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The Hunter's Run ~ RP
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Topic: The Hunter's Run ~ RP (Read 35432 times)
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
The Hunter's Run ~ RP
August 07, 2008, 11:27:21 PM »
Mirdoran sat, unfazed, listening to the annoying voice that soon lowered itself to a whining buzz inside his own mind. Orders. How he was sick of them. Of men who thought themselves above others, spewing out words that were laced with command, uncaring, unthinking, cold.
Have you spoken enough, sir? Or are you going to prattle on about meaninglessnesses?
There was a touch of arrogance in his manner. Despite his status as a Hunter, he still exuded that air of command that was a vestige of his time in the army. Clearly, the man giving him the orders did not enjoy that. His expression turned sour and his eyes darkened as he said the following words.
Yours is not to judge how we do our job, Mirdoran. It's to do yours. Understand?
The Hunter closed his eyes and nodded slowly. No sense in making him any angrier.
Well, are you going to get to the point, eventually? There's purging to be done, my friend.
I was getting there.
The associate took a small pause, recollecting his thoughts.
We've got some fresh meat in today, down in the maze. Nothing too special. Marduk has not sent word of anything of note. Same as usual. This time, it's the Hong-Kong Yakuza who's paying for these, and they're watching too. Show them how an expert does it, eh?
Mirdoran lifted himself up slowly. He was still garbed in his armor, a medieval set of protective metal that seemed far out of place in the complex. Slowly, he lifted the helmet up to his head and slid it down, locking the armor in place. When one looked at him, it seemed his eyes were but black pits, hiding no emotion, or sympathy.
I'll show them the meaning of 'smite'. Nothing more.
With a rustle of steel, he spun around and exited the office. Once outside, he took a deep breath. He disliked this whole place. It made him feel out of place, out of time, and the smell of secrecy hung in the air. The only redeeming quality of it was the fact that he helped to make the world a better place by eliminating those who would destroy it from within. He headed down the metal stairs to the main lobby, and strode towards an elevator on which a "Authorized Personnel Only" sign was slowly rusting. Summoning the elevator, he stepped inside its clutch and began to descend. Another day at the office, like one would say.
Check out the INN if you're wondering what we're going on about here.
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #1 on:
August 08, 2008, 06:09:29 AM »
Trent stood at the elevator doors, awaiting the opening of the doors and his "allies" to arrive. *DING* The doors slid open and Mirdoran stepped out.
So I'm with you am I?
Typical. I get stuck with the frail old man.
Don't count me out yet. I've got much more experience than you friend. Now let's get this over with.
Trent drew his gun from his pants pocket and pointed at the door.
Any time now.
This is my first real RP, so tell me if im doing anything wrong.
Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 06:12:55 AM by dudewheresmymount
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #2 on:
August 08, 2008, 05:05:04 PM »
So I suppose that makes you better than I am?
He looked around. The lower floors. They weren't at the Run yet. The smell of metal and... blood... sneaked its way to his nostrils.
You know what to do. Spread out, and neutralize. Don't expect me to watch your back.
Gruffly, he stepped towards a metal door that was rusting halfway. He had no more time to waste dillydallying, there were heathens to purge! Swinging it wide open, the door creaking like a dying beast, he motioned for Trent to follow him.
The Yakuza's paying for these this time.
You're doing a good job so far
The only thing is that you shouldn't try to RP other people's charries for them (although, in a given context, I don't really mind, as long as it fits with his character, and it's short.). Aside from that, it's good.
Last Edit: August 08, 2008, 05:07:04 PM by Weerd Thing
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #3 on:
August 09, 2008, 01:53:40 AM »
I hear sounds down the hall. Someone must be waking. I'll head down and check it out. You wait here. I'll call you if I need you.
Trent cocked his gun and ran down the hall, turned a corner and spotted a bewildered looking man
Wh.. What am I doing here? Who are you?
Small details that are of no concern. Are you armed?
Uh... no.
Then you are lucky.
