
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Grandy on August 28, 2013, 10:49:14 PM

Title: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Grandy on August 28, 2013, 10:49:14 PM (


I don't know, I guess I just want you guy's take on this.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on August 28, 2013, 10:53:02 PM
I think it looks kind of dumb. The shape is very... Well, it's not good. I'm suddenly very aware of how important being able to flip the screen down is to the DS and 3DS design.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Cerebus on August 28, 2013, 11:40:02 PM
So it's basically for those who wish to play 3DS games for a cheaper price and who don't care about the 3D effect nor about protecting their screens.

Kinda silly, but well, maybe it'll actually sell very well, who knows.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Bluhman on August 28, 2013, 11:48:23 PM
Joints are expensive, okay?
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: zuhane on August 29, 2013, 01:02:22 AM
Has Nintendo been taken hostage by chimps or something?
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: DragonBlaze on August 29, 2013, 01:31:43 AM
I can understand taking the 3D part out, but that thing looks horrendous and it's not even that much cheaper.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Cerebus on August 29, 2013, 02:28:27 AM
$40 less is actually not too bad. It probably come to about a fifth less with taxes.

I also can understand taking off the 3D part since I'm quite certain many people don't even play in 3D anyway. But it's not just the look, the lack of flippy-floppity means that the screens won't be as protected and that it won't be as carry-able.

But well, there might be a large amount of people who would disagree with us and buy it in a heartbeat, who knows.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: HackersTotalMassLaser on August 29, 2013, 03:12:23 AM
I dont like it all that much since it's geared toward the younger audience. But i bet you, its gonna make them a lot of money.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Apex on August 29, 2013, 05:17:56 AM
Why? Yuck.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 29, 2013, 05:42:46 AM
Probably the best idea from a business perspective. They are gonna release even more great games for the 3ds, even a pokemon, and they know that lots of people didn't get a 3ds because it's too expensive. See: poor people in like, Brazil, who still play PS2 for example. So people will get one of these for their pokemon crazy kids, and perhaps the kids might want to get a real 3ds later on when they grow up a little. Also, the games cost the same.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Dr. Ace on August 29, 2013, 11:35:20 AM
It looks butt ugly, it's way less portable, only mono audio. I can understand they want to release a child-proof version but this thing is just horrendous.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: daoman89 on August 29, 2013, 03:33:32 PM
I couldn't care less because I already have my XL. 
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 29, 2013, 06:14:04 PM
If providing a cheaper option was the point, then cool. But like DB said, it ain't much cheaper and it's ugly as sin.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: desiderata on August 30, 2013, 12:50:54 AM
I couldn't care less because I already have my XL. 

What he said.

Besides, it seems like having exposed screens like that would be less childproof.  But then they'll be like, hey, buy this slip cover, it'll protect you from harm.  Plus screen protectors.  So the actual price margin will still shrink anyway and you'll end up paying about $150 anyways.  But spreading out the cost like that, it'll feel cheaper.  Feels, guys.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: SaiKar on August 30, 2013, 04:29:05 AM
... they're going after the 5 and 6 year old demographic now, are they?

I think I'm officially on the wrong console at this stage. Like, its a canon fact.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on August 30, 2013, 07:44:35 AM
Yeah, it does seem like they're going too far into the kiddie pool with this version. Nintendo needs to try to repair its image with core gamers (the people who really spend money on games) and stop catering so heavily to the family/children demographic. It's not helping them as much as they think.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: drenrin2120 on August 30, 2013, 08:49:49 AM
Hm... Anyone think they designed it like this specifically not to lose sales on the 3DS? This'd be nice if it had the hinge and wasn't a brick. Plus, I know a lot of people didn't buy the 3DS because it was 3D. I didn't, even with the option to shut it off, I felt I was being ripped off for something I didn't even want to use.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Dr. Ace on August 30, 2013, 12:09:34 PM
What he said.

Besides, it seems like having exposed screens like that would be less childproof.  But then they'll be like, hey, buy this slip cover, it'll protect you from harm.  Plus screen protectors.  So the actual price margin will still shrink anyway and you'll end up paying about $150 anyways.  But spreading out the cost like that, it'll feel cheaper.  Feels, guys.

