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Characters from Gaiman's Sandman - Dream, Delirium, Despair, etc.
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Topic: Characters from Gaiman's Sandman - Dream, Delirium, Despair, etc. (Read 4664 times)
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Characters from Gaiman's Sandman - Dream, Delirium, Despair, etc.
December 10, 2015, 09:01:42 AM »
Anyone care to make these? I've centered the plot of my Markiplier fan game around a crossover with the Sandman series, and I'm going to need several characters from that comic, as well as, eventually, some really trippy locations and backgrounds that play around with color and illusion. But I'm still in the planning/writing stages, so there's no rush.
If you're not familiar with the Sandman series (by Neil Gaiman -- I'm not talking the Spiderman villain), it's available for reading online, but bear in mind this is adult Dark Fantasy / Gothic Horror and definitely not for sensitive viewers or anyone easily offended. I need to describe things accurately for this request, so bear that in mind if you decide to continue reading.
Overall Style
I've basically decided on having the real world be in Earthbound-style graphics (already found someone to make Mark and his friends in that style at least), while the Dreaming (and most anything
the Dreaming) has more articulate graphics roughly in
Chrono Trigger
style. I think this will give an interesting contrast, and make it clear when dream things are invading reality (as opposed to Mark just dreaming about reality). It's possible that some areas of the Dreaming will be in different sprite styles, but it'll be a while before I know what I need for that aspect, so for right now it's just the one style.
I'm hoping for
a good degree of articulation
for Mark's sprite, but the other characters shouldn't need anywhere near that amount of mobility. Eventually I'll have some set pieces that need to be sprite-animated, but I haven't yet gotten far enough to know what I'll need in that regard.
Anyway, here's the ones I'm going to need (and please pipe up if you know where to find pre-existing resources, I had trouble searching for them). This is in order of importance as I've worked out the story so far:
I. Dream of the Endless
The story is set in real time, so the Dream I need is Daniel (the white one) rather than Morpheus (the shadowy one). Though I'd be pleased as punch to be able to play around with both versions.
Dream tends to dress up like the timeline he's in when he treads the earth, so I'd want a version of his "street clothes" (modern-ish for 2012), as well as the way he'd appear in The Dreaming.
II. Despair of the Endless
She's going to be the major antagonist/villain of the plot. Here's where the adult nature kicks in: It's my understanding that she's always naked, but I think the corpulence of her body should cover up any unmentionables on her lower half. Her saggy breasts can stay naked; there's a lot of reasons to keep it that way and no good reason to censor it (and hey, it's still low-resolution).
III. The Corinthian
The remade Corinthian, as self-assured and debonair as you can make him. With glasses and without, if it's possible to articulate those "eyes". Ideally, include a talking animation with his glasses off.
IV. Delirium of the Endless
She factors in strongly as illusions, madness, and bizarre spectres are a major factor in Mark's work, and he'll be walking through the realms of madness almost certainly more than once. Give her a "weird cheerful" kind of vibe that ups the creepy factor a bit -- something a bit like the Cheshire Cat.
That's the most important initial cast. It's my understanding that a lot of things changed after Daniel became Dream, but I have yet to read that section, so I don't know the cast details. From comments I take it I'll be needing a white raven.
Anyway, if anyone wants to craft these guys, I'd appreciate the help.
I have a website now! Currently just points at my fanfics (over 230 works, totaling over 750,000 words, mostly in Marvel and Person of Interest and now Lackadaisy too). YouTube channel on hiatus but I hope to eventually recreate "A Fugitive in Stardew Valley" now that I know how to mod the game.
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Game Creation
Characters from Gaiman's Sandman - Dream, Delirium, Despair, etc.