Trent pointed his gun at the wall and fired off three shots
What the hell are you doing?
Saving your life. Now run. Leave this place.
The man ran off towards the nearest door as fast as he could.
Trent ran off towards Mirdoran
Doesn't sound like they put up much of a fight.
The art of surprise is very handy on the battlefield. Lets go this way now.
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #4 on:
August 09, 2008, 11:56:26 PM »
Mirdoran was slightly put off by the speed of Trent's actions. Maybe there was more to the old man than he had first surmised...
There's more than just one rat to catch... Let's separate, to cover more ground.
As those words left his mouth, his mind told a different story.
He just wanted to be far away from that man. Something seemed a little... off with him.
Keep going down this hall if you wish. I'll take this path.
He turned a corner and disappeared down the dank hall of the underground sewer.
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #5 on:
August 10, 2008, 03:06:25 AM »
Trent headed down a corridor in the strange white building. He came across a door, and went through it. Sitting in the corner was the man from before.
I thought i told you to leave this place!
The doors wont open..
What the hell are you on about? I just came through this door! See?
Trent turned the handle on the door. Nothing happened.
****. How am i supposed to get out n...
Before he could finish his sentence, a bullet came flying at Trent from the air vent in the roof and almost hit him
A heavily built man with a pistol in one hand and a shotgun in the other came down from the vent. Trent recognized the man. The man was a Hunter.
What are you doing?! I'm a hunter too you fool! You're Cyrus, right?
Yeah, that's me. Sorry about that.
I'll write up a bio of this guy in the INN. I felt we needed more characters due to the fact that we're the only two here. >_>
Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 03:08:44 AM by dudewheresmymount
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #6 on:
August 10, 2008, 07:27:45 AM »
Mirdoran made his way through the sewers. Of course, the stench of the place did not please him, but one could not choose how a place was like...
He drew his .50 magnum out of a holder in his plate armor and loaded it. He could not risk running out of ammo in a confrontation... should there be any in any case.
Some movement caught his eye, and he turned the gun towards the source. Swiftly, he fired a shot into what he later realized was merely a sewer rat, which exploded in a spectacular (if a little gory) mangled mess.
Mirdoran (thinking) :
Damn. That's one bullet gone... I need to be more careful.
Swiftly he continued his solitary path. Heathens were waiting. It was time for judgement.
Saw the bio. Very interesting...
We need some more people in this RP! Maybe a few captives!
A call for the other members.
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Reply #7 on:
August 10, 2008, 08:44:28 AM »
So do I get the honors?
What the hell are you on about?
Cyrus pointed at the captive
Which of us gets to take him out?
T.. take me out?
I don't believe in killing unarmed peop.....
Before he could finish the sentence, Cyrus fired his shotgun at the Captive's face, splattering blood and brain all over white white walls
I do.
Trent loathed this man even though they met 2 minutes ago. What kind of beast would kill an unarmed civillian?!
So how do we get out? You locked the door.
Cyrus pointed his shotgun at the wall and fired twice. The shots blew straight through the wall
This place has flimsly walls.
Cyrus kicked out the remaining parts of the wall and walked through
Trent looked at the Brute of a man. He had his back turned. Trent could easily shoot him and remove this scum from the world. He could avenge the poor civillian who Cyrus killed. Trent raised his gun...
Trent (thinking):
NO! I can't do that. It'll destroy my status among the hunters. I just need to play it cool. Given this brute's intelligence, he'll probably get himself killed sooner or later.
Trent reluctantly lowered his gun and started to follow Cyrus
Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 08:58:39 AM by dudewheresmymount
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #8 on:
August 10, 2008, 04:43:33 PM »
A sound crept through the dank halls, and Mirdoran readied his gun. Swiftly, he turned the corner.
There was a ragged man, probably stuck here for days, with wild hair and crazy eyes... armed with a dull knife.
You better start running, friend. It makes it funner.
