Community Projects > Chain Games

Another Chain Game? (Complete)

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I was kinda hoping to be done by Sunday, but yeeeeeah, no way that's going to happen. Been mostly just hammering away on graphics but it's really time consuming. So I'd figured I try to ask for help. If you want to help out or are just bored and feel like spriting a bit, feel free to make a character or two or ten. Draw whatever you want, I'm not looking for anything specific, just characters to populate the world with. Now the game is a modern setting so bonus points if it isn't all armored knights and wizards.

You don't have to be signed up or anything. Anyway feel free to join in. I'll make sure we get some credit thing in the end of this one for everyone helping out.

Here's the template for male and female characters:

Here's some npc I already made, feel free to dissect them, reuse parts or recolor them:

I'll post an update version of the female npcs once I finished more of them.

Here's the colors I used (if you use asesprite it's "edg32"):

You don't have to use these, but they're guaranteed to match the ingame graphics if you do. 

Just post what you make in this thread and I'll add it to the game.

Dr. Ace:
Made a quick fat guy template. I'll add some fat-guy npcs later.

Oh so that's the style! Mono nice looking. Though making it from hand....  :-\ That looks challenging! Maybe the Big Z should leave this one alone. Fishman can have my spot.  :bend: I'm dropping out.


--- Quote from: Zoltar on March 26, 2017, 05:58:09 PM ---Oh so that's the style! Mono nice looking. Though making it from hand....  :-\ That looks challenging! Maybe the Big Z should leave this one alone. Fishman can have my spot.  :bend: I'm dropping out.

--- End quote ---

Are you sure? There will be plenty of finished resources to work with and if you're missing anything just ask me and I'll whip something up for you.

Erm is there space for me to do a chapter? : S


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