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Roosevelt City: Founded in late 2007, established slightly south of New York City, the city was one that almost literally sprang up over night, and has been a bastion of opportunity for all men and women ever since... But with opportunity came those who sought to get the most out of said opportunity; criminals, mad scientists, mutants, and other strange beings, all bent on destructive goals. The AUB, or Agency of Unusual Beings would be set up in 2009, but as time went on, even that proved to not be enough. It was when Bluhman came along; he decided that he'd form a superpowered elite; the strongest of the strong, to fight the crime of Roosevelt City, and once again, make it a safe and remarkable city for those who need it can find opportunity without fear of the worst. Play as the young, but promising Akira Stone, who, through sheer luck, found himself with superpowers, and became known as Chisoku, scarfed hero of Roosevelt City, and fight the crime of the city!
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.