least that's what the Corporation told everyone. Using the bicycle shaped flying mechanism, she took to the skies.
     Clearing the mountain range that encompassed the Corporation town, she'd seen something she had not in a long time. Clear sky, clean water, and lot's of towns, much different from her own. After a brief flight she crashed outside of a town. Recovering, She realized the lies of the Corporation and felt an overwhelming desire to liberate her Calithians. However the people of this new realm told her, that they don't interfere with the workings of other realms, She learned from them each realm works on its own accord. Angrily looking at all the things the townsmen were given compared to her own, She stormed off in a fit of rage, out to find someone else who would help her.

That was quite some time ago, Since then her search has been long and frustrating, not only that but she had lost her way to Calithia. Angry at herself, she relinquished her search for help, and carried a grudge against all people of all realms, who took everything they received for granted as she drifted from one realm to another.

((This gives an opportunity for her to be a villain who attacks the group a few times, and/or an extra Main character who joins your party later.))


Geo Battler: (For if we're using the DBS)

Very impresive. I like her you're in. Yes we'll be using the  DBS in most of the chapters, but (For me at least) there'll be a part in the end that will use a "Reaction System" to help defeat the final boss.

By the way, from what i've read this is the curnent chpater layout.


1 Fish
2 Jet
3 Flamewhawk
4 Geo
5 Marisa
6 ?
7 Ed
8 Bluhman
9 Bluhman
10 Muraiko
11 ?
12 ?
13 ?
14 Marisa
15 ?
16 ?
17 ?
18 ?
19 ?
20 Fish

Oh and I'm almost done with a story explaining the story of the game. Keep in mind that the proluge involves two parts and two of my special characters whose bios i'll PM you all a resouce file of stuff you can use. It will contain everyone's charas whose already submited charasets along with a resource sets I made with some instructions and bios on the important NPCs and the main vilian (that's right, none of you are the main vilian). You can do with these what you like, but do be sure to read the "Chara Guide" in the packet, it will detail everthing about the story and important characters and may have helpful advice in case you run out of ideas.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 22, 2009, 04:49:53 AM
Hey man, ill sign up, and ive only got a few frames left on my charset.

Name: Trent Sampson
Gender: Male
Age: 63
Job: Mercenary
Type: Main or Villian, i dont really mind
Weapon: One Desert eagle, held in the right hand.
( Eagle
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: lonewolf on January 22, 2009, 09:39:58 AM
i do number 6
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 22, 2009, 10:01:33 PM
Well, Finished Case 17, for now. I'll make the weird expressions he does when my turn comes. He does a lot with his hands, so expect the unusual in a faceset. I may also made a few of the other cases, some that were released.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 23, 2009, 10:56:04 PM
Looks cool everyone! Keep it up!
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on January 24, 2009, 05:14:39 PM
By the way, from what i've read this is the curnent chpater layout.


1 Fish
2 Jet
3 Flamewhawk
4 Geo
5 Marisa
6 ?
7 Ed
8 Bluhman
9 Bluhman
10 Muraiko
11 ?
12 ?
13 ?
14 Marisa
15 ?
16 ?
17 ?
18 ?
19 ?
20 Fish

I'd be okay taking two chapters. Like fifteen if no one else wants to.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: boozer on January 24, 2009, 10:41:06 PM
Ill take chapter 6 and whatever else there is
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 25, 2009, 03:23:54 AM
Well, Finished Case 17, for now. I'll make the weird expressions he does when my turn comes. He does a lot with his hands, so expect the unusual in a faceset. I may also made a few of the other cases, some that were released.

 :o Where'd you get that face set? I like the chara set. he looks a little like me in real life. He even has my exact hair color, I think.

Ill take chapter 6 and whatever else there is

Sorry, Lonewolf is doing 6 but you can have 11, if you would like.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: boozer on January 25, 2009, 04:28:05 AM
11 will be fine :D and ill take another if you need me to
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 25, 2009, 03:24:16 PM
:o Where'd you get that face set?

I modified Minamimato from It's a Wonderful World. I recolored, gave him a hood, changed the coat to a sweatshirt, and gave him a new expression.

I guess all I really kept from Zetta-san was his head and hair. The rest is mostly custom.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Bluhman on January 26, 2009, 12:11:34 AM


1 Fish
2 Jet
3 Flamewhawk
4 Geo
5 Marisa
6 ?
7 Ed
8 Bluhman
9 Bluhman
10 Muraiko
11 ?
12 ?
13 ?
14 Marisa
15 ?
16 ?
17 ?
18 ?
19 ?
20 Fish

I said 19, not 9.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 26, 2009, 01:16:41 AM
11 will be fine :D and ill take another if you need me to

Very well. By the way you're alowed to take as many as you like.

