Game Creation > Requests

Looking for a good game title


I'm looking for a game that would be close to secret of mana 2 I could rip from. It could be a game title for either Super Nintendo or  GBA/GBC. I would appreciate any recommendations.

For GBA I'd say there is Magical Vacation (and its remake on the NDS). Otherwise the GBA remake of Sword of Mana is quite similar to it as well.

Thanks for that. I checked into Magical Vacation, seems pretty cool.

I have another question,
I was wondering if there was an area that had a large amount of charas and chipsets for RM VX or even other versions. I am trying to convert some charas for RM2k3. I tried it out with a chara for RM VX and it came out pretty decent.  :Plight: Thanks again


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