With a crazed yelp, the captive threw himself at Mirdoran, swinging the knife at him, striking him multiple times on his armor, not even making a scratch. The Hunter watched, unfazed.
That's acceptable too.
He pushed the crazy man back forcefully, then took aim at his head and fired a single shot. It missed. He hadn't remembered to account for the enormous kick-back of the weapon.
The captive took his chance to spin 180 degrees and run away.
So the man has a little sense in him... Well, no use letting him get away, is there?
This time, he took aim one more time, then fired, accounting for the kickback. The bullet landed straight in the back of his neck, and the captive fell, paralyzed, on the brink of death.
So Mirdoran took his time, walking slowly towards the downed man, all the while putting away his gun and drawing his enormous zweihander blade, shining in the dull light of the sewers. When he reached the man, he pushed him over with his foot so that he faced towards the ceiling. The captive was shaking his head, emitting noises of fear and pain, his wound bleeding profusely. The Hunter was surprised that he was still alive.
Oh well. Nothing like a blade to finish the job.
Do you know why you're here?
He did not expect any answer from the addled man. Mirdoran raised his weapon so that the tip faced downwards, towards the man's chest.
It's because you deserve to die.
One swift, merciful motion. The blade went through his body as if it were paper-maché, piercing his sternum and heart with ease. The man jerked, once, in unimaginable pain, then flopped to the ground once more, dead.
Mirdoran withdrew his sword and wiped the blade clean, then put it away in it scabbard.
There's no place for your kind in humanity.
At once, he put his hand to his ear, initializing the earpiece equipped there and sending a message to Trent. He had never used the earpiece before, he had always gone solo in his missions.
Prey has fallen. There are still more. How many did you bag?
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
All men play on ten!
Posts: 2,852
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #9 on:
August 10, 2008, 04:49:55 PM »
((Going with a first person style, that alright with you guys?))
Where the hell am I...?
Damnit!!... my head.
I run my fingers along an almost crater-like scar, feeling caked blood cling to the length of my hair. A choking reflex overtakes me as I take in a slow, deep breath through my nose, a single smell of the stagnant water within these walls nearly enough to put me back to sleep. I remember nothing, except a shrill, almost robotic scream, and finding myself in here... I slowly work together the courage, opening my mouth to speak to an unseen, imaginary opponent somewhere in the shadows of the corridor I stand in.
"Where the hell am I?" I ask any one willing to listen, before finally taking to my feet, my path lit only by the gentle flicker of a thousand species of insectoid, and the few and far lanterns that hang over head on the molded roof. I had but one priority now, and perhaps understood even less than that; Whoever put me into this near literal hell-hole would pay...
Eagerly, I trace the features of my gun, before hesitantly donning it in both hands."I'll make him pay..." I assure myself and whatever being, mortal or immortal, should care enough to follow me. Looking to the skyless roof of this completely foreign place, I gave a small, determined smirk, sure that no matter the means, that the man responsible would be dead before I even dreamt of leaving.
Keeping both hands over the grip of my pistol, I swung my arms to one side defensively before shaking my head free of all distractions, taking but the one path that I could - forward.
((Reading through some of the old messages, I gotta say, something about Trent I just find incredibly awesome XD))
Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 05:03:38 PM by Dominicy
Weerd Thing
There is no cow level.
Posts: 236
Some people just like to watch the world burn...
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #10 on:
August 10, 2008, 08:49:00 PM »
((I'm perfectly fine with a first-person view
Trent is a good character, although, for my tastes, a little too 'sav-the-civilians' XD)
In the sewers, the humming of blackflies and water echoed through the stony halls. It seemed like a labyrinth. The twisting halls and cobblestones never ended... never let up.
Oddly, something else began to mix in with the natural noise... a whispering, a fleeting noise that mingled with the rush of water and the buzzing of insects, a sound that seemed to become, very slowly, louder...
The shadows were like drapes, cloaking all corners and inking out parts of reality, or so it seemed. It even seemed that one shadow began to move, slowly, away from the wall, and as the whispering reached its apex, it took form, and a word could be made out.