I modified Minamimato from It's a Wonderful World. I recolored, gave him a hood, changed the coat to a sweatshirt, and gave him a new expression.

I guess all I really kept from Zetta-san was his head and hair. The rest is mostly custom.

It's very impresive, do you think you could do some more in this style? I was just going to use generated sets, but these are quite good and i'd love to use them instead.

I said 19, not 9.

Sorry i'll corect that. Hey when you gona get me that chara? I can''t wait to see this character of yours.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 26, 2009, 01:59:35 AM
EDIT: Changed my mind, you can disregard my entering this, and the bio i posted. School starts soon, so ill be pretty busy.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 26, 2009, 02:18:50 AM
It's very impresive, do you think you could do some more in this style? I was just going to use generated sets, but these are quite good and i'd love to use them instead.

Sure, I just need to know what the characters look like.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on January 26, 2009, 07:11:45 PM
When Will you start making the game?
We have the first few people for the beginning we could probably start anytime.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 27, 2009, 05:14:53 AM
When Will you start making the game?
We have the first few people for the beginning we could probably start anytime.

Technicly i've already started, i'm just having some trouble with a panorama and finding a chipset and then i'm done with my part. Also I've been thinking about what I said about everyone using their own music and maybe, if someones willing to do it, we should have a person to provide custom and no custom muisic. Since we could end up using the same sound tracks. So the question is: who wants the job?

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Flamehawk27 on January 27, 2009, 08:44:40 PM
Hehe i'm not good with midi's. That'll get pushed off to some other poor sap.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 27, 2009, 09:11:43 PM
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 28, 2009, 02:27:26 AM

He's out of town. I already talked to him previously. Maybe Dren or Des? Actauly Des makes great MIDI's if you like metal.. And I do..Just not for the whole game..Hmmm this is a big problem. No music equals bad game every time. Unless you're tone deaf.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: HobomasterXXX on January 28, 2009, 03:08:19 AM
 You can always use rips.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on January 29, 2009, 03:32:47 AM
You can always use rips.

Hmm true, but I can't seem to find too many sites with MIDIs myself. anyone got a sugestion?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: fruckert on January 29, 2009, 03:34:13 AM
There ya go
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on January 30, 2009, 08:53:26 PM
I've decided to take chapter 18 or the latest chapter available as well as my original chapter. I want to make sure there's an epic fight with Case 17 and Case 9 (not mentioned) towards the end.


Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Bluhman on January 31, 2009, 01:08:38 AM
Sorry i'll corect that. Hey when you gona get me that chara? I can''t wait to see this character of yours.

I ought to get to work on that.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: boozer on January 31, 2009, 03:50:59 PM
Okay ill do chapter 9 and 11 fish :D
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Bluhman on February 01, 2009, 03:15:26 AM
I mustered up a dude to use as SIMTEI. He was originally going to be used for another game I was developing, but I can't seem to find the folder for it, and its development involved a rather sluggish and annoying ABS, so I dropped that anyway (I probably deleted it at some point or something.)

So anyway, here he is, along with some random poses.


It's very convenient I saved the resources from that game; it had a lot of nice sound effects and such that fitted the robotic nature of the guy. Though, finding a good faceset for him might be a hassle.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 04, 2009, 12:00:09 PM
I'm not on the chapter list?

Alright. Hook me up with chapter 13 and 17.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on February 04, 2009, 04:31:02 PM
I mustered up a dude to use as SIMTEI. He was originally going to be used for another game I was developing, but I can't seem to find the folder for it, and its development involved a rather sluggish and annoying ABS, so I dropped that anyway (I probably deleted it at some point or something.)

So anyway, here he is, along with some random poses.


It's very convenient I saved the resources from that game; it had a lot of nice sound effects and such that fitted the robotic nature of the guy. Though, finding a good faceset for him might be a hassle.

Nice! I like him. I'll get to his battler in a few days, exelent work.

I'm not on the chapter list?

Alright. Hook me up with chapter 13 and 17.

Alright I'll modify my sig.