That's my problem with it as well. They state this design was chosen so that the hinges can't get broken, they don't exist. But instead there's a much higher chance the screen can scratch. They need to learn that children will break stuff either way, you can't fully prepare for it with devices like this. The only way to be sure it doesn't break is that parents keep an eye on their children. Otherwise, expect them to lose or destroy the object.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: zuhane on August 30, 2013, 01:11:27 PM
I used to like Nintendo, but I find it increasingly hard to stick with their ridiculous decisions. Creating all these family-oriented
ideas might have helped them rake in some well-needed cash, but I think they're pushing it too much now. They're losing their
hardcore fanbase - me included. I don't want to see the 18th-remastered-edition-remake-overhaul Zelda. Just make some new games.

For a company that prides itself on innovation and originality, they're not very original at all.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on August 30, 2013, 06:47:05 PM
That's my problem with it as well. They state this design was chosen so that the hinges can't get broken, they don't exist. But instead there's a much higher chance the screen can scratch. They need to learn that children will break stuff either way, you can't fully prepare for it with devices like this. The only way to be sure it doesn't break is that parents keep an eye on their children. Otherwise, expect them to lose or destroy the object.
Here's one thing I find myself questioning the validity of. Nintendo handhelds have a legacy of being tough-as-nails, and only started to show cracks in their armor (and their cases) once they got into the hinged design of the DS and 3DS. Before, the screens never really got messed up, and they were all exposed constantly. I have faith that the screens aren't in danger of becoming easily damaged.

Well, maybe the touch screen. They're not hard plastic and are meant to be touched frequently, so they might suffer some damage, but I think that the most likely source of damage is from hyperactive children stabbing and scratching with the stylus (or worse, using pens or pencils instead of the supplied and easily losable stylus).
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: DragonBlaze on August 30, 2013, 07:06:57 PM
So it seems that it is actually much cheaper not to have hinges because they can use one single LCD panel for both displays instead of two separate displays.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 30, 2013, 07:08:28 PM
Do people even use the stylus? I mostly just use my fingers like, always.

And as Archem mentioned, Nintendo consoles aren't iphones. Neither my brick Gameboy, my slightly smaller gameboy colour or the GBA got as much as a dent on their screens despite being thrown into the same bag as my keys and whatnot. Or falling to the floor or the ground. You name it. Those things were solid.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Cerebus on August 30, 2013, 08:08:26 PM
Uhm, that is true. None of my old non-flippy-floppy handhelds really suffered screen damage. My Vita and PSP's also never suffered screen damage. Still, it's one less protection.
But yeah, I suppose that if my Game Boy's screen looks fine, the 2DS's should be fine, as long as people act somewhat carefully and don't get unlucky.

I still think it's a pretty bad design, though, but oh well. We'll see where that goes.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Dr. Ace on August 30, 2013, 08:16:57 PM
Here's one thing I find myself questioning the validity of. Nintendo handhelds have a legacy of being tough-as-nails, and only started to show cracks in their armor (and their cases) once they got into the hinged design of the DS and 3DS. Before, the screens never really got messed up, and they were all exposed constantly. I have faith that the screens aren't in danger of becoming easily damaged.

Well, maybe the touch screen. They're not hard plastic and are meant to be touched frequently, so they might suffer some damage, but I think that the most likely source of damage is from hyperactive children stabbing and scratching with the stylus (or worse, using pens or pencils instead of the supplied and easily losable stylus).

Ah man, I still cringe anything someone tries to point out something on the computer using a pen. Just used the mouse for god's sake! D=
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Cerebus on August 30, 2013, 08:33:43 PM
Oh and yeah, to answer Prpl_Mage's question: I do use the stylus for certain stuff, especially when more precision is required, or for when I need to use the touch screen a lot. For example, writing letters in Animal Crossing, browsing the e-store, etc. But in most case, I use my thumbs/fingers.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on August 30, 2013, 09:10:49 PM
I use the stylus unless the game has large buttons on-screen. Trying to do anything other than poke a touch button always ends in disaster as the touch screen reads something odd from my fat finger sliding across it, applying varying degrees of pressure in multiple places at the same time.

