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[Graphics Request] My Nephew's Game Attempt, v1: Ice Cream Kirby-like Platformer
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Topic: [Graphics Request] My Nephew's Game Attempt, v1: Ice Cream Kirby-like Platformer (Read 2825 times)
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[Graphics Request] My Nephew's Game Attempt, v1: Ice Cream Kirby-like Platformer
April 06, 2015, 07:29:01 AM »
My nephews are 11 and my niece just turned 9; I've been walking them through an exploration of NES-era games and some of the possible gameplay they could use to make a game. We're hoping to eventually get some little thing on Kongregate or maybe Steam. I don't expect it will be particularly good, but we're following the advice of
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in giving it an attempt and seeing what we can learn from it.
But that's a bit in the future. Right now we're working on Minimum Viable Product, and following it up with a bit of expansion. Tomorrow we'll be recording some sound effects (that ought to be fun). I'm also thinking it's about time to pick up some rough graphics, as I've noticed that graphics production is one of the slower, weaker, and more frustrating parts of the attempts we've made before (this, despite the fact that I have artistic skill... my abilities and their suggestions don't often mesh).
So I thought I'd ask if anyone would like to make some graphics -- don't have to look great, just rough-draft material that shows what it is fairly clearly -- for the game idea that's the most complete so far, my eldest nephew's brainstorm:
Working from ideas from Kirby, Mega Man, and Metroid, we decided on shooting balls of goopy ice cream (covering the enemies in melted ice cream and stunning or knocking them out) and being able to scoop up (or suck up, like Kirby) multiple enemies into an ice cream cone (say, three enemies high). Haven't yet decided what to do with the enemies once they're there, but this indicates that the enemies will be ball-shaped though probably with faces. Maybe also you could scoop up to three ice cream colors onto your cone.
The other thing is doors made of pie that require a specific color of ice cream to open. E.g. the pumpkin pie needs vanilla, and maybe there's a pie that goes best with chocolate or pistachio ice cream.
So basically I'm after these (note: this won't be an RPG Maker game; I figure maybe 32x32 pixels?):
A roundish, cartoony main character carrying an ice cream cone (waffle cone), who can walk (with cone held vertically) and kind of swing the cone like a sword.
Two or three bad guys, who can walk, and their "I've been gooped by ice cream!" sprite of sitting there stunned or knocked out.
Three to five colors/styles of ice cream that could conceivably sit on that waffle cone, one on top of the other, and a version of them flying through the air trailing dripping ice cream.
One to three bonuses of things that go on top of ice cream (sprinkles, cherry, whipped cream?).
A pumpkin-pie door thing.
A small (short) platform and a big (long) platform (the floating kind) that fit the theme. Maybe these are pies too? or wafer cookies?
Basically I just want the kind of graphics set that makes it easier to show the kid how it all fits together, without having to push through the process of making rudimentary graphics again (the kids really don't have the patience to power through areas we suck at).
I have a website now! Currently just points at my fanfics (over 230 works, totaling over 750,000 words, mostly in Marvel and Person of Interest and now Lackadaisy too). YouTube channel on hiatus but I hope to eventually recreate "A Fugitive in Stardew Valley" now that I know how to mod the game.
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[Graphics Request] My Nephew's Game Attempt, v1: Ice Cream Kirby-like Platformer