Okay Lonewolfs looking for a chipset for me and I'll need Geo's help with that panorama, unless you guys can tell me what's wrong with it and how I can fix it.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on February 04, 2009, 05:37:47 PM
I want more than one.
Give me 16 if its free, Any other chapter if its not.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Flamehawk27 on February 07, 2009, 04:29:32 PM
I'll take 15 as my second chapter.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 11, 2009, 03:49:15 AM
Oh ****, any room left for me? I'll grab whatever chapter I can get!
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: arcaine91 on February 11, 2009, 04:34:43 AM
man, i'd like to be in a chain game like this, but i dont have the spriting/composing skill to make a chara or midi for myself.

if i could find a godd template, i could probably edit something passable, but i dunno.

as for midi, a friend composed me an old AW style anthem a long time ago. I doubt i still have it (and the two of us arent on good terms anymore) but i guess it wouldnt hurt to look.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on February 11, 2009, 05:59:51 PM
Oh ****, any room left for me? I'll grab whatever chapter I can get!

Sure just submit a sheet. What chapter do you want?

man, i'd like to be in a chain game like this, but i dont have the spriting/composing skill to make a chara or midi for myself.

Gerated Charas and game MIDIs will do aslong as it represents you character and NPCs.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: arcaine91 on February 12, 2009, 04:54:22 AM
cool! it might be too late for this one, but ill try to find a decent MIDI/chara for future use.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on February 13, 2009, 09:09:19 PM
cool! it might be too late for this one, but ill try to find a decent MIDI/chara for future use.

So are you in or out? Also do what it says to do on the first page

here's a screen shot of the map i'm working on. So you know that i'm making progress. ;)

Here's the games proluge by the way. Note: You don't have to base your chapters ENTIERLY around this proluge but keep in mind that it is the main plot. Also regarding the "Gate Peices" there are nine of them scatered throughout the world. It's the party's main job to colllect them beffore Grael's Gernerals do. None of your characters are the these vilians they are NPC characters and the only known one will be revealed in Ed's chapter I believe.

Proluge part one: Grael the Sealed Beast

A long time ago when the world of Neutra was young it was deemed unsafe by the Architects, who created the stars and all the space between our Galaxy. So they created a race called the Aeons. It was the Aeons job to come to man's aid in battle by use of the Gate, a device used to travel to defrent the worlds. An Aeon was not born, it was made and thus there were only a few who could actauly become an Aeon. The ones who were not chosen were erased from existance in a process called "Returing". This didn't sit well with an Aeon called Grael who found out that being "Returned" was. He decided he wouldn't be erased from history. He contacted the ruler off the Netherworld and made a pact with him, that if the Dark Ruler would help Grael destroy the Architects that he would let the Dark Ruler use the Gate to do as he wished to the world of Neutra. The Dark Ruler granted Grael power to acend to a full Aeon. Grael then went to Neutra and told the leaders of the Gereat Untied Allaince that he was a Djin who could grant wishes. The mighty rulers of the lands were sketical but Grael used his powers to give them piles of treasure so tall that that they formed a new nation. Grael told them he would give them infinite wealth and power if they would give him their armies and unite to destroy the Aeons and their creators. They agreed and the Army of Grael was forged.So Grael treid use his army and ppowers to destroy the Achitects, but was stoped by the head of the order: Tarius. Tarius and Grael fought in a battle until Grael could fight no longer. before Tarius could finish Grael made a dash for the Gate, hoping he could escape to the planet, but Tarius set the Gate's destination to the Gray Real, from which there was no escape. The warrior raised his sword so that he would cleave the Gate and thus seal Grael away forever, but beffore he could one of Grael's comanders, a man named Typhios, stabed him in the back. Wounded, Tarius fled from the Golden City and to the World of Neutra. Grael's Soldiers didn't know how to operate the Gate, and without his power, their Gold and Jewels turned to ash and they themselves were frozen in crystal. Soon all the warriors had left the city, execpt for the four who were most loyal to their dark master. They split the gate into nine pieces and dived them up amongest themselves and made a pact that they would not rest until they found a way to set Grael free and awaken his Lost Army.

Also I'll be in charge of deisigning weapons so there is a strict 8 weapon maximum limit. If you have ideas for weapons for you character nows the time to tell me. As it will be imposible to change them once I finish all 8 for your characters. You may sugest a weapon to me on this thread or can PM or Email me. Also don't try and make a weapon that's to complex to draw or I'll have to devote extra time to it and it'll slow down the game.

Oh and i'll also be deisigning the items like armor and medicine. So if feel free to offer me sugestions using the step found in the above text.

