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Originally posted by MrMisterRev, what does a horse taking a poop have to do with charas?!
Originally posted by Ace of Spades quote:Why the hell did I waste 4 hours on doing this anyway... I'll answer my own question. Why did I do this? Because I wanted to
Originally posted by Osmose quote:Why the hell did I waste 4 hours on doing this anyway... Because you wanted to.
Originally posted by Ace of SpadesIf there's this much of a fuss about it, then how about we do nothing. I'm sorry I was an *** yesterday, something came up in my "real life" and then this happened to come next. I'm not really all that upset now. After all, this is the Charas World Fan Kingdom Board, so this was just something made to support Charas, I guess? It's no big deal. To those who liked it, thanks. To those who didn't, oh well, everybody has their own opinion about something. Respecting others' opinions is something that I always do, but yesterday I didn't. Sorry for that. But really, is this all necessary? Let's stop the fighting now, so it doesn't get worse. Just keep the banner that's up there now up. I mean, heck, someone's only gonna look at it once and say "Hey that's cool, or "Hey, that's stupid." It's not gonna affect them so much that they'll either cherish it like a god, or hate it like a SOB. So, who cares? I know that my opinion has changed greatly from last night, but I'm better now, and I'm back to normal. So, sorry again, and whatever we do with the logo, whether it be have a vote, keep the same one, whatever. Let's try not to make such a fuss over it again. (And yes, don't worry, I know that it was mostly me who did.)
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Ghostclown, I don't usually fight the admins but you're using the 'respect' you get from everone here to your own ends. Some say that a banner shouldn't just be the current members- but the banner you made was completely made by you! Admin or not, you own this forum as much as anyone else. Having the banner completely yours wouldn't show that. You're trading in the loyal members of the forum for 'style'.
Ace, stop whining - you did this of your own free will, not everyone's going to be all happy-gleeful about it. Yours isn't exactly original, and you choose how things were going to be done. If they had bad timing when coming up with a bunch of banners, oh well.Ghostclown, stop protecting carmen like she's your girlfriend. Her banner was basically the one above with faded avatars. She made it awhile ago, but that doesn't automatically shove it up in ranking.Yours was just a photoshop enhanced play on the main banner from the main page.Mrmister, horse poop can have many uses if you use it right.Rev, I don't think Alex would be happy with you portraying him as a Pac-Man-esqe man who likes the autumn colors on the main banner.I'm not attempting a banner because all that would acomplish is someone thinking that the reason why I don't like anyone else's so far is because I want my own banner up there. Ace, trim some people from that banner. Then, make another banner from the trimmed people, and a few more who want to be on the banner. Then, we can code a quick PHP script that will load a random banner up top of the page, either one, so no one is a bitch about how they're not on the banner.Happy, now?
Originally posted by OsmoseDon't stick my nose where it doesn't belong? So I'm not allowed to post, now? Whatever. Have fun with you and your banner. I'm sure your wonderful style in photoshop will be revered for the majesty that it is.