
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Fisherson on November 28, 2016, 07:27:12 AM

Title: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on November 28, 2016, 07:27:12 AM
Hi! I'm Fish! You might remember me from such failed games as Warped, Warped 2 : Rise of the Sith Dynasty ,The second chapter of the Charas Mayorial Steampunk Chain Game and ofcourse Misadventures of Jet and David.

But such successful things as the sixth chapter and Jazel's Side Quest chapter and more notibly for my recent success of begining and finishing the Fourth Chain Game: Juno's Odyssey!  Gosh that was a good feeling. <.< Even if I haven't figured out how to make it stand-alone for my non Charas buddies yet. Ahem anyway! I'm here to present you with another crazy idea that's been rattling around in my head.

Those of you who've known me the longest know I've always wanted to do some kind of Charas X-Mas based game right? Well recently I got my script in order for "Merry Fishmas". <.< Yes I'm aware of the reference to the Simpsons that stirs in some, not an overly nice one if you remember it well enough, but mine would be less about tossing fish guts on orphans and more about mad capped insanity with a winter/holiday theme tossed in! =D I was gonna just make it by myself but I LOVE working in chain games. =P Even if they do leave me nuts I just love replaying them again, and again fornostalgia and tweaking them and ya'll gotta admit I did a good job right? Right. So here's a weird idea for a chain game: An Advent Calendar. Don't know what that is? Ugh. I'd link but...dial up.....

So basically it works like this an advent calendar is large box that is marked with days till Christmas just like a normal one but each square is actually a door with a present inside. You open the doors one by one till you get to x-mas! Awesome eh? I had a Lego one and it was one of my favorite presents. Still have the actual box in fact. ^_^ But I digress. Our basic premise would be thus: Each chapter of the game would be done as a day ont he calendar counting down till X-Mas and telling the story set in the first day which would be done by yours truly. Unlike a chain game though this would mean it would have more than ten chapters. ^^;; Now, now! No heckling you or I'll bring out the mighty Sardonka the Space Shark! >.< It's more than possible to do this if we get enough people. I know Zoltar will want in, kid bugs me to do a new WoG allot so he'd be down for a Chain Game I'm sure, but how about the rest of yous? Can I count on ya?

Each time you make a new chapter you add it to the 'calendar map' so that the player can walk over to it or click it and then be teleported to your maps. The basic idea will be to progress from one 'day' to the next till we get to x-mas! =D Very festive and fun! To stress again Day= Chapter.

The rules are as follows:
You are allowed to do anything you like but don't be too random and try to keep the Holidays theme going if you can. For example you could have the party suddenly kidnapped by aliens and have the ship overrun by monsters, candy cane monsters! =P
The system will be RPG maker 2003 since we all don't have MV yet. <.< Lazy bones. Otherwise we could do it all rather quick I  think.
The time limit: You have two weeks to complete your chapter before you'll be pushed back a 'day' on the calendar. You can take as many as you want. I'll be doing the first and if nobody takes it in time I'll do the last day.
Fish what about resources?!: I'll provide a few holiday sets in the chips an charasets. Music? Well we can always use traditional RPG music or we can go pester Dren and other well known music makers.
What will the story be about? To start off I mean. Well I'm still figuring that out. I've got a basic story I want to try but I'll only reveal that if we get enough people......Oh fine I'll shoot my idea.

Our story begins centered around a young spiky haired fellow named Robert "Bobby 'Snow'. Well the latter is not a real name but something he coined because he is an orphan and nobody knows about his parents were. A sixteen year old little bastard who is told that on his eighteenth birthday if he has not found a family he will be tossed out on his *** to freeze to death! He wonders what to do until he's visited by the Ghost of Christmas Past: Devon O'Slyme who tells him he has a great destiny to fufill before Christmas Eve for evil forces have sealed away all the heroes in an enchanted box and now Bobby must open the doors in order or else spirits will rise, there will be slaying left and right and the world will END! Bobby figures he has nothing to lose and opens the first panel being teleported into it just like the freak ghost said!

*Cue Merry Fishmas Logo*

Then you get into the actual chapter which you play though till the Calendar appears then you return to the main map and open the next door till you get to the final door.

[Advent Calendar Days Left]
1 The One and Only Fish
2  Z O  L T A R
{                                                     ]
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Donut on November 28, 2016, 10:22:23 AM
So I guess there'd be lots of restriction if one chapter takes a day to make (limited set of resources?)? I'd be up for it, I just need to know really what's the rules be like to see if I'll have time for it
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on November 29, 2016, 12:29:42 AM
So I guess there'd be lots of restriction if one chapter takes a day to make (limited set of resources?)? I'd be up for it, I just need to know really what's the rules be like to see if I'll have time for it

No, no, no. Sorry I should have been more descriptive. You don't have a day to make it, about two weeks should be the max,the 'day' on the calendar represents your chapter. Let me update that...
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Prpl_Mage on November 29, 2016, 06:22:13 AM
So you don't plan on releasing it this year? Seeing how there are 2 days left to December the first.

I'm out though, got some other things going on. But good luck
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Momeka on November 29, 2016, 07:07:32 AM
Yeah, I'm confused, it's not for this christmas?

Anyway, dang, I was also working on a chain game thing :P
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Zoltar on November 29, 2016, 05:27:28 PM
Sorry, Fishman but you've slatted too big a game to finish.  _sweat_ It's mondo awesome sounding but you need to reduce your time limit or you won't get it done. Maybe if you cut it down to a week before Christmas in the game? Seven chapters can be knocked out quickly and it'd add a sense of urgency. Also bump Bobby's age up to the cusp of 17 so that your lore makes more sense. If you do that I'll take the second chapter!  ;)

Yeah, I'm confused, it's not for this christmas?

Anyway, dang, I was also working on a chain game thing :P

Correct me if I'm wrong, Sir Momeka, but can not two Chain Games be run at the sane time?  :P. Fishman has run several before if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Fisherson on December 08, 2016, 05:27:51 AM
You've been added as the second chapter hold, Z. t need to know really what's the rules be like to see if I'll have time for it
[/quote] I'll figure out some excuse in game for the Advent Calendar theme latter. Got the three starting party members made. Now I gotta get me a nice Orphanage type tileset since all my winter stuff is secure.
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Donut on December 12, 2016, 08:13:49 AM
You can count me in. I thought I'd have much to do but a big project got cancelled here so I'll get more time
Title: Re: Advent Chain Game
Post by: Moosetroop11 on December 12, 2016, 11:17:40 AM
I do love chain games, but I'd rather take part in one that isn't christmas themed and we've planned out together a bit more. Next time perhaps ; )