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Prpl_Mage on February 15, 2009, 08:38:19 AM
Like 8 weapons in total or 8 different kinds of weapons?

I'm not gonna make any characters for the party but I figured that the party could get some nice loot from the bosses in my part, seeing as they are pretty late in the game.

But I'll start planning that when we're nearing those chapters.

Good story by the way, It didn't quite explain what the characters got to do with it but I'll guess we'll see once you've done with the first part.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: arcaine91 on February 15, 2009, 08:16:17 PM

time-wise, how far is the game from completion? (just an estimate)
assuming everyone gives you all the stuff you need, about when would the game be done?
just so i know how much time i have
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 15, 2009, 08:33:27 PM
I'll take any chapter, doesn't really matter to me. As for the bio, what exactly is that about?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on March 01, 2009, 05:26:23 PM

I wanna play this soon >:P
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on March 01, 2009, 08:18:15 PM
How far ar we anyway? Are we still at chapter one right now?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on March 04, 2009, 05:17:16 PM
How far ar we anyway? Are we still at chapter one right now?

Yup and sadly that's not likely to change since I have yet to get my new coputer to use my dialer and I need to conect to the internet. :( When I do then i'll send what i've got done to Jet.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on March 09, 2009, 01:33:58 PM
Good news! I have my new c omputer. Now all I have to do is instal RPG 2003 and reload my projects. There is a minor issue however, Jet is realy busy with preparing for college and I don't know how long it'll take him to finish his chapter. Never fear, if he can't do it, I'll do it for him.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Muraiko on March 10, 2009, 12:42:44 AM
Good to see this project moving along. Keep it up.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on March 30, 2009, 08:07:42 PM
I've had a bit of a realization recently about this project. What if you all just sent me your char sets and I and a select few others work on all the chapters separately? Would anyone be against it?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: _JeT_ on March 31, 2009, 08:55:43 PM
I don't mind. Want my charsets/battlecharsets? Just tell me what you need, and I'll make them.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on April 01, 2009, 04:58:24 PM
I don't mind. Want my charsets/battlecharsets? Just tell me what you need, and I'll make them.

Sure, glad to see your back and willing to help. You and Ed are on the Team along with myself. By the way I chose who gets on the team and chose based on level of skill and dedication to this thread, so start proving yourselves.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on April 01, 2009, 08:42:55 PM
I'm for it. I'm still dying to use Case 17 in something.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Geodessia on April 01, 2009, 10:06:59 PM
"""I've had a bit of a realization recently about this project. What if you all just sent me your char sets and I and a select few others work on all the chapters separately? Would anyone be against it?"""

You're going to have to take me out. Sorry.
I thought we would be farther than this... aaaaand we're still on the first chapter. ( I think )

I don't know why you would have so many people excited to make this, then not only work on the first chapter for months (Or, let the project just sit there for months), but then decide months later to screw all the people who said they wanted to help and work on it so that you could just have a few people you select to work on it.

I'm getting a new computer and I'm not installing rm2k/3 on it..  It would have been nice to contribute to a game on Charas since, there are a lot of really interesting... well, characters.. but.. oh well, c'est la vie ..
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on April 03, 2009, 04:14:13 PM
I'm for it. I'm still dying to use Case 17 in something.

That's one of the reasons why I thought of this. I figured you were only one who'd know how to use him.

I don't know why you would have so many people excited to make this, then not only work on the first chapter for months (Or, let the project just sit there for months), but then decide months later to screw all the people who said they wanted to help and work on it so that you could just have a few people you select to work on it.

First off, I'm not "screwing" anyone by doing this, i'm actauly doing this because so many pepole want to paly it. Second if anyone else feels this way please tell me.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: X_marks_the_ed on April 03, 2009, 08:44:24 PM
I can say this, though. I'm too into case 17 to wait much longer, I've already started work on his own separate project. I'll continue it as long as this remains half-dead. :/
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on April 04, 2009, 12:50:57 PM
I can say this, though. I'm too into case 17 to wait much longer, I've already started work on his own separate project. I'll continue it as long as this remains half-dead. :/

That's fine. I like David's character so much I use him in alot of my games, but there is a game planed that actualy focuses on his actual (Non-Jedi) story and uses only my own characters instead of involing pepole from the cumunity. Okay I think were giong to have to find a place to discuss how to lay out the chapters and how everything will progress with this game on another site, unless you want to do it here in this thread? By the way the team so far is: Fisherson, Jet and Ed.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Take a chapter!)
Post by: Fisherson on April 29, 2009, 04:28:29 PM
I'm killing this thread. I'll revive after Prpl's, but for now I'm too busy with Warped and playing spore to realy work on this, but I'll revive it latter in another thread. Besides we have no idea who is even left from our old team besides Me ,Jet,Ed and Bluhman. Also we'll go back to doing it the way a chain game should be done when I get back to work on this. Just so you know I still have all the old members charasets and stuff, so If you want to re-aply, you don't need to give me anything.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on April 30, 2009, 03:37:38 AM
I'm too busy playing spore (WARNING: NAKED FAT GUY)
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Archem on April 30, 2009, 04:05:01 AM
So I see that he's naked...