Check out
The Hunter's Run
, an RP by me, and the
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #11 on:
August 11, 2008, 06:27:04 AM »
Trent heard Mirdoran's voice coming through the earpiece. He raised his hand to his ear to reply
Well, my
here made quite the display with his shotgun and a some fool's head. Once we've cleared this building of scum we'll come down to your level.
Trent hated putting on such a cruel persona, but it helped him relate to Mirdoran. If the two got on good terms with each other, Trent could figure out if Mirdoran was one of the people who don't deserve to have a place on this world. The ones that would eventually bring this world spiraling down into a hell on earth.
Last Edit: August 11, 2008, 06:29:19 AM by dudewheresmymount
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
All men play on ten!
Posts: 2,852
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #12 on:
August 11, 2008, 06:43:00 AM »
I could feel it, my hands tremble on the barrel of my gun at the mention of my name. Something was down here, something was after me, this was no mistake..."Who are you?" I called back, trying to reinforce my voice under a thick blanket of arrogant, perhaps even blind confidence. I knew there was no way my feeble voice could ever intimidate the voice of the what seemed like omnipotent being, watching me from all directions."I'll kill you if you come near me." I barked, whirling around the sharp turn of a corridor, faced with a tall, metallic figure.
I grit my teeth, tearing my gun forward, firing what felt like as many as a thousand times, time itself becoming a blind illusion as I fired rapidly into the metal target before finally diving in, knife armed, plunging the blade deep into the thick metallic skin of my opponent, tracing the details of the metallic exo-skeleton. I reeled back, staring forward in an undefinable mix between relief and shock, realizing my target was simply a dormant, rusted sewer pipe. In my blind rage, I had wasted at least an entire clip of bullets, emptied with no avail into the feeble metal of a simple pipe.
I swore at myself under my breath, clenching my teeth together angrily, before lifting my head to the make-believe sky, shouting at the unseen footsteps near by."Who the hell are you!?" I demanded in a stubborn voice, sliding my knife back in place in my pocket before reloading my gun with my newly free hand.
Your eyes. Are an ocean. Your breasts. Are also an ocean.
Posts: 2,700
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #13 on:
August 11, 2008, 06:52:42 AM »
Trent could hear voices coming through his communicator. Mirdoran must have forgot to turn his off. The voices were clearly not Mirdoran's.
Trent (On communicator):
You alright Mirdoran? Theres strange sounds coming through from your earpiece.
Mirdoran(On communicator):
I've got company.
Cyrus, you keep sweeping this building. I've got some buisness in the sewers.
Ok then.
Trent ran down the nearby staircase and headed for the sewers
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I think
1:24 PM - [Razor]: I almost fell off my chair
1:24 PM - [Razor]: in anticipation for DICK
All men play on ten!
Posts: 2,852
Re: The Hunter's Run ~ RP
Reply #14 on:
August 11, 2008, 07:00:53 AM »
A thousand different passages, not one that I could focus on for long enough to comprehend. From all directions faint whispers, footsteps seemed to eminate. "Damnit!" I barked to myself in a hushed, hurried tone. I ducked my head, thinking a moment, craning my neck to face the passage I had come from, a dead end, looking down each of the three other options with a frown. I had no choice, it was find a path or die. I threw myself left foot forward, sprinting in an unknown direction.
I kept in my hurried, panicked run, one plan and one plan alone, to get the hell away from whoever was coming for me. Satisfied - for the time being - with the progress I had made, I ducked my head down, tumbling behind yet another of the wide, high dormant pipes, the putrid smell of stagnant water eminating from the slowly dripping puddle at my side. 'Damnit...' I locked my teeth together, each fighting for supremacy as I used both hands to carefully massage my injured foot. "I was moving too fast..." I assured myself in a low mumble, shutting my eyes as I slowly rubbed away the pain in my robotic, circular motion. "I'm being careless..."
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The Hunter's Run ~ RP