It's a different kind of touch screen than smart phones use, and as such, it doesn't work as well with your finger as it does with a more precise instrument (the supplied stylus).
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: desiderata on August 31, 2013, 11:50:58 AM
Yeah, it does seem like they're going too far into the kiddie pool with this version.

Would you say they've... gone off the deep end?
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on August 31, 2013, 05:00:04 PM
While I appreciate the pun (really, I love all puns), I kind of wish they weren't so shallow about how things work in the industry.

See? I can make 'em, too.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: zuhane on September 03, 2013, 03:56:36 PM
You know the phrase, "They've shot themselves in the foot there."

Is there any foot left to shoot? I'd just imagine a pile of manky flesh hanging on by a thread by this point.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 03, 2013, 07:05:25 PM
Still better off than Microsoft and their windows 8.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: oooog on September 08, 2013, 07:05:13 PM
I love my 3DS.  Far and away my favorite handheld device to date.  If I want to play a game in 2D, I'll slide the dealie down.  Boom, solved.

The 2DS is a convenient solution to those who barely play or do not even care for the 3D gimmick (such people exist), as well as being a little more sturdy than the standard console.  Not Nokia unbreakable, but a little more travel friendly.  Would I personally trade my 3DS (assuming I didn't have the Ambassador status tied to it) for a 2DS?  Absolutely not.  Would I recommend anyone switch from a 3DS in reasonable condition?  Absolutely-ier not.

Would I recommend this device to someone who doesn't care about 3D, has never owned a 3DS and is interested in checking it out, or has a smaller child (prone to being rough with toys) who would like to play such games as Pokemon Rumble or Skylanders and the like?  Sure.  The point is, while it certainly does not fit my personal needs, nor the needs of individuals who frequent gaming websites, there is a viable market for it, and it's not such a silly decision.

Mind you, the PSP Go still holds the title for the silliest and worst iteration of a gaming platform to date, so in comparison, I think the 2DS really isn't that bad.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on September 08, 2013, 08:08:21 PM
Mind you, the PSP Go still holds the title for the silliest and worst iteration of a gaming platform to date, so in comparison, I think the 2DS really isn't that bad.
I strongly disagree, but not simply because I think having a handheld with all the games loaded digitally instead of carrying around a bunch of UMDs that are a pain to switch out is a good idea (though the proprietary memory was ridiculously expensive). The reason I disagree is because the N-Gage was a thing.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: oooog on September 08, 2013, 09:20:05 PM
Oh without a doubt. the N-Gage existed and... existed.  I was referring to the fact that you got the PSP with a succession of models that arguably improved upon the system, but suddenly are presented with the train wreck that was the Go.  Sony actually thought this would be an improvement upon the previous versions of the system, which it was not.  Now that digital libraries has become a thing, the ideas could stand a chance, but back when it came out there was a very limited library with several unnanouncements (companies stating games will NOT appear on the system.)  That spells failure for an iteration of the device.

The N-Gage was there all by itself.  You can't take a step back in the wrong direction when your already against the wall.

Oh, I'm going to nip this in the bud before I get Nintendo-fanboy thrown at me.  I love Nintendo, but they are not infallible.  Gameboy Micro?  Need I even explain this one?  Nintendo DSi?  Sure, let's release a more expensive version of our handheld, slap a camera on it, and have two maybe three games on the virtual console worthwhile to play.  That's worth a home menu at the expense of a GBA slot.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Prpl_Mage on September 08, 2013, 10:07:11 PM
Nintendo DSi?  Sure, let's release a more expensive version of our handheld, slap a camera on it, and have two maybe three games on the virtual console worthwhile to play.  That's worth a home menu at the expense of a GBA slot.

You forgot the fact that it could connect to modern wireless networks and such good stuff. I had to go to a friends house to download all those pokemon events because the ordinary ds failed to connect.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: oooog on September 08, 2013, 10:08:57 PM
My DS Lite had no such issue.
Title: Re: Nintendo Announces 2DS
Post by: Archem on September 08, 2013, 10:46:39 PM
Mine does. Well, did, since the wi-fi no longer works correctly.