Less Pr0n, SVP.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Fisherson on April 30, 2009, 04:17:52 PM

Just because this thread is dead for now, doesn't mean you should post non-female prons on my thread.  >:(

Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Darkfox on April 30, 2009, 05:08:19 PM
Dangit Dedlelly! The only saving grace this time is that it doesn't show anything.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Fisherson on April 30, 2009, 05:32:37 PM
Dangit Dedlelly! The only saving grace this time is that it doesn't show anything.

Thank goodness. I mean if your going to post porn, how about somthing more actractive? XD No seripusly, no porn on the site, you'll get us in trouble and this place is a home away from home for me. HEck I talk to more pepole on this site than I do in real life. Also what's with all this anti spore?
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on April 30, 2009, 11:11:19 PM
What? This wasn't a prons. It's expressing how much you will be at your computer playing Spore because it's such a nice game.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Archem on April 30, 2009, 11:11:47 PM
Dangit Dedlelly! The only saving grace this time is that it doesn't show anything.
Tits! I see tits!
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: fruckert on May 01, 2009, 12:44:02 AM
Tits! I see tits!
You made me lol

And yes, SPORE does kill.
Dangit Dedlelly! The only saving grace this time is that it doesn't show anything.
It did, but he took it out, probably remembering his tempo-ban
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Archem on May 01, 2009, 02:11:11 AM
You made me lol
Then I am doing my job correctly.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on May 01, 2009, 02:39:53 AM
And yes, SPORE does kill.

It disappointed me, though. I thought it would have a realistic simulation of evolution.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: fruckert on May 01, 2009, 02:41:48 AM
It disappointed me, though. I thought it would have a realistic simulation of evolution.
Very hard to do, especially since we don't know the exact mechanism evolution uses.
Plus, that'd be boring, which is the kiss of death for a game.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on May 01, 2009, 03:29:19 AM
Very hard to do, especially since we don't know the exact mechanism evolution uses.
Plus, that'd be boring, which is the kiss of death for a game.

Well, I've been looking for a long while a Darwinian evolution simulator.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Red Giant on May 01, 2009, 03:31:20 AM
Very hard to do, especially since we don't know the exact mechanism evolution uses.
... Natural Selection?

EDIT: There are plenty of evolution simulators out there that are "realistic" in the sense that they use the same principles, not realistic in the sense that they don't throw up tigers and sh*t. Evolutionary principles are being used to advance the field of programming and robotics.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on May 01, 2009, 03:35:13 AM
... Natural Selection?

EDIT: There are plenty of evolution simulators out there that are "realistic" in the sense that they use the same principles, not realistic in the sense that they don't throw up tigers and sh*t. Evolutionary principles are being used to advance the field of programming and robotics.

Really? Like what? The only evolutionary simulation I know is Life (, and that's not biological.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Red Giant on May 01, 2009, 03:40:16 AM
What is this topic even about? (
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: fruckert on May 01, 2009, 03:42:05 AM
Very hard to do, especially since we don't know the exact mechanism evolution uses.
I need to read wiki more...
Say's there, Genetic Drift is what causes most random DNA sequence changes

I still say a realistic evolution sim would be boring.

BTW, cool robots
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: DedlellyDeth on May 01, 2009, 03:49:47 AM
Awesome vid, Red.

I need to read wiki more...


This thread could always transition to evolution or Spore. I'm sure Fish would be happy with that.
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: lonewolf on June 13, 2009, 11:48:58 PM
it's in the making baby
i get the night club chipset made when i got time on
my hands as back to full time work
big tree's he i come to cut you down to size
Title: Re: Fish's Chain Game (Is dead but a new thread will be cooming soon)
Post by: Fisherson on June 13, 2009, 11:53:01 PM
Wrong thread my freind. We use the "Fish's Chain Game: Poll thread". i realy need to delete this thread.