Off-Topic > Creative arts

Edited RM2K/3 RTP monsters.

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Hello guys. I've been busy in the last few months but I still did some stuffs when I had free time. :)

From left to right: Lizard King for the lizard man colony. A Lost Soul straight from hell. A Robo-Kobold because why not. An Executioner who awaits criminals with mindless justice... or just wants to have a bloodbath if he's controlled by a tyrant system. And a Knight... yep... nothing special just a simple recolor with minor edits if you don't want your dark knight to be too fancy... Or I guess it could be a degraded version if your dark knight has more phases somehow. :D

Another nice batch, I feel like the lizard king would've been a bit better if the sword wasn't covering the face perhaps but the rest are solid

Thank you. :) Yeah, I know that sword is a bit in a wrong place... but I'm not skilled enough to make a completely different pose for a character just to keep most of the important part visible... I'm still learning so who knows? :)

Here is another pair of sprites:

Just a Jester and a Lion.

Also I had an idea as I saw this guy:

He could be a shapeshifter character but when transforming into another enemy it would still have it's shadowy appearance. Here are some already existing enemies (originals and edits) with the look of the shapeshifter:

If you guys like this idea and would use it then go ahead, also feel free to leave some ideas for another shapeshifter forms... even if you would see the slime as a shapeshifter form I would do it, but imo it doesn't make any sense to transform into a weakling. :D

Yeah, nice idea with the shapeshifter. Especially if those monsters it shapshifted into were previous bosses and it had a form of each of their signature moves or something.

That's a nice idea, would you be able to add that lighter outline as well? Or did that get wonky?


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