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In search for motivated people that would like to test my game
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Topic: In search for motivated people that would like to test my game (Read 3763 times)
Posts: 3
In search for motivated people that would like to test my game
September 28, 2011, 07:37:13 AM »
Because of large improvements and adjustments to my game Final Tear 3, we are searching for motivated people that would like to test the game on different aspects. Final Tear 3 is a self-made anime rpg game which take almost 7 years to make. More information ->
Because there were some complaints about different aspect of the game, I decided to resolve those problems and improved the game on many points. Points like this include: Better balance, new stuff, new strategies, better dialogue and most important more FUN!
Who are can test?
You don’t need to have any knowledge or expertise, though experience in playing anime rpg games would be nice. That way you know what to expect and what makes a good game.
What needs to be tested?
• Dialogue
• Bugs/Errors
• Balance
• Fun factor of the game, specified on different parts on the game (I want that people are very critic on this point.
What is important during testing?
For me, its very important that you are honest and very critical. I don’t want any testers that don’t like certain aspect of the game and are afraid to tell me that. My goal is that people enjoy the game as much as possible. So even if the critic is very small or whiney I would like to hear it all! It would be perfect if you could also tell me how some things could be better.
Things that could be a critic are:
• Too long events
• Too much fighting
• Boring or too difficult puzzles.
• Graphical errors
• Fights too easy/hard
• Boring events, mini games
And I guess there are a lot more things that can be found. Even if they are crazy don’t hold back to tell them to me!
When can I start?
I hope this weekend. Don’t download the version that is on my website right now because this is the old version. When the new version is ready for testing I will prepare a FTP server where you can download the game!
How many testers do you need?
On the moment as many as possible.
Can I quit in between?
Because the game is very huge (80 till 100 hours) I don’t expect that testers will test the whole game. Therefore it is allowed to stop whenever you want. However, if you want to stop, please tell me ahead and not at the last moment. I’m searching for people that want to invest time in the game and not those who stop after a week. We will waste both our time then.
Do I get paid?
No, it’s a free fan based game. You wont get paid. However, instead I can offer yer name of choice in the intro and/or credits of the game. But you need to have tested a certain length of the game to apply for that. What that length will be is not decided yet.
How much time does it cost?
You decide for yer own how long you will test, there is a guideline for 10 hours a week but this is just a guideline, of course more testing is always better than less testing.
How can I register?
Just post a message below this one, when the testing starts you can register on my board and post ur finding in a special forum made for the testing.
finaltear3.freeforums.org • Index page
If you have any questions you can ask them in this topic, I would be more than happy to answer them! Thx in advance for everyone that wants to help!
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Game Creation
RPG Maker
In search for motivated people that would like to test my game