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Originally posted by Ace of SpadesWhy don't we just screw the fuking idea of making banners cuz everyone has a different opinion and someone's gonna be pissed off because they don't like it in the end. Yeah! That's the greatest damn idea yet. Screw the idea and make a banner that just says "Charas Forum" with nobody in it. Nothing. Just a background with that in it. Why the hell did I waste 4 hours on doing this anyway...
Originally posted by GhostClown212You spent four hourse cutting and pasting peoples icons!? Wow. But, MrMister is correct.
Originally posted by Ace of SpadesWhy the hell did I waste 4 hours on doing this anyway...
And by crowded I didn't mean too close together, I meant that everyone and their mother is in the banner. Trim some people.
Originally posted by GhostClown212Ew, how come people keep using Reain's text.. No offence Reain: But it sucks. And it's like mine but less.. Good