Off-Topic > Charas World Fan Kingdom board

To Charas

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Red Giant:
To charas.
You may wonder, what with the spam and bandwidth costs, if the charas situation could get any worse from here.
Well, I am here to tell you that it can. A LOT worse.
This present is a demonstration of the worst case scenario. It is designed to scare you so much that you frantically scramble from the hungry jaws of total destruction.

Download it now, it may be your last hope:

Download the worst case scenario

Dude, that's friggin awesome.

Red Giant:

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
Dude, that's friggin awesome.
--- End quote ---

 :D Thank you. That's why I asked for your charaset.

Sealoron tunak! Stars alive!

3 gold stars for you! That was AWESOME!  :bend:

Seriously, do you have AIM or MSN or something?

Red Giant:
:D  :D Thanks, glad you liked it. Sorry for all those who think they should have been included. I seriously looked everywhere for stuff I could use.

Sorry Sai, me no IM.

EDIT: Hey alex, put this up on the gifts page or YOU KNOW WHAT I'LL DO. :D Just kidding.


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