Community Projects > Contests

Resource Contest 2015 Voting

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Entry two, Momeka, is hereby declared the winner

Okay so we have three participants who finished all the resources in time. So it is now time for you to vote for your winner!

I decided to exclude the name of the participants of the resources but given how the style was free then you might deduce it from looking at it.

Each participants made 3 resources, a charset, a battlechar and a monster. Feel free to give them criticism if you want to.

Also, the result of the poll will be shown 7 days from now. For suspense.

Entry 1:

Entry 2:

Entry 3:

edit: I'm gonna get them animated and update this post, so for now it's just the resources themselves.

I reaaaally like Entry n°2, and the monster of n°3 (which reminds me of FF IX, one ot my favourite games ever <3).
Voted for 2.
Good Job everyone!

I'm mostly fond of #1. #2 is nice, but I feel it doesn't quite nail it.

Ignore me. Day from hell. Very tired. Delirious even most likely.


--- Quote from: Fisherson on December 13, 2015, 11:50:08 PM ---Heh heh! That's what I was going for! ^_^ I call it "The Purple Waltz" even! I love the charaset on one 1, it's so cute and stick man like but Red wins hands down. @-@ His style is like Earthbond but unique and creepdorable as usual! ^o^ Buuuut battle wise I think I have to say entry one's battler is the most unique I've ever seen. O.o Not quite awesome but strangely cool. But not to toot my own fanfare horn but I think I pretty much nailed the monster category best. O.O And I was sure I'd lose! I mean this is the first monster I've made ina long time 100% by hand. I usually don't even edit the FF ones I use but it came out pretty dang awesome looking. Even if it don't win I may have to find a way to use it since it turned out